- 241
- Nightingale__ (two underscores)
I dunno how I feel about having the pit crew talk to you, but I think it'd be pretty awesome to have your driver say "Oh cock." everytime you go off the track or bump into someone.
Does Gran Turismo 5 need a voice actor?
Gran Turismo is coming to the PSP on October 1, and players will immediately recognize the distinct voice of Jay Leno in the game’s introduction. Correspondent Audrey Cleo meets the late night legend for an exclusive Qore interview from his world famous garage. From his first ’55 Buick Roadmaster to the ’09 Corvette ZR1, don’t miss this look a Jay’s amazing collection.
Stay on the track, fool!We need Mr. T.
I don't think Don will be doing any voice acting anymore, he died in September 2008.~> I vote for:
- Don LaFontaine (the movie voice guy)
Except not as outrageous and politically incorrect. But yeah, close enoughJay leno is a car god.
It's a honor to have him in anything GT. Hes the american version of jeremy clarkson.
OH MY GOD! I laughed so hard at that video, "slow in, fast out" Just like makin' love". That was Hilarious! I never pictured Jay Leno to be a "that's what she said" kind of person.