Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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Found out today that Mark Henry has signed a new 3 year deal at the WWE....three more years of Mark Henry?!

If he can keep going at a decent level then sure. But I don't know if he can. He really needs to think about losing weight. Being that heavy and getting on in life isn't a great recipe. Same with Big Show.
He was back on RAW wasn't he Big Show after a knee problem, it is reported that he and Henry will have a little rivalry with the SHIELD....
Yeah that's right, they are going to be doing a new Leprecheun film as well with Hornswaggle..
I spend alot of time on Dirt Sheets. I could blow your minds with the stuff I know about future wrestling but obviously won't post it. Yet I've heard nothing about Kane retiring.
Cant wait for tonight, going to try and watch the kick-off show as well because RVD-Ambrose should be good..
Well, don't really know what to say. Happy they're turning Orton Heel but not a huge fan of him anyway. Would have liked Bryan to have a run but him chasing then capturing in the future should definitely be on the cards. If this has just set up "Cena Vs Orton" then I won't bother starting watching again.
I knew Triple H would turn heel and take out one of them!

But im happy to see Orton turned as well and its good to see his career back on track but we'll have to wait until RAW to see what happens next..

I enjoyed the rest of the card, Punk-Lesnar was great once they put the late stip in, they will definitely have another match at Night of Champions as will Del Rio and Christian which was also a good match..

So I enjoyed it last night and im very much looking forward to Raw tonight which is pretty much guaranteed to be awesome!
Kinda sucks that some guy on reddit has been predicting the ppvs for like 8 months now. The whole card... perfect. Leakers be leakin.

By the way, I don't know how anyone can watch wrasslin. I mean, you might as a kid, but looking at it now is like totally hilariously stupid.
Rasslin' =/= sports entertainment

Rasslin' is an actual, if predetermined, competition. Sports entertainment is hokey scripts written by 'creative' douchebags like Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff and produced by w***ers like Kevin Dunn who have now gone so far as to even remove the word 'wrestling' from a wrestling show.

I challenge you to find the word 'wrestling' in WWE these days. It's not even in the name of the company.
Well wrestling is in the name of the company lol

Just watched it because i dvr it, and all i have to say is, WTF WTF WTF

Lesnar vs punk, was incredible, maybe match of the year

Cena vs brian, some botches but still amazing match. And brian fn won. I almost wet myself i was so happy, (too bad he didnt make cena tap) but then it gets weird with triple h sitting there pating brian on the back alot, shaking his hand. Fireworks. U knew something was bout to happen, then that BS happens. Now dont get me wrong im sooo happy orton heel, but come the truck on. Why couldnt he punt cena on the way out or something else. Triple h im very happy he turned heel, but im soo frustrated it was on brian.

I would give rate this ppv as a 9/10 super awsome show.
I agree with you Pfeffer702, it was a Brilliant ppv, the best of the year, the only bad match was RVD-Ambrose...I watched the kickoff show for the first time last night and I wad disappointed it ended with a DQ after the spear by Roman Reigns, it could've been a great match..
Damn! You got me there, fair play. SportsEntertainmentMania doesn't have the same ring to it.

But that aside...
In the main event.

Michael cole

It's the quote wrestler vs the quote entertainer, does John Cena really want to get into a wrestling match with Daniel Bryan?

Don't believe me go listen for yourself.
I remember that. Yea its sad that there called superstars. And that wrestle match is rare to see, the last true 1 i saw was brian vs punk in 2012
So after watching a ok raw i realised that if it wasnt for cena having to leave bryan probably wouldnt of lost the title. But since he needed someone to fued with the writers created this mess.

Or maybe this was the plan and cena would been in it to leading to couple triple threats at ppv's
Its not a mess, its a great storyline, the McMahons turning heel? I love it!

Michael cole said, on commentary during the Main Event, the word Wrestler, then wrestling in the space of 5 seconds. Yet you claimed they'd removed it completely. Yes they've shyd away from "Wrestling" but you'd never get rid of it completely.
Cena and Bryan mentioned the word wrestler a few times on Miztv last week...
I would love to see Cena return as a heel and joins the Mcmahons and Bryan becomes the face of WWE but we all know that will not happen :(.
Just seen what happening on Smackdown tonight, it'll start with Orton addressing what happened on Raw, and there's a rematch between Del Rio and Christian, don't know if that's for the title though...
Just seen what happening on Smackdown tonight, it'll start with Orton addressing what happened on Raw, and there's a rematch between Del Rio and Christian, don't know if that's for the title though...

Non-title match, also a steel cage match barret vs bryan