Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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A very Meh Raw last night I thought although the main event was good..what was the point of the Brock Lesnar thing?
Elimination Chamber will be make or break for me. If it fails, I have no faith that Wrestlemania will be any better. Ironic how it is in my favourite PPV :lol:.

If it goes well, here is my Wrestlemania dream card:
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Batista (WWE Title)
John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
Undertaker vs. The S.H.I.E.L.D (Handicap)
CM Punk vs. Kane or Triple H
AJ Lee (c) vs. Tamina Snuka (Divas Title).

That is all I have so far.
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Don't think the Undertaker can beat the Shield on his own, so your suggesting the streak will end?

And where's Orton in all that?
Not a massive surprise that Punk walked out, he has looked disinterested for months and I think he has a point when he says that the part-timers just walk back in and get main event slots which leaves the full-times who are there day in day out in the lurch, but im gutted that he is gone as its a pleasure to watch him wrestle every time and I hope he will be back sooner rather than later....I thought it was weird when he wasn't on Raw and when he posted that tweet Monday night...
I wouldn't blame Punk. WWE are making dumb decisions. Seriously, he had to job and lose to a guy who returned only 2 years ago and he has only appeared in 2 matches.

Sorry for being a bit egotistical but my ideas are way better than what WWE do.

With Punk gone, I can cancel my Punk vs. Triple H and replace it Randy Orton vs. Triple H (After Orton loses the title Authority moves on to Batista and loses all faith in Orton, which makes him face or at least tweener.)

Don't think the Undertaker can beat the Shield on his own, so your suggesting the streak will end?
No, this the point where The Shield are almost broken up and don't trust each other. There are 2 endings

1. The Shield collapse and lose.
2. The Shield start trusting each other and start working as a single unit.

Maybe you could even combine 2 and 1 (they start trusting each other but later collapse).
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I've read it'll might be Bryan who'll face Triple H at Wrestlemania...

...also Sky Sports have signed a new five year deal to show all WWE programming including all twelve PPV's in the UK, the current deal ends in next year...
I've read it'll might be Bryan who'll face Triple H at Wrestlemania...

...also Sky Sports have signed a new five year deal to show all WWE programming including all twelve PPV's in the UK, the current deal ends in next year...
Five year deal? But we get the WWE Network in like November or something. We'd best get all the PPV's too.
I would like to point out that Roman Reigns broke the record of most eliminations in a single Rumble match with 12 this year. That is indeed one more than Kane's 11 in 2001, but it should highlight how much stock that the company has in Reigns going forward in the short term. I think that @RESHIRAM5 highlighted Taker's match at Wrestlemania as Taker vs. The Shield. I think that Reigns would put on a better match by himself than with his compatriots(I personally think that The Shield would collapse at Elimination Chamber).
Roman Reigns by himself would be interesting and would push him but if The S.H.I.E.L.D break up before WM than it'll likely be a Triple Threat match for the U.S Title (which would be good to see, too).

Why can't The Shield vs. Wyatt Family take place inside the Chamber :(. This the second time in a row that there is a 6-man tag team match at the PPV but it's not in the Chamber (disappointing). Oh well a normal singles match isn't bad.
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The Chamber match looks good though, if you didn't watch Smackdown Cesaro and Christian won their last qualifying matches for the last 2 places, so the participants in that match are Orton, Cena, Bryan, Sheamus, Cesaro and Christian....I like the look of that....
Lesnar in the chamber would be awesome I think!

Also Titus O'Neil turned heel on Darren Young and attacked him on SD, he said he wants to be WWE WHC Champion, I think its a good move turning him into singles competitor as he has the right size and build to make an impact..
CM Punk is trending on Twitter right now, so I clicked on it in the hope of some news about him but it just says that there will be a revolt on Raw by the fans tonight, a lot of people are not happy as you can imagine and the decision makers will feel the wrath of the fans....I think it might be worth watching!
I think they tried to get the crowd onside with that Bryan v Orton match, which was really good, it was the sort of match they should've had last year!

There were a number of CM Punk chants throughout the show, some loud some not so loud but it wasn't enough to disrupt the show...
Reportedly people getting ejected from the area because of chanting "CM PUNK" which would explain them dying down so quick. Can't wait for the next Chicago event.
I not sure they can do that can they? I mean they eject people for offensive signs but surely they can eject people for speaking their mind?!
Hmmm ok, but there were still quite loud CM Punk chants throughout though..

....I also thought the Steel cage match was good and im still looking forward to the Chamber match, there's some good talent taking part and its got potential to be great...
WWE released a list of all the PPV's that will be on the network. Surprisingly Over The Edge 1999 is on there. The PPV when Owen lost his life. Was not expecting them to keep that!
They will also have PPV's and matches containing Chris Benoit, lifting the ban on anything to do with him since the tragic incident in 2007...but there will be a message saying there'll be Benoit content in the PPV/match/show before you watch it
They will also have PPV's and matches containing Chris Benoit, lifting the ban on anything to do with him since the tragic incident in 2007...but there will be a message saying there'll be Benoit content in the PPV/match/show before you watch it
I'm waiting to see if they're going to show the tribute show! :lol:
I haven't seen the tribute show!, I know they did one before finding out what actually happened..
I hope Daniel Bryan wins at EC. I don't think a Bryan/HHH match would be perfect for Bryan and you know what happens when Triple H defeats his opponents :/.
Im looking forward to the Chamber PPV, The chamber match looks good with some real talent taking part and the 6 man tag between Wyatts and the SHEILD should be good too...
Elimination Chamber looks great and since it is my favourite PPV, I'll be excited to see the results.

A bit off topic, I heard NGPW and NXT have been good shows. Is this true (I've only watched a bit of NXT).
don't have high hopes for Raw tonight, Betty White and Orton v Cena.....I wonder if there'll be CM Punk chants...
Boring Raw, only interesting things were another match made for EC and another HOF inductee..

...also, apparently The Undertaker will make an appearance on Feb 24th Raw, it was leaked online at the weekend..
Boring Raw, only interesting things were another match made for EC and another HOF inductee..

...also, apparently The Undertaker will make an appearance on Feb 24th Raw, it was leaked online at the weekend..

From what I have ready Hogan is going to be back on the 24th too, although probably not in any kind of in-ring action. Would be cool if he inducted Warrior into the HOF.