Does anyone else think we will still be clueless after TGS?

  • Thread starter Scoop2004
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Part of me is thinking that all we are going to find out at TGS is

The release date
Playable demo of the final build, with 1 car being drivable,against 15 AI cars that wont change between players,at a set time on a set track with set weather.

So if weather and day/night cycles are present they will not be demonstrated...they may not even be anounced,we may have to wait until we get the game home and encounter our first race where it begins to rain

Night races i feel are guaranteed,and i hope the 24hr races go from day to night and back,but the normal races i think will be held at either day or night,or dawn/dusk for some

Anyone thinking the same?
I was thinking a bit about the night races this morning - the tracks I guess would be quite easy to do but they would have had to have created night time illumination for all of the interiors (1000 odd!) as well as colouring all the dials and gauges appropriately, it may be a lot more work than we've all though at first glance. That's not to say I don't hope its in, I'm just not going to be mortified if its not...
Reporters need to ask right questions first:
Cockpit view on all cars?
Does final game have 1:1 steering animation option for wheel users? (this is big one for me :) )
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