Does Anyone Think The Endurance Races Are Too easy?

  • Thread starter Remy Zero
I have about 2 hours plus left of racing. I'm 14 laps down to the leas Sauber, and i can't win the race now. However, I'm about 6 laps down to the 4th plac Peugeot, and the rest i can't remember.

However, i'm not ruling out a podium, or a 2nd place finish. I lost lots of time between the 12-20th hour of the race. The car handled so badly, even on the Mulsanne, i was struggling to drive the car on a straight line. I smashed into the wall at the Mulsanne when i was overtaking one of the cars, and also another time when i was making a correction.

However, now, the oil light has popped up now, and i've lost about 2-3 kph on the straights as a result. However, i have no idea why the car is so easy to control now. I've been lapping really fast, in the 2'56 brackets, and catching the opposition fast.

The car feels really new now, only the brakes doesn't feel new, however lol..

Anyways, i hope to finish up the remaining of the race between today and tomorrow.
Something that I think adds a fun dimension to the 24hr enduros is have some friends over and drive the race in shifts. When the wife was OS on holiday once, I got 2 mates over for a boys night, one was a good driver in real life but who hadn't played much on racing games, and the other friend wasn't much of a driver in real life and terrible in game. We did the 'ring 24hr, took 2-3 hrs shifts each, we had drinks and munchies on hand, and we had a blast. The guy who wasn't much of a driver lost us time and/or positions in his shifts, so the pressure was on for me and the second guy to catch up.

Much more fun than having Bob as a co-driver.
Something that I think adds a fun dimension to the 24hr enduros is have some friends over and drive the race in shifts. When the wife was OS on holiday once, I got 2 mates over for a boys night, one was a good driver in real life but who hadn't played much on racing games, and the other friend wasn't much of a driver in real life and terrible in game. We did the 'ring 24hr, took 2-3 hrs shifts each, we had drinks and munchies on hand, and we had a blast. The guy who wasn't much of a driver lost us time and/or positions in his shifts, so the pressure was on for me and the second guy to catch up.

Much more fun than having Bob as a co-driver.

I've seen this idea posted before. Would be cool to do it...none of my friends are that dedicated to racing games tho. :( NOt long enough to sit for hours, anyways.
I've seen this idea posted before. Would be cool to do it...none of my friends are that dedicated to racing games tho. :( NOt long enough to sit for hours, anyways.

Well I think i just got my friends to realize that actually braking in a race= good
crashing into every wall possible= bad

Sooo be glad you don't have friends like that....
I completed the game over the weekend. I finished 4th, overtaking the Peugeot in the last 10 mins of the race.

Overall, i'm satisfied. This was the first time i had to charge at every single lap of an enduro race.
The Endurance races 24hrs.
To Make things interesting i used a car that i won in 'American Events' >Stars and Stripes<: CHEVROLET Camaro LM Race Car '01, fantastic free car and good handling as its a car you cannot buy from the dealer!
Sure, i had to give it some minor tuning ... and entered it into a 24hrs race of 'Circuit de la Sarthe l' racing against car like Bentley speed 8 race car, mercedes amg ..etc It kept up with no probs! and cornered well.
The Only Annoying thing i really Hated was ....i was leading the whole race and even lapped couple of the race cars ...on the 110 lap ...the fli**ing thing goes into Auto Pilot mode and starts racing on its own!!! what a load of nonsense...I really hope With GT5 they omit this or i may have to get a sledge hammer and hammer the game into particles of dust!! Since when do you enter a race real life and half way through you let someone else take over? answer is you dont! plus its called 'real driving similator' they should keep it realistic as possible.
Some may find that extreme.... Well after 392 laps racing over 3 days A-spec (8hrs a day)...and getting 3rd place after all that ...Due to the fact -at lap 110 it goes into auto pilot mode - and drives on its own like a SundayDriver ...dropping my lead to 3rd place And also 30 second Pit Stops..thats outrageous... IT would P any1 off!
Anyone got any codes to get hold of the 'Bentley Speed 8 race car'. I dont like to cheat but its got to be done. If i cannot race realistically without 'auto-pilot' jumping in, i do not want to waste anymore time going in circles.
The Endurance races 24hrs.
After that crazy 392 laps of 'Circuit de la Sarthe l' - The ultimate compensation for my upset is: This will benefit all GT fans ...And yes .. It Works.. Ive just tried it! :)

Enter yourself into 24hrs endurance Nurburgring ... (the one which you get 100,000 for 6th place)
1. Race round the track and park the car a good distance away from the finish line i.e in front of a wall.
2. leave your ps2 running on its own, it left it at 8pm ..went work next morning...came home had dinner etc at 8pm i check up on the race ... clock read 24hrs46mins
3.PERFECT!!! SURE GOT LAPPED 193 TIMES ...NO BIG DEAL ... I ROLLED THE CAR OVER THE FINISH LINE ... finished 6th ..Got awarded 100,000 just for 1 lap of Nurburgring!!!!!

Please try it > and let me know how you feel!
on the 110 lap ...the fli**ing thing goes into Auto Pilot mode and starts racing on its own!!! what a load of nonsense...I really hope With GT5 they omit this or i may have to get a sledge hammer and hammer the game into particles of dust!! Since when do you enter a race real life and half way through you let someone else take over? answer is you dont! plus its called 'real driving similator' they should keep it realistic as possible.

What do you mean? The only way you could get from a- spec to b- spec is if you did a pit stop and somehow set it to b-spec. And yes in real life you do let someone else take over. Believe me when I say this the g forces are a lot bigger in a real car than in your couch and you get tired faster than you might think. And even without that it would be hard to stay concentrated for that long, because in a real race there isn't a magical pause button. Just offering my oppinion, because i think, that you made a simple mistake and blamed the game.

By the way In the future please use the edit button instead of double posting.
What do you mean? The only way you could get from a- spec to b- spec is if you did a pit stop and somehow set it to b-spec. And yes in real life you do let someone else take over. Believe me when I say this the g forces are a lot bigger in a real car than in your couch and you get tired faster than you might think. And even without that it would be hard to stay concentrated for that long, because in a real race there isn't a magical pause button. Just offering my oppinion, because i think, that you made a simple mistake and blamed the game.

By the way In the future please use the edit button instead of double posting.

What im saying is...what literally happened.. maybe it was something i pressed..,,who knows.. But on that lap All that appeared was a black border with limited control options in symbols at the top i.e overtake, pit stop, and other racing desciptions of what you want the car to do... like race hard, easy.. etc
The car was under its own control... all i could do was watch it race! and under perform... if that sounds like b-spec option, let me know . Im learning as i race along. Little features like this Ruin the racing experience.

Also, sure you dont do a 24hrs endurance on your own but...when you are racing in a championship The one who starts the race is usually the one that finishes it, like any real life championships, in most cases.
Soz.. for double posting ...its been a while from when i originally joined.
What im saying is...what literally happened.. maybe it was something i pressed..,,who knows.. But on that lap All that appeared was a black border with limited control options in symbols at the top i.e overtake, pit stop, and other racing desciptions of what you want the car to do... like race hard, easy.. etc
The car was under its own control... all i could do was watch it race! and under perform... if that sounds like b-spec option, let me know . Im learning as i race along. Little features like this Ruin the racing experience.

Welcome back Jatman2008 -

Apokalipse is correct, it sounds like you pressed B-spec during one of your pits stops, and went into the B-spec Mode. You can't change this back until the next pit stop, but if you press the pit stop button, your car will pit on the next lap and you can take over again. Once in the pit stop (where you can change tires and fuel) you can also switch between A-spec and B-spec. If you switch back to A-spec you can regain control of the car and finish the race.

B-spec is good for winning easy money, driving a portion of an endurance race, and for wearing out cars overnight (getting the oil dirty), but you are right, it will loose races unless your car is better than the other AI cars, or on much better tires.

The Endurance races 24hrs.
After that crazy 392 laps of 'Circuit de la Sarthe l' - The ultimate compensation for my upset is: This will benefit all GT fans ...And yes .. It Works.. Ive just tried it! :)

Enter yourself into 24hrs endurance Nurburgring ... (the one which you get 100,000 for 6th place)
1. Race round the track and park the car a good distance away from the finish line i.e in front of a wall.
2. leave your ps2 running on its own, it left it at 8pm ..went work next morning...came home had dinner etc at 8pm i check up on the race ... clock read 24hrs46mins
3.PERFECT!!! SURE GOT LAPPED 193 TIMES ...NO BIG DEAL ... I ROLLED THE CAR OVER THE FINISH LINE ... finished 6th ..Got awarded 100,000 just for 1 lap of Nurburgring!!!!!

Please try it > and let me know how you feel!

I can get 275k for doing 4 laps of costa di amalfi. It takes around 10 minutes as opposed to 24 hours. But you can keep doing that if you wish...
Thankyou for the help members: GTsail290, Apokalipse, Seismica.

Cheers, now im more relieved to get back into few more races...knowing that little bit more about the control options. I can see how b-spec might be useful, though i prefer a-spec, for at least for 90 percent of a race.

I have to say ...the competition in the endurance race get quit pushy... bit of tactical manouvering.. when you race cautiously. Get cars ramming into you from behind and alsorts, i just give them some of their own medicine...tail them till they run into the sand!

May have to give 'Costa di amalfi' at little visit... sounds good for easy credit. Eventually, all i want to do is get hold of all the best cars in the game and tune them up to the max.

It would be great if Somehow you could transfer credits and game data onto a usb stick rather than a memory card. At least then... looking ahead... could transfer to a PS3 'the 60gb version' that allows the use of ps2 games.
Someone out there must know of a way.