• Thread starter ryzno


Slowest of the Fastest!!
United States
Dahlonega, GA
The intention of this Thread, is to reduce the clutter of useless Threads and make this a more organized and informative community.

First off lets start with a few of the sites basic features.

The A.U.P. A list of rules for this site. If you don't want to follow them, look forward to a ban from this site or a infraction, sometime in your future.

Use the Search function. (There is no more Search link:(). So... use the search box in the upper right corner of every page.
Please use the search function and use existing Threads, of the same topic, instead of creating a new thread and making it harder to find info.
As far as Tunes. Due to how young the game is there is a lack of posted Base Tunes. If you are looking for a Tune please use this Thread to ask for Tunes and Help.

If you are having trouble figuring out the search function or anything else about the sites functions try here for help. Site Support

There is nothing more annoying to a regular of this Forum, then to see another Thread pop up with the same subject as a thread a few spots down on the same page.(Especially asking for Tunes:dopey:)

Ok some basic tips:
  • Do not ask for Pro tunes. You will be lucky to get a base tune, if you don't get one of @PTK 's crazy tunes:crazy: That will make you shake your leg about.
  • There is a Transmission Tuning Guide for new people that want to learn. Thanks to @Master__Shake_ PS. It has pictures too for the hard of reading...
  • If you are having trouble with a Tune. Feel free to ask for help. But be prepared to provide your Tune. We can't help you if we can't see what is wrong with your Tune. And don't be afraid of us stealing your tune. If its slow enough for you to need help, it's not a useful tune for us.
  • If you do not like a Base Tune, don't cry about it. I stole this from @Slash 's old Thread.
    To everyone talking 🤬 about the quality of tunes posted here - How about instead of you lurking here looking for tunes to make you faster, you stop being lazy and make your own or put the effort into learning to tune to begin with. You have got to be some of the most unappreciative, lazy, whining bunch of people I have ever seen in my life. What gives you the right to say someone else's work sucks when your's obviously isn't any better (otherwise you wouldn't be here trying out other people's tunes). For all of you that don't appreciate the effort put forth here by others to help YOU out, I suggest you learn to tune for yourself and try to be a little more respectful of others. Because tbh no one really gives a 🤬 about your opinion of their work. I for one most certainly don't. But being disrespectful about it will not be tolerated.
    A quote from @kennyblanco

  • Do not call out people or Black List people. All that will do is start Flame Wars and lead to someone getting an infraction or banned.
  • Cockiness will not get you far in this Forum. We are all a little hot headed around here, with a trigger finger that Clint Eastwood would appreciate.
  • Do not be afraid to mini-mod a little. We all need to keep each other in check sometimes.
  • Do not make false claims about your real life. We will find out:mischievous:
Closing thoughts. We as a community need to stick together. We share the same passion about cars. We should be trying to help each other not hurt each other. Yes I understand Teams get in the way of that. But there is no problem helping people that aren't on a Team. Shoot I remember in the Leaderboard from GT5 everyone was helping everyone:boggled:

I will update and edit this as time goes on.
With all that said Good Luck and Good Racing:cheers:
Last edited:
Astronaut? You told me you were a spy smh! Lol

The intention of this Thread, is to reduce the clutter of useless Threads and make this a more organized and informative community.

First off lets start with a few of the sites basic features.

The A.U.P. A list of rules for this site. If you don't want to follow them, look forward to a ban from this site or a infraction, sometime in your future.
Use the Search function. (There is no more Search link:(). So... use the search box in the upper right corner of every page. As far as Tunes. Due to how young the game is there is a lack of posted Base Tunes. If you are looking for a Tune please use a existing Thread asking for Tunes.
(I might just make a "Can I have a Base Tune Thread"):dopey: (And no I wont be asking:sly: )

If you are having trouble figuring out the search function or anything else about the sites functions try here for help. Site Support

There is nothing more annoying to a regular of this Forum, then to see another Thread pop up with the same subject as a thread a few spots down on the same page.(Especially asking for Tunes:dopey:)

Ok some basic tips:
  • Do not ask for Pro tunes. You will be lucky to get a base tune, if you don't get one of @PTK 's crazy tunes:crazy: That will make you shake your leg about.
  • There is a Transmission Tuning Guide for new people that want to learn. Thanks to @Master__Shake_ PS. It has pictures too for the hard of reading...
  • If you are having trouble with a Tune. Feel free to ask for help. But be prepared to provide your Tune. We can't help you if we can't see what is wrong with your Tune. And don't be afraid of us stealing your tune. If its slow enough for you to need help, it's not a useful tune for us.
  • If you do not like a Base Tune, don't cry about it. I stole this from @Slash 's old Thread.
    A quote from @kennyblanco

  • Do not call out people or Black List people. All that will do is start Flame Wars and lead to someone getting an infraction or banned.
  • Cockiness will not get you far in this Forum. We are all a little hot headed around here, with a trigger finger that Clint Eastwood would appreciate.
  • Do not be afraid to mini-mod a little. We all need to keep each other in check sometimes.
  • Do not make false claims about your real life. We will find out:mischievous:
Closing thoughts. We as a community need to stick together. We share the same passion about cars. We should be trying to help each other not hurt each other. Yes I understand Teams get in the way of that. But there is no problem helping people that aren't on a Team. Shoot I remember in the Leaderboard from GT5 everyone was helping everyone:boggled:

I will update and edit this as time goes on.
With all that said Good Luck and Good Racing:cheers:
HA! Love that! Very nice post RY!
Changed the link for the tunes/tips thread, as the Free Tunes Thread will RIP.

I dont know if yall have noticed, but there are 5 new stickies.

All that is asked, is that we do a better job of keeping things civil around here.

We all know each other, there is no reason why aggravating problems cant be, discussed in PM, to keep the forum a little more civil.

There should be a way to put this in a special area and very noticeable to anyone new.

I really like this thread.

Yes, it has a pin to the left of the title indicating it is a pinned thread meaning it will always be on top of the active thread list.

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