Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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Pretty good Raw last night, Cena v Cesaro and Orton v Sheamus matches were both good, and the WWE name dropping has continued, first they dropped the 'Antonio' in Cesaro and now they have dropped the Langston in Big E Langston, so now he is just Big E....
Has anyone heard the rumours about Vince McMahon being interested in buying Newcastle United Football Club?!
Has anyone heard the rumours about Vince McMahon being interested in buying Newcastle United Football Club?!
You mean "Newcastle United Football Crisis Club". Funny when Americans write stories on this stuff.
My favourite PPV is this Sunday, here are my feelings of if the superstars win and what chance do they have

Cesaro: It would be shocking to have him win but it wouldn't do much good at Wrestlemania unless if they double turn. % chance of Cesaro winning is 1.

Sheamus: Having Sheamus face Batista doesn't make sense for a main event match. 3% chance of winning.

Christian: The same as Sheamus

John Cena: Cena and Batista again is like the Once in a lifetime, seen it before what is the point of seeing it again. It also would seem stupid that this is the third time in a row, Cena faced a part timer at WM. 33% Chance of winning.

Orton: Have the same feelings as Cena. 33% chance of winning.

Daniel Bryan: The only wrestler I reckon would be perfect to win. He deserves the spotlight and while people prefer Bryan winning the title at WM. I see this as the only option to go with by now. 33% chance of winning.
I haven't watched it properly in years but I've heard Goldust is back.


Goldust is legendary.
I hope he brings back the Artist Formerly Known As Goldust gimmick too. That was possibly the freakiest thing I've seen on WWE programming.

Shame it'll be without Luna though. RIP.
Do any of you watch TNA? If so what do you think about the Willow gimmick coming back? For those of you who don't know Jeff Hardy had a character when he wrestled for OMEGA wrestling called Will O' the Wisp. Now TNA has brought back the character but going by the name of Willow.

I am thinking maybe they are bringing him back and the story might be this. All the stuff Dixie Carter has done to Jeff and some of the other wrestlers has brought Jeff to a dark place and that dark place is Willow. Now that Dixie has brought Willow out he is out for revenge and cannot be controlled by anyone, not Dixie, not MVP, no one. From the promo it seems like Willow is going to be a very dark character and I would kinda like to see someone along these lines with this story line.
Jeff Hardy was always going to come back, he leaves for a while at the start of the year because he cant travel to the UK for the TNA your because of his criminal record, he wont be let in the country.

From what i've read online he was due to be back sometime in March but that Willow character does look a lot like him....
Jeff Hardy was always going to come back, he leaves for a while at the start of the year because he cant travel to the UK for the TNA your because of his criminal record, he wont be let in the country.

From what i've read online he was due to be back sometime in March but that Willow character does look a lot like him....

Willow is definitely Jeff Hardy. I am just wondering how they are going to do the story behind it.
So about this Willow thing over on TNA, Jeff Hardy's wife Beth tweeted last night 'Willow is coming'..

...I am now 100% convinced that Jeff is Willow....
After looking on Twitter, it seem that Hogan will be returning on this upcoming Raw episode, and probably be the host of WM 30.
So no matches were added to the PPV on Smackdown last night, so here is the full card for Elimination Chamber tomorrow night (card could still change)

Kickoff Show

Cody Rhodes/Goldust v Ryback/Curtis Axel

Titus O'Neil v Darren Young

WWE Tag Team Championship

The New Age Outlaws (C) v The Usos

Intercontinental Championship

Big E (C) v Jack Swagger

Batista v Alberto Del Rio

The Wyatt Family v The S.H.E.I.L.D

Elimination Chamber Match-WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton (C), John Cena, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Christian, Cesaro
Anyone else agree with me that the quality of WWE has dropped dramatically in the past five years? It was around then I stopped watching full time because the matches started getting very predictable, with constant interferences, and the kayfabe nature of the matches started become more and more obvious. I watch here and there, just to keep up-to-date, but I mostly watch the older matches. The 2008 Royal Rumble for example, was one of the best, and worst matches I've seen. Up until the entrances of Triple H and John Cena, it seemed like anyone could have had it, and it hardly looked scripted, and then those two single-handedly eliminated everyone remaining. John Cena making a return and being the last entrant made it pretty obvious that he would win it.

I think also that the quality of the matches has been hurt by the fact that there is less variety among the wrestlers in terms of size and style. In recent years we've lost people such as Matt & Jeff Hardy, The Dudley Boys, Chris Benoit, Mick Foley, Big Daddy V, Rob van Dam, Umaga, Paul London & Brian Kendrick, Shaun Michaels, Psicosis & Super Crazy, Shelton Benjamin etc. All these wrestlers had distinctive fighting styles which brought variety to the wrestling, and sadly, some have died and the others have left and/or retired, and they've been replaced by far less interesting people. I realise that WWE has always favored certain wrestlers and continuously given them main event pushes, but now they're doing with people who are basically boring, and sometimes quite annoying. I.e Randy Orton, Sheamus, Chris Jericho, Alberto del Rio, John Cena and Triple H. For once it would nice to see one of the lesser wrestlers with the Royal Rumble of a major title belt.

The Royal Rumble this year speaks volumes about the situation. I hadn't realised that Daniel Bryan was so popular, and it just seems weird to bring back the semi-popular Batista, who fought like an old, retired wrestler.

I miss the attitude era.

Rant over.
I've always preferred the Ruthless Aggression era.

Looks like Wrestlemania will have another 🤬 Main Event. Who wants to bet that Randy Orton and Batista will mention evolution, AGAIN!!!
Well I enjoyed it last night, the Wyatts v Shield was a great match, almost Wrestlemania-like, the IC titlematch and the Chamber match were also good, great crowd, great atmosphere, a good PPV..

Raw is going to be good tonight, with Hogan appearing and Undertaker (hopefully!), rumours Brock Lesnar will turn up as well....

Has anyone in the US got the WWE Network yet?, if yes what's it like??
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Fan reactions to chamber ending.
Not going to lie it was a solid PPV, however Daniel Bryan really needed to get the win here. Wyatt Vs Sheild unsurprisingly stole the show, as was expected. Must admit I fast forwarded the Titus match and NAO. Big E Swagger match was good, Diva match I blinked, AJ was on her ass and DQ'ed. Chamber match was a solid match up until the interferences, where usually a match gets a bit scrappy from there on, not that I have anything against interferences, saved us from Cena Vs Bootista.
Daniel Bryan vs. Batista would be great if Batista turned heel. Imagine all the Cheers, Boos and Yes's

Instead Daniel Bryan will likely get Sloppy Seconds with Triple H (it won't be a bad match but there would be better match option than Bryan/HHH).
I don't think bootista has a say, he already gets major heat for stoping the crowd getting who they want, but if Daniel is pushed will they stop boo'ing bootista?