downloadable cars

  • Thread starter sonny30
Well... Don't jump down my throat when I say this... they said at one time somewhere, that the next GT would be the last one... Maybe they'll just keep patching it and making cars for it... People assumed the worse when they heard this, but maybe it's this kind of deal that they were meaing to say, while building hype, as the industry likes to do so much...? Who knows?
Oh, they might do that, but I bet that Polyphony comes out with a Gran Turismo 6 no matter what. Gran Turismo is some kind of insane money making deal for Sony, one of the biggest game franchises in video game history. Not only will Sony do whatever it takes to get a Gran Turismo 6 out at some point, but the advances in game production and programming will have advanced to the point that even more amazing game elements will be possible.

I do think that Polyphony will keep adding things to GT5, but eventually we'll all want to see The Next Level in Gran Turismo.
Well, with the blue-ray disc being used for the PS3 it might be possible to have a downloading option. It does hold a crap load of free space. I think they should try to use some of that space if they have any left from making GT5.
You can't write to a game disk, if there's unused space on the disk (and on game disks there always is) then that space is as good as not there. Weather or not you can download has nothing to with DVD or Blue-Ray, it's to do with the console having a HDD or not and the developers providing the content to put on it.
Tenacious D
Oh, they might do that, but I bet that Polyphony comes out with a Gran Turismo 6 no matter what. Gran Turismo is some kind of insane money making deal for Sony, one of the biggest game franchises in video game history. Not only will Sony do whatever it takes to get a Gran Turismo 6 out at some point, but the advances in game production and programming will have advanced to the point that even more amazing game elements will be possible.

I do think that Polyphony will keep adding things to GT5, but eventually we'll all want to see The Next Level in Gran Turismo.

Yes, but they've (PD) already had the systeme before any other company out there, hence why Vison was out so soon for preview... Also, they could simply have memberships for downloads that would keep making them money. 40-50$ a year for upgrades/patches, car and track downloads... I really could see this happen... That way PD could focus on simply rendering new cars and tracks instead of all the rest of the mumbo jumbo they go through every time they put out a new game... So long as the AI, and online portions of the game are solid, they could do it... And even if it were'nt 100% at first, that's what patches are for...
By system I presume your talking about the first dev kit's, in which case PD got theirs at the same time as all the other first party developers, and shortly before all the third part developers. VGT was built on GT4's engine, it wouldn't have taken long to do.
remeber, people can trade cars using mEmory carDs or whatever PS3 will use, with that 1 guy can dowload everything,ask for a small fare and givemcars to peopel... illegally, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
I doubt it, if any new car's are free to download then trading isn't a problem, if new car's come out in packs for a small cost then I'm sure PD can include a game version code into each gamesave that get's updated when you download a car pack, so if you game code in your save say's you haven't bought that car pack you simply can't buy that car in a trade. It's not hard to do.