
GT_COL and I would like the '00 RGT - "Orange Julius" Please.

Sounds good sending FR now. I felt bad cause I knew I would get someone. Mrnascar you are gonna win one I know it.

Thanks fellas.

Edit- Can we not sign into PSN right now???

Answer is Yes till 11pm ET. Scratch that now the maintenance is scheduled to tommorrow AM. Great!
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The Orange Julius is sitting in the lot waiting to be delivered! If the PSN would ever let me back on again. GT_COL sent you a PM.

Looks like it wont be back on until tonight. So here is what I am gonna do.
A. If it is back on before the next reset I am sending Trojan1874 his 3400S because he is on friends list. Then after reset I will send GT-COL his RGT. Then I will resume Saturday and so on. This maintenance has been a pain but oh well its not the end of the world.

B. If its not back on by reset then I will send Trojan1874 his car on Sunday as scheduled and GT_COL will get his ASAP.

Hoping for Scenario A cause then I will have a weekend special before Monday's Series. Just keeping everyone informed.
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Well thanks to this maintenace problem I am gonna have to postpone the contest til Monday. As I already owe two cars to people and I want to get them out.

So, I am gonna release next week's series and end the RUF Collector Series early.

I have a couple ideas for the next series but I am gonna narrow it down to three. Maybe have you guys vote on it!
Typing up tonights question. Will be on and off but im watchin the game. So first correct response wins and only ONE answer per person.

Check OP...