Does anyone else get embaressed at their posts from years ago?

  • Thread starter Toast999
A few weeks ago I decided to go and search for some of the earlier posts I made in the GT5 section, seeing as I had absolutely nothing else to do at the time. Some of those posts actually made me cringe, plus many of them were in the "GT5 Latest News & Discussion" thread. I noticed that I used this smilie :) in nearly all of my earlier posts as well. I almost never use it these days.

Oh, and I've only been on the site for 364 days.
January 2012 will make 9 years for me. Im sure somewhere along the way I have really bad stuff (just not possible to be perfect). That said, old timers like Sage and I luck out since those posts are so old its kinda difficult to find many of them.

Either The General Anime Thread (still active today), or something from my WRS days would be the best way to see my post from over 8 years ago.

Btw a 13y/o saying they havent done anything immature is like a 16 y/o saying they are a good driver... Sure it seems that way now but give it ten years and you'll see. :sly:
I joined when I was 12, of course I'm embarrassed by the asshattery I displayed. I managed to put myself on permanent last chance status, which I have carefully avoided for the next three years. I'm so earnestly appalled by my past conduct, I'm actually afraid to go and look in these old threads.

EDIT: When I was 13, I thought I was mature, and now that I'm 16, I think I'm a good driver. Oh what fun time does to people.
I am a fairly new member, and so I have made embarrassing and stupid posts before, and I still am. That's just the way of getting into GT Planet though.
Embarrassed? No. My posts have been awesome from day one.
Rykon Zero
Presumably you didn't join until puberty had time to take its course.

Hey I resemble that remark! :grumpy:

I joined when i was 11 so thats a guarantee the majority of my posts were crap. Probably still are. Its a work in progress.
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Puberty was past but my early posts were still immature and sort of 'suck-up-ish'. Also got bad grammar in them now that I look back at it. Was aware of the AUP though, I tought that was good grammar.:ouch:
Puberty was past but my early posts were still immature and sort of 'suck-up-ish'. Also got bad grammar in them now that I look back at it. Was aware of the AUP though, I tought that was good grammar.:ouch:

Pretty sure you are still in that puberty phase of life.

Or something like that. The awkward years.

Yeah, there we go.
Wow, a lot of new posts!
I'm sure like what some people said, I'm gonna look back at the posts I'm making now and think the same thing I think when I look at the posts I made earlier.

I dunno if everyone can relate, but it's kind of like when you weight a lot less the you did, say, two years ago, and think "did I really look like that? I weight 40 pounds less then I did a year ago, and now when I look at any old pictures, I can't help but to cringe.
Yeah... did a quick search through my posts on the GT5 section and wow...

Not that I changed much in one and a half two years, but my posting style depicts me much better than before. I sound like a fourteen year-old judging by my 2009 posts. :grumpy:

EDIT: It's my 2nd GTP birthday already, it feels like I've registered yesterday... :odd:
Yeah... did a quick search through my posts on the GT5 section and wow...

Not that I changed much in one and a half two years, but my posting style depicts me much better than before. I sound like a fourteen year-old judging by my 2009 posts. :grumpy:

EDIT: It's my 2nd GTP birthday already, it feels like I've registered yesterday... :odd:

I know, I dont feel like I've been here since Christmas of '08. I still feel new.
I'm 17 now, and I joined when I was 13. Some of the earlier posts are just awful, and I'm sure I'll look back and say that about my posts now if GTP is still around in 5 years.
Either The General Anime Thread (still active today), or something from my WRS days would be the best way to see my post from over 8 years ago.

The other day someone mentioned in the anime thread that I was at the first page. I was like WTF really? and went to take a look.

OMG I shouldn't have.

Yes, I am embarrased. On the other hand, I can't help but notice how much my english and my view of things have gotten better.
To be honest, I try not to think about it and resist the urge to go look for them older posts.

I think it's better that way.
My spellink was kindo lowsy...But that was before Firefox had a spell checker. For kicks, I recently searched for "form" under my username and found I misused it about 400 times where I intended to use the word "from".

I don't regret many posts, to be honest, but that's because I joined up at the age of 27.
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After a few weeks of joining GTP I blatantly said an offensive word and Scaff told me that it isn't allowed in this forum. And then here I am, nearing 3000 posts, and I haven't said that word ever.

No hard feelings, no regrets. And yes I'm 13 and so far I've been here for only months.

EDIT: Apparently, title said year.

But I still didn't regret posting here.
I got banned about 17 times, so. . .

I really haven't been around like I used to otherwise I wouldn't have been so stupid to not pick up on this. I think I found out a while ago but forgot because I spend a lot of time elsewhere and GTP will kind of be one tab in a sea of them.

Regardless, Howdy.

In response to the thread title, simply, yes.
I put my 'embarrassing' posts i've made down to my yoof, and that i had worse depression back then (i was negative quite often).
It hasn't been a year yet, but my posts as a new member really make me out to sound like a prick.

In other words, not much has changed. :lol:
It hasn't been a year yet, but my posts as a new member really make me out to sound like a prick.

In other words, not much has changed. :lol:

You must've posted a LOT of crap when yo uwere new here... I mean, 3000 posts in less than a year?
I don't get embarrassed. I just post more embarrassing posts with my current posts to cover up the embarrassing posts I made in the past. :D