Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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Really not sure if I want to watch it on Sunday, nothing on the card screams great match to me, Orton/Bryan could be great if they left it alone have have a clean match, but we all know they probably wont, Punk v Axel/Heyman looks a bit meh as does RVD/ ive been in two minds whether to buy it or not, but I probably will at the last minute!

Also Edge will be on Smackdown with the Cutting Edge tonight with his guests being Orton and Bryan..
I often pull all nighters for WWE PPV's, but with Grand Theft Auto V a few nights later which I will be doing an all nighter then WWE will miss out. Stop making lacklustre cards with emphasis on 1 or 2 matches and then just fillers.
Yea unfortunently i have couple friends coming over to watch it. With me so, even tho doesnt look im forced to buy it, but who knows it may be a awsome show,
Decided that I will watch it tonight and I think deep down I always was going to watch it, I think two of the matches could be really good if they left them alone, I know that everyone is expecting them to screw Bryan out of the title match but if they just left it as it is then it'll be a great match between the two..

Also, I think I Ziggler/Ambrose could be good but I fear the shield will come down and triple power-bomb him!
I dont want to spen 42$ on it, card isnt good enough, but maybe sandow will cash in tonight, any 1 a website or sites that will be live streaming it?
If they don't reverse the decision.....

That's a good point because I thought the refs 3 count was fast and remember he took a bump in the match so perhaps he was still selling it, so they could address that tonight..

..I thought the show was good and Orton and Bryan easily had the match of the night, but I was really disappointed with the finish to the WHC title and Punk/Heyman/Axel matches

Also, Raw tonight Stephanie McMahon invites Dusty Rhodes to give him a business proposition and I think I know what that is, Rhodes is the GM of NXT but a couple of weeks ago he lost his job to JBL...
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They wont, im mad about ryback being a paul heyman guy, hes not good enough, i was hoping for wade barret someone that deserves a push and a whc title run
Here's what I'm thinking.

HHH - As per the official rule book, once a ref has been replaced in a match due to injury that ref is then removed from the match. He can no longer become ref again therefore the decision doesn't stand as Scott Armstrong wasn't the ref Mike Chicoda (I think) was. Randy Orton was never pinned and is still the WWE Champion.

Oh urm, spoiler alert? :lol: :sly:
That's got to be one of the weirdest and most uncomfortable episodes of Raw ive ever seen, heres what went down

HHH got it into his head that the fast count that Armstrong did was part of a conspiracy with him and Bryan so he fired Armstrong and got Bryan to vacate the title until further notice, the title is vacant for now..

..Dusty Rhodes gave a fantastic promo about his sons until Stephanie made tried to make him choose which of Goldust or Cody he would give their job back, he didn't choose and when he told her to go to hell the shield came down looking for a beatdown but the Stephanie called the Big show out who was then forced to knock Rhodes out, that was difficult to watch..

Orton got fired up by Stephanie who told him to up his game after his loss at NOC, Orton then destroyed the Miz in his home town and right in front of his parents, that was difficult to watch...

Heyman was wheeled out in a chair alongside Ryback and said it wasn't planned and he was saved by Ryback then Ryback said that if Punk wants to get to Heyman he will have to get through him, Heyman then kissed him on the cheek, which was weird!

The main event was a great match between Bryan and Roman Reigns with the shield and Orton at ringside, it was a great match until there was an unevitable DQ when the shield ran in and stated to beatdown Bryan with Orton, Bryan was then saved by several members of the roster who ran out to destroy the shield and then lifted Bryan on their shoulders
I taped Smackdown last night and Im going to watch it later but I know that HHH put all the guys that came out and helping Bryan at the end of Raw in an 11 man gauntlet match against the Shield, Hmm I wonder if they broke their own record for the most triple power-bombs in one night...
For battleground, i really dont wanna watch orton vs bryan again, unless its like a no holds barred match, same with punk and ryback. Feel asleep during del rio and kingston last night, so ima try to find the show on youtube.
Not sure if ill be getting the PPV, not sure I can afford it, ill have to see how I am money wise closer top the event..
Surprised that no-one has posted on here in over a week...but anyway what does everyone think of Battleground, I think its shaped up well and I will most definitely be watching...because its free! :sly:
Battleground is free?

Looks like a good card.

I really want the S.H.E.I.L.D to break up now. I'm sick and tired of them ruining matches by coming in and bashing people up.
Its free in the long as you've got Sky Sports, which I have...
Looking forward to it though, I think the card looks quite good..
Yea, hasnt been interesting to me, orton and bryan may put on a great match, but i feel like im watching the same thing every week, so i took a break, i dont even think im going to watch smackdown, but ill order battleground.
Well ill fill you in, I think the one new thing you have probably missed out on is the feud between the McMahons and the Rhodes, im guessing you heard about Cody being 'fired' and the week after Goldust had a match with Orton that if he won then Cody would get his job back (he lost) then Dusty got involved which didn't end well for him, so its come down to Cody and Goldust taking on Reigns and Rollins on Sunday and if they win Cody will have his job back and Goldust will have a job there but if they lose Dusty will lose his job as NXT GM..

Also Ryback is now a Heyman guy and will face Punk on Sunday, it will be ADR v RVD in a hardcore WHC match, AJ Lee v Brie Bella for the divas title and Ziggler v Sandow in the kickoff show, that's the card for now but I think they can add another match to it..
That's because on Raw the past week R-truth took on Axel which was non title and Truth picked up the win after Punks Cult of Personality played during the match which caused a distraction for Axel and then Truth hit him with his finisher and that was that...