Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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Hey that'll be a good match cant wait for that

Also, i haven't a clue who will Orton's opponent be for Night of wont be Bryan because even if they do give him the match they will only screw him over again, Cenas injured and it looks like the Punk/Heyman/Lesnar feud is who else is there??
It will be brian.

Then they'll have there last match at hell in a cell.
They not going to have orton hold the title for only a month so brian most likley will not win at NOC but orton could drop it at hell in a cell, speaking of that, i guessing brock and punk will have there next match at hell in a cell, in the cell, unless they wait to a bigger ppv like survior series.
No i think Punk/Lesnar will be at Hell in a Cell, just imagine the match they have will have there, could be the best of the year!
Now i think your right bout wm30 but punk and lesnar was a insane match. And theres more they can do with that story line. Seeing how great the match was im sure wwe will capitalize on it and resume there fued at hell in a cell.

Plus punks a face and lesnar a heel, a heel doesnt just win one match agenst the face, there be a rematch, look at the lesnar triple h, they had 3 matches till finnaly they let brock go over triple h.
That would be a bit of a comedown for Punk from the Lesnar match...

...I still don't like that Bryan will fight Orton at NOC, It would be a good match but ive got the feeling that Triple H would come down and pedigree Bryan and screw him out of it again..
Brian and orton are really the only main event guys right now on raw. Cena gone, punk with heyman fued, probably will face axel at NOC in some sort of no holds barred match. Unless they take some one from smack down, cuz it looks like rvd vs del rio at NOC. But i do agree i dont want to sed brian get screwed again, but i dont think there is any other main event talent on raw to face orton. So i predicting another D. Brian screw job.

Didnt see smackdown last night. Was it a decent show?
Yeah it was good, Vickie introduced Orton at the start, and he didn't say much just that he was the face of the WWE and he needs the fans support (loud boos followed) then Bryan came out, thanked Cena for the match and opportunity and said that Orton only got to where he has today because he is third generation and he is pretty and chiselled, he wanted a rematch for the title there and then but Orton said he would have to wait until NOC, he then attempted an RKO on him but Bryan just Kicked him out of the ring....the backstage Barrett confronted Vickie and demanded a match with Bryan, she said yes...with the match in a steel cage...

Del Rio beat Christian after battering his shoulder and making him tap out to the arm breaker again, then RVD and Ricardo came out Christian hit ADR with a drop kick which lead to RVD hitting him with the rolling moonslault

Elsewhere, Ziggler beat Big E Langston again, Big Show/Henry easily beat 3MB in a handicap match after which Reigns and Rollins appeared on the tron just saying how they were better than them

...So the main event was Bryan v Barrett in the cage, was a decent match, Bryan won cleanly by hitting Barrett with the running knee that won him the belt from Cena...then after the match Orton came out of nowhere and hit him with an RKO....and that was it...
Thought Raw was quite good last night, they are continuing with the HHH power trip and Bryan is still getting the brunt of it, although he did get a little revenge last night, the best match I though last night was Orton v Christian although they did botch a couple of moves...and Orton/Bryan and RVD/Del Rio have been confirmed for NOC, as is CM Punk v Heyman and Axel in a handicap match..
Just finished watching raw, and i enjoyed it, i like really like D. Brian and orton story line,
And cm punk paul heyman was awsome to watch. And that german suplex brian gave to rollins was insane. Del rio and rvd was good, orton and christian always have a decent match, and aj cut a pretty good promo. So all in all NOC is looking pretty damn good
I like the main event storyline as well but ive still got the feeling that at NOC Bryan will put Orton in the yes lock for ages and Orton is about to tap out then triple H comes out and pedigrees Bryan and costs him the match...I bet you have that feeling as well!
Yep brian will get screwed at night of champions. It sucks he really deserves the title, but may be they'll carry the story line onto hell in a cell which would be awsome.
Something that I want to mention as well...I think the worst thing the WWE are doing right now is the Ryback thing, this is a company that's heavily involved in anti-bullying and 'be-a-star' and all that and they have a guy that bullies random members of staff...I hate it when the company is hypocritical like that...
Yea, i havent seen him in a match in a while, im guessing he has some sort of injury and there just keeping him on tv, but i dont mind his gimmick,
I don't rate him as a wrestler but the gimmick is good, another good thing on raw last night was AJ and that great promo she really liking her as a wrestler she is vastly improved...
I dont ethier i go by in ring talent and mic work, but i feel like the gimmick suits him, he looks like a bully, or a wanna be goldberg. But aj did cut a sick promo and it was flaw less, her and natalya are in my opinion the only divas that can wrestle on the current roster.
So you know we have been saying that Brock Lesnar would probably fight CM Punk at Hell in a Cell, well im not sure that's going to happen now because when he re-signed with the WWE it was only for three PPVs a year and he has wrestled at Wrestlemania, Extreme Rules and Summerslam this year so he will most likely be at next years Wrestlemania next..
So you know we have been saying that Brock Lesnar would probably fight CM Punk at Hell in a Cell, well im not sure that's going to happen now because when he re-signed with the WWE it was only for three PPVs a year and he has wrestled at Wrestlemania, Extreme Rules and Summerslam this year so he will most likely be at next years Wrestlemania next..

Yeah this. I wasn't going to say just incase someone thought of it as a spoiler.
Well he could of signed a exstention on the contract. But we will have by the end of night of champions we will have a 100% answer if brock vs punk will happen, and i think hell in a cell match but doesnt have to be at that ppv, but it would make sence tho.
Watched Smackdown last night, I wont spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it but I didn't enjoy it, they ended up pummelling Bryan again for no reason (which is getting old now) and the Miz, Big Show and Dolph Ziggler also felt Triple H's wrath..
Watched Smackdown last night, I wont spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it but I didn't enjoy it, they ended up pummelling Bryan again for no reason (which is getting old now) and the Miz, Big Show and Dolph Ziggler also felt Triple H's wrath..

I think they're piling the odds against him so when he does finally break through and win the big one he will look so much stronger.
I know but did they really have to Humiliate the Big Show like that, and have the Shield rip apart Miz and Ziggler...I know its not real but I felt really uncomfortable watching it last night..