Does anyone else get embaressed at their posts from years ago?

  • Thread starter Toast999
United States
Anywhere, USA
I know I do. I recently started to regularly lurk these forums again, and out of boredom I looked at my post from a long time ago. Big mistake. I kind of wish I could delete them all, but whatever.

Does anyone else feel this way?
absolutly I have alot of really stupid posts but I am trying to rectify that its hard I make mistakes but try to do better next time lol
absolutly I have alot of really stupid posts but I am trying to rectify that its hard I make mistakes but try to do better next time lol

Yea me too. I look back at my posts from a year+ ago and think "What the hell are you thinking? Are you dumb?" Now because of this thread some people might look through them:grumpy:.
absolutly I have alot of really stupid posts but I am trying to rectify that its hard I make mistakes but try to do better next time lol


Over the 7 years I've been here, I am sure I've made some less than thought out posts. And that is before consider how much younger I was back then - pretty sure my first post had to do with an AE86 and Initial D (oh my)
I look back at some of my first posts and just think "Wow I was clueless! And had no idea how hard money was to make to modify things..."
Yes. Anything by me old enough to have Garamond font automatically makes me cringe a little, regardless of what the post has in it.
I was 13 when I first joined GTP. I am now 23. I think you can imagine the answer…
Absolutely, I was such a loser back then. I was young, stupid and ignorant, I hate reading those old posts :/.
I'm 13, all my posts are stupid.. I often get in trouble some way or another, for bringing up stupid off-topic things like sausages.. And things of the sort.

I'll be able to be embarrassed when I look back in 10 years..
I think I made many stupid posts in my first few months here before I left the GT5 section.

I was a bit embarrassed after TB pointed out that I'd made one or more posts just containing :whimsicalnon-smiliesmilies:.

Yup, still embarrassing myself to this day.
I was 13 when I first joined GTP. I am now 23. I think you can imagine the answer…

Kind of crazy how much can change in that time. Doubt you thought you were going to be a serious beer person when you signed up here :sly:

Of course I never saw myself spending money on camera gear over car stuff, let alone the amount I have.
I was 13 when I first joined GTP. I am now 23. I think you can imagine the answer…

14 and 23 here...:crazy:

If I posted now, like I did back then, I would probably have been banned for my lack of grammer and spelling. Ever since the GT4 drifter craze, the mods have really tightened up in that aspect :lol:
I've made a couple back when I was pretty much new to GTP. But unfortunately, I have done it again recently :ouch:
I was 13 when I first joined GTP. I am now 23. I think you can imagine the answer…

I know that sometimes over the years, I have said things that weren't entirely correct, but were at least based on the most accurate information I had available to me at the time. I'm not embarrassed for being wrong once in a while.

But in terms of behaviour? I started on the internet in College. Back in High School, we hardly had a telephone service, let alone internet, so I don't have any embarrassing teen moments online.

Just don't look at my lovesick schoolboy poetry at :D
Somethings I said were stupid even though I only joined in January. The thing that makes me feel bad is feeling like a part of the GT5 wave. Even though I didn't really have GT5 until about 2 months after I joined. :indiff:
I get embarrassed when I look at some of my posts from barely 1 year ago :guilty:

I try to avoid getting into trouble nowadays, though I still occasionally do idiotic things at times :dunce:
I don't think I've ever been embarrassed about anything I've posted. I've never posted anything malicious and if someone misunderstood me then it was stupidity on their part. :lol:

'Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention...'
I forgot to mention I joined when I was 12 too, made everything 1000 times worse, 16 now :).
Yes is the answer for me, and undoubtedly I will look back 5 years from now at posts I make today and think the very same.
Nope. I've always been awesome.

That, and I joined here when I was 22/23 anyway and have a particularly low tolerance of idiocy, including my own. I generally wish to be perceived on the net as I'd wish to be perceived in real life, which means I've only ever posted if I felt it would add something to a discussion.
Wow I'm 13 at the moment, and I don't think I've made any immature posts. I guess that means I am quite mature. I joined when I was 12 by the way.
Wow I'm 13 at the moment, and I don't think I've made any immature posts. I guess that means I am quite mature. I joined when I was 12 by the way.

Uh, no you didn't. You shouldn't say that.
I would definitely want to go back in time. I had another account which I asked to be banned, which I used to post my less-than-educated opinion. Also, my english at the time was very bad. I think my english is good every day since past.
I suppose I have written some stupid things in my time....probably during my time running my "market", I loved getting all the cars easily, but in the end it took the challenge away, so I wiped my save game and started again :lol:

Oh, and the irony in the Thread title is awesome! embarrassed
I suppose I've also made heaps of stupid posts irrelevant to the point of a discussion, I hate reading my old posts I made a dozens of months back and I still am embarrassed to read how others would react to my sayings. :guilty:
Yes. But they were all in the first account I made here, IVKillerVI. Granted that account is only a little over a year old, and I only used it in the GT5 section, but still.

I was so embarrassed by the name I actually had it banned and started over with this glorious name. Haven't been on this one long enough to have any 'long-ago' embarrassing posts. But I do have some recent ones:dunce:

I am embarrassed by every post with that account because the name is bad and it makes me feel bad.
Wow I'm 13 at the moment, and I don't think I've made any immature posts. I guess that means I am quite mature. I joined when I was 12 by the way.

Are you kidding me? You've made at least 100 ridiculous posts.

I'm just kidding.

Personally, I don't have any posts that I'm embarrassed about. I only joined a few years ago, and I'm 24. I did post at IGN between the age of 13 and 18 though and probably made a few embarrassing posts. As for GTplanet, I can't think of any. Sometimes I come across as being quite harsh on the forums and it's not really my intention. My friends all know that I'm a sarcastic *******, but that doesn't always translate very well on the internet.
I joined last year (October 2nd 2010), 6 or 7 days after I turned 15.

Am I ashamed/embarrassed of my posts?

Have I made posts at 4am that made little to no sense?
Yes, but I usually edited them later so they were understandable.

EDIT: I have made many useless posts, but even more useful ones. But as always; It's the bad ones that get ya noticed
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