That I'm sure is possible with the new brains in the PS3. What do you think about new car, upgrade, and modification packets? Would that be feasable in GT5?
I'm sure we can only hope.I guess it depends on how Sony implement the HDD. It certainly would be sweet icing on the cake. I've recently read about a P2P network sharing system as well. So many options at the moment. All we need is some solid info from Sony.
The only reason people would try and hack other peoples PS3's is to use its super computer CPU. To put it with other hacked PS3's so they can hack, the more powerful Supercomputers.
Controlling the nuke weapons, then try and attack them. So they can get the codes to Nukes, so they can lunch those nukes. It would be something from like T3 mates.
based on the current level of technology, yes that should be possible, and yes that would be freaking awesome! Imagine trying to race in a hurricane hehe
Being in a hurricane isn't fun. I've been through a few of them lately. However, if they could really simulate it into a racing game, I would say that that would be interesting. Just watch out for that 200mph wind gust. Hehe.
if its doable, yes and its rather easy. Microsoft's flight Simulator has been doing that for the past 6 years. Basically all you need is a program that gets updates on weather, and make a regular check (every 15 mins is fine) and make transitions if there is a change.
I used to fly Faclon F16c formations in 'real weather' and it was awesome.
But then again, this feature is mostly used if you play for more then 30-45 mins.. else you might as well just 'load' a map with rain or something.
I could see this as very interesting for a 24hrs race and so on.
I loved that feature in Flightsim myself. What was awesome there was getting the NOAA P-3 Orion weather research plane and flying into real-world hurricanes!
Anyway, I'd love to see this feature in GT, too.
One thing that'd be really cool is changable weather on rally courses! Imagine the same course being available dry, wet, or even snow!