downloadable cars

  • Thread starter sonny30
I didn't know if this was posted or not, but I wanted to put it in here b4 I made a thread about it.......obviously online play is gonna be the big thing for them, I would like to be able to also buy cars from a "virtual" showroom online. For instance you can buy cars that weren't in the game and update the gt file, think of it as when u go play madden online and it updates rosters in your regualr game. I think this would add more depth to the gameplay, as we wouldn't just be stuck with the cars in the game, as there are always new cars coming out, these would be downloaded to be able to be played in career/arcade modes. This would be similar to what the need for speed pc series did where you could dl cars and install them into the game. I think it would be a great idea and I'd like to here your opinions on it
It's a good idea, but the problem is Sony hasn't announced if there will be a hard-drive for the PS3, and there are many rumors that there won't be.
I think that's a good idea. I thought Sony announced that the hard drive my not be included but they didn't say that they wern't going to have a hard drive.
pretty good idea...would keep me more interested as the car list would always be changing. would be much more convienient also for cars that are released after GT5 so we wouldnt have to wait until gt6 is released to see them.
I think that's a good idea. I thought Sony announced that the hard drive my not be included but they didn't say that they wern't going to have a hard drive.
Yep, there will be a HDD for the PS3, but it might not come bundled with the PS3 or not the standard package anyway. All this is yet to be confirmed regarding the PS3 package, but there is a PS3 HDD that will be available.
Hahahaha! You better believe that downloadable cars and tracks will NOT be a part of GT5! Sony ain´t stupid you know. What would be the meaning of doing that, when there will be no reason to release a GT6 or GT7? IF downloads are implemented, GT5 will be the last GT game ever. There will be no reason for PD to further develop the GTseries, if they just can release patches for GT5.
Hahahaha! You better believe that downloadable cars and tracks will NOT be a part of GT5! Sony ain´t stupid you know. What would be the meaning of doing that, when there will be no reason to release a GT6 or GT7? IF downloads are implemented, GT5 will be the last GT game ever. There will be no reason for PD to further develop the GTseries, if they just can release patches for GT5.

Or they could just simply add new cars and tracks.

Major engine updates like physics and stuff wouldn't be done like that.
Only smal lstuff like cars and a few tracks.
It will eventualy happen since it's going to becomecommon with the competitors.
And this time, time constraints will be no excuse if downloadable stuff is offered.
Hahahaha! You better believe that downloadable cars and tracks will NOT be a part of GT5! Sony ain´t stupid you know. What would be the meaning of doing that, when there will be no reason to release a GT6 or GT7? IF downloads are implemented, GT5 will be the last GT game ever. There will be no reason for PD to further develop the GTseries, if they just can release patches for GT5.

They should, from what I've heard I saw on some websites that this will be the last installment for the GT series. I saw that at some point after hearing abou the P23 GT and it was said that it would be the last GT game thus concluding the series. May not be true but then again it may be, I saw that it was said by the creater of GT so yeah I don't know, but there ya go.
Yeah and many websites said GT4 was the last too, until you hear Sony and PD say GT5 is the last GT game we make, don't beleive it, GT is a cash cow. Even if PD stopped making it Sony would take the rights and pass them onto another team, and the game would carry on until it stopped selling.
Hahahaha! You better believe that downloadable cars and tracks will NOT be a part of GT5! Sony ain´t stupid you know. What would be the meaning of doing that, when there will be no reason to release a GT6 or GT7?
I posted about this previously, suggesting that Sony/PD might or might not offer updates. I think they will, as someone above said, that the competition will include this capacity in their game, increasing its appeal and replay value. And Sony can go a few ways with this:

1. Download updates of cars, tracks and other features for free.

2. Download them for a fee.

3. Offer downloads as part of a package, such as an "update license" or something, covering a number of games for a fee.

I think Sony will be Sony, a Japanese Microsoft, and make us pay for it. And no matter how much it is, I'll undoubtedly go for it. Now this assumes that Gran Turismo 5 isn't a $60+ game. Sony may offer free updates to encourage people to buy it if it's expensive.

I also discussed the possibility that GT5 would be the last GT, and Sony would offer updates forever for it. But I don't think this will happen, primarily because of the advances that Sony, Polyphony and the development community will make in coming up with highly tuned development software and ability to use ever more of the PS3s immense power. Games will start off looking amazing, but with each game generation, developers will be able to get more out of the PS3 and the games will be even more astounding.

A GT6 will have a much more advanced game engine than GT5, and I don't believe that you will be able to patch 5 up to 6's standards. I'm sure that GT6 will have even more refined physics, better graphics, effects and immersive environments, and if there's a GT7, it will be better still. So offering updates for GT5 will be for the benefit of everyone, as Sony will reap the rewards of a happy racing community addicted to their prize franchise.
I'd love to see this. If you really think about it, the idea that downloading cars/tracks/patches would make a GT6 obsolete doesn't make any sense. Firstly, Sony will already have very big ideas about the building of a massive online gaming community and are probably pushing PD to give them what could be their biggest game in that respect. Not to mention that cool GT5 stuff to download = HDD sales = Yen 4 Sony.
People seem to think that if GT5 offered downloadable cars it'd offer every car not already in GT5 as a download. That's not the case, you'd see few special cars avaialble (limited production model, unexpected models, maybe a new manufacturer) and a lot of updated models (latest Impreza and Evo variations, Civic variations ect) but that's probably it. It won't offer every new car released between 5 and 6 or every old car that wasn't already in the gam, there will be more than enough cars left to be included in 6 for it to offer enough new cars to drive. And yes, the game engine will be tweaked, it won't be a whole new engine, they spent so much on the current engine so it would survive the transition to the PS3. Remember GT1,2,3 and GTC were all built on the same game engine, it's not something you re-build with every new version of the game, just tweak it.
^ exactly downloadable cars would be a cool feature. but they would have to be car update packs every few months or weeks instead of just randome cars on random days.
maybe Pd should build a website just for the downloadable cars and tracks. From there people can choose what cars and tracks they want, with a membership. It would be just like the music stores where you choose what you want and get billed later for payment.
You know, I think they should make it with membership as offered above. But maybe a paid subscription for the downloads. So that they will keep earning money.

It's not a bad idea at all:tup:
Why does so many people want to hand them money, if they can do it for free get it for free, they arn't short and other games offer official downloads and updates for free. All these idea's involving us paying for nothing more than a few new polygon models in a game. If they were to make a download worth paying for it'd have to be a bloody big one, at least 20 new cars and 2 new tracks or something around that size or bigger, all in one package, and even then it'd have to be at the most £4-£5.
^ Well, exactly. If Sony offers a handful of slightly tweaked cars a la the numerous Skylines and one or two new tracks, it had better be darn cheap if they expect anyone to want to pay for it. But I think Sony is smart enough to know that only a few fanatics would go for something like that, and anything they offer for a price will be an attractive package that most people will be willing to spring for. I am holding out hope that the updates will be free, at least the smaller ones.

I'm thinking that what Sony would offer up for a fee would be a more substantial package of 30-50 cars and 2-5 tracks, including one or two major ones. In particular car wise, I'm thinking of things that everyone is clamoring for but may not be licensed at release, such as the ever popular Big Three families of Ferrari, Porsche and Lambourghini. I have a feeling that many of us would have a spasm if Sony/PD came through with that, and Sony's coffers would be millions of Yen richer in the first minute.

I meant to add that I think other things Sony could offer are things from earlier Gran Turismos. In particular, there are cars and tracks in GT2 which I would love to see included in GT5. I would think that Polyphony would plug those into GT5 as they shouldn't be that difficult to update, but if not, I'd pay a small fee to have them. Another thing I want is the music in the previous Gran Turismos, from all regions, particularly Japan. And as I posted previously, I could see many of these being available for free if Gran Turismo 5 is very expensive. Another thing I'm holding out for is a Vision GT release of an updated GT4, but we'll see on that one. ;)
Yeah and many websites said GT4 was the last too, until you hear Sony and PD say GT5 is the last GT game we make, don't beleive it, GT is a cash cow. Even if PD stopped making it Sony would take the rights and pass them onto another team, and the game would carry on until it stopped selling.

Exactly! Like you've said the Gran Turismo franchise is a load of cash, therefore is KY decides to step down this franchise will be running with some a new development team and continue bringing in money. See this as a Final Fantasy.
Yea great idea! Downloadable cars, tracks and I reckon tuning options would be great but I suppose that wont work as you would also need to download the "rules" of each car that the downloaded tuning part would affect.

I would have thought that downloadable "stuff" would be a given (that is: no question about not having it). Even to speed up the release date to coincide with the PS3 release date, they could chop a few of the planned lineup of cars and add them in later once GT5 is released.
I believe every unit in Gran Turismo has "physics math" attached to them, so that anything new that you get in a download would be good to go, just as if it was included in the game.

I think Polyphony is looking at the prospect of dividing up GT5 into segments, so that a prolonged wait isn't laid on us like it was with GT4. There is the matter of the PS3 not even starting manufacture till June or July evidently, so maybe we'll get our 700-1000 car, 65+ tracks Gran Turismo we're lusting after. Time will tell.
I dunno if it will ever happen but my dream for Gran Turismo would be to have new cars appearing all the time for download, second-hand auctions (real online ones where people buy/sell from/to each other), limited editions available as prizes, rare classics and concepts, all existing and swilling around in one big system. You'd have to devise a model to keep things in circulation and stop people from hoarding rare cars. Scaling upkeep costs perhaps? They should employ an economist to create the system and balance it lol.

Anyway that's my vision for the future of GT - I want to enter races where the field is so varied, there are cars I forgot existed or don't even recognise. I wanna see rare beautys being taken out to play on occasion.
That's interesting. Also interesting that the board didn't list yours as a new post. Darn cookies. :P

Anyway, that is a fascinating concept. I'd rather not get into too many real life situations in Gran Turismo Mode, so that it's not feasable to keep every car you'd ever won. I'd much rather Polyphony expand on the game play modes so that there are four of them, something I'd been hoping for for a while now:

- Arcade and Gran Turismo Modes, the traditional GT gameplay where you collect cars and rake in cash.

- Season and Career Modes, like they have in Toca 3, which are based on the real life racing world with its rules and schedules, where you race for points and cash prizes.

I like your notion, except that I want to hoard my cars. I still have and race almost all my cars, including my first purchase, a Mk I MR2. Collecting cars is the coolest aspect of GT4 to me. I'd rather the sim-ie aspects be in the two new modes of play, assuming Polyphony adds them, but I think that's inevitable.
Hahahaha! You better believe that downloadable cars and tracks will NOT be a part of GT5! Sony ain´t stupid you know. What would be the meaning of doing that, when there will be no reason to release a GT6 or GT7? IF downloads are implemented, GT5 will be the last GT game ever. There will be no reason for PD to further develop the GTseries, if they just can release patches for GT5.

Whrong Becuase the people in PD do Have more than 2 brain cells.

Anyway this would be awsome :) Means that theres always something new coming out :)
It would be cool if they had the (or some of the) used cars online and then the "rosters" could be changed by the companies servers as needed... Maybe even going as far as to have certain cars available on the days they were first availalbe or first showcased in real life. It would also save a lot of disk space for other things. I mean, if you don't want 30 versions of the Skyline, only like 5-10 of them are on the disk, the rest you could choose to get online and add at a later time. You'd could still have 700+ cars standard on your game disk but the more obscure models could be downloaded online. Same for Subys and Lancers... It could also get rid of all this "there aren't enough US cars" problem some people are having... You could complete your line up with some 300+ online models you can download. It's a good idea...
Nah, the only reason that there aren't as many American or European cars is because Polyphony hasn't modelled them. The whole "too many Skylines" argument is bogus. Besides, they're legendary cars and should be included in the game. But there should be plenty of all types. I say no limits, include as much as possible of everything. Hopefully Gran Turismo 5 will deliver on this.
Tenacious, I wouldn't want people to be kept from owning lots of cars, cos I agree, collecting cars on GT is fun. The way I see it though, it would make some cars alot more special if they were rare, and expensive to keep. I don't want the game to be negatively affected by stupid real-life hassles that needn't be included like I don't want to have to pay v.a.t. on 2 credits to have my driver's hair cut or anything.
But it's kinda like how winning the lottery makes all those things people dream of very unspecial, very quickly. I personally don't think being able to aquire everything you want is fun, even on a computer game. I'd much rather I was occasionally forced to sell cars I'd rather keep, make sacrifices and work hard at the game. But then that's not for everyone, and I don't think it'll ever be like this anyway, cos they seem to think making everything easy is the best.
Well.... real, I can sort of see your point, but it depends. For one thing, I'm not sure there's a workable way to guarantee what you're talking about. There are a few. One that comes to mind is that in GT Mode, you wouldn't get nearly as much cash for winning races, and that money is only useful for buying used cars in the dealerships. And all the very good cars would be prize cars. Along with that, damage doesn't have to be paid for, it's magically repaired between races like several games handle it, so you're not constantly needing to pinch pennies.

But for another thing, I don't see how you could design Gran Turismo to keep people from milking it, without it ceasing to be Gran Turismo anymore. Some kids will Quick Time B-Spec some money maker like the German Touring Car Championship till they have a hundred MERCEDES-BENZ AMG CLKs, and become a billionaire. But most of us game responsibly. I just used money races to get enough to achieve some goal, because I didn't want to miss some sweet car popping up in the used list, and because I didn't want to miss some of the challenge aspect of the game by spending my way around them. It wasn't till day 1450 or so in the game that I decided to go on a shopping spree, and bought just about every car in the game. Most of my time is spent enjoying these cars now, and seeing how many 200 point races I can win.

It does seem like there are plenty of obstacles to getting some of the cooler rides in Gran Turismo like the Endurance races *shudder*, so I'd prefer it remain as it is for the most part, but you do have an interesting idea. Maybe in some form we'll have it in GT5 or 6.
Tenacious D
Nah, the only reason that there aren't as many American or European cars is because Polyphony hasn't modelled them. The whole "too many Skylines" argument is bogus. Besides, they're legendary cars and should be included in the game. But there should be plenty of all types. I say no limits, include as much as possible of everything. Hopefully Gran Turismo 5 will deliver on this.

They are great cars, don't get me wrong... But many people think along the lines I stated... About how there are too many of them. And really, although I like em, there are too many with little or no difference between them... And are they more important then say the Mustangs? Which have actuely had many changes in designe and performance through the years? Being able to round off the list of cars in the game how ever you'd like would be a great way of keeping people from saying, as I said before, that there are too many Skylines, Subys, and Lancers. The last two at least having some differences between models compared to the Skylines IMO.

I think having the used car lots online would also save a lot of space for things like tracks and so on. It's not everybody that wants a what ever with two hundred thousand miles on it... so keeping that off (or some of those off) the game disk might make room for cars that everybody wants or are more likely to appeal to a larger group. I mean really, as much as I like the cars in GT, they don't mean a whole lot without good tracks to race them on... If I could get another 20 tracks at the expence of 200 cars or so... I consider that a good trade. After all, they could easily have only 5 tracks and over a thousand cars, but that's not going to make many people happy.

And also, having some of the used cars online and with a random rotation would keep people honnest and make some of the finer used cars in the game that much more special. Along with the trophy cars you can't race.
I was actually going to mention the Mustangs, but decided not to single them out over the other excellent cars from America and Europe. I'd love to see so many cars added to the game, from Saab, Volvo and BMW which have yet to appear, as well as gobs of cars and tracks ressurected from GT2.

I will have to say though that space wasn't an issue with GT4, since someone figured out that less than two gigabytes of the DVD was used. And since Gran Turismo 5 may be on a Blu-Ray disc with a capacity of nearly 25 gigs, there will be room for all the elements in GT5, as well as movies, data tables, previews and demos of other games, all kinds of stuff. However you have an interesting idea, and it may well make it into a Gran Turismo game in the future.

There is one thing about your idea though. I would hope that the online used car lot is linked to your profile, so that if you can't play for a while, you don't miss out on a deal because a real time calendar advanced on you.