Drag Racing???

United States
The Las Vegas drag strip was supposed to allow you to race a competitior as seen in a few of the early vids of GT4, but didn't make it to the production version of the game. I think it should be included, at least in 2 player mode so you can race against a friend,with some kind of staging system, in GT5. Your thoughts?
Sounds like a great idea, although it could get a bit same old same old after a while
Whell,it is good idea,some of people love drag racing,i find it somehow boring.Too bad this drag strip didn't show up in GT2,beacuse of that HKS Drag Cars(i think R33 and SX or something).
a112 abarth
Whell,it is good idea,some of people love drag racing,i find it somehow boring.Too bad this drag strip didn't show up in GT2,beacuse of that HKS Drag Cars(i think R33 and SX or something).

Yup, Drag cars and no drag strip in GT2 - Drag strip and no drag racing in GT4

Why don't PD either impliment it or drop it completely?
because PD hates Americans, and wants to make them angry:lol:
how about staging, so you can actually red light? that'd be.....welll....... actually realistic!
and with that, they could add proper staging in road racing events as well. so that you determine when you go, whether off-the-line, or from a roll, just don't pass the guy in front of you!
I think there should be a burnout box too, so you can have nice sticky tires for the launch. They should also have drag specific tires. How about this idea, a drag racing hall with different championships. Categories like all motor 4 cylinder, turbo 4 cylnder, turbo 6, V8 Muscle. It would make the game more fun, and more of a challenge. Just my thoughts.
Hm, IHRA Drag Racing has a pretty good system for this stuff, perhaps PD should look at them.

the other thing, the tree with 5 yellow lights, gotta go. Let's use the three-light tree, wiht staging, redlighting, and a choice of Sportsman or Pro setup.
PD's been taunting us with the prospect of drag racing since GT2. They pulled it at the last minute 3 times now, IIRC. Just give us the damn feature Does racing in a straight line really add that much development time? It's quite possible the simplest form of auto racing there is!
3-Wheel Drive
PD's been taunting us with the prospect of drag racing since GT2. They pulled it at the last minute 3 times now, IIRC. Just give us the damn feature Does racing in a straight line really add that much development time? It's quite possible the simplest form of auto racing there is!

stupid pd :grumpy:
Yeah, running the drag cars on the Test Track in GT2 did get pretty old pretty quick. Staging, drag slicks/radials, penalties, and all of that should be incorporated. After all, the game disc itself should have more than enough space to be able to do so. Just my $.02
I think it would be cool if they could set up events with brackets and so on. I would also like to see some kind of clutch system (for cars that use them) that you would have to slip the clutch in order to get a great launch. Maybe on the controlers the left stick could be the clutch stick and the right the gas. Of course you could really only use this in drag mode because you would need to steer in other modes but it might be fun.
One of the problems might be the proper Wrinklewall tires...which act a TON differently than sports car tires.

I wouldn't call them "Stupid" for not including Drag for three games. Drag is a different animal. Certainly, it looks simple, but there are many variables to take into effect. more than likely, they're afriad they'd be criticized for not having an "Accurate" drag simulation engne, so they want to get it right. I applaud that.
Jim Prower
but there are many variables to take into effect.

I disagree PD does one hell of a job incorporating car physics. So inturn drag racing should play almost the same role. Other variables would only include a hot sticky tire launch on a stickier surface than a road coarse surface. Add real time staging lights, Christmas tree, burnout box and real drag time slips. (I might have left some other variables out)

R/T ...
60' ...
330' ...
1/8' ...
MPH ...
1000' ...
1/4' ...
MPH ...

Drag Tuning menu should include DOT drag radials to full Drag slicks. Drag racing clutches 1-2-3 plated, Drag turbo specifies, various Octane level fuels, various nitrous setups single wet, dual wet and direct nitrous injection. The list can go forever.......

I'll be happy with the simple Christmas Tree, staging lights, Burn out Box and Drag radials. 👍

Forza did a pretty good job with drag allowing you to back up and do a nice burnout getting tire temps up for better launches. Also allowing you to change tire pressures. It made a huge difference getting it right and you could knock off almost a sec.
GT2 Was stupid, no Drag Strips' but two Drag Racing Cars :confused:

You would race against them in one 3 lap Test Course race, they muller you on the straights then you muller them on the corners.

Example :

HKS Drag 180sx (Ai) - Staraghts 374 kph (Maxed Out) - Corners, brakes to around 280 kph

MazdaSpeed RX-7 (Me) - Straights 340 kph - Corners, No braking required.

Race Winner - Me

Drag Cars ar'ent made for cornering, so if they're putting them in GT2, at least make a Drag Strip.

So, I think that 1vs1 Drag Racing should come into GT5, especilly if there's goning to be Drag Cars
we have nitro in GT4

1. Don't Double Post
2. That's Nitrous Oxide, a gas denser in oxygen than air. Nitromethane is a highly volatile fuel used in top Fuel dragsters.
Jim Prower
1. Don't Double Post
2. That's Nitrous Oxide, a gas denser in oxygen than air. Nitromethane is a highly volatile fuel used in top Fuel dragsters.

That's right. Nitrous oxide and Nitromethane are two different kinds of chemicals. Nitromethane is so explosive, if you put a small puddle of it on a table, and you hammer it hard enough, it will explode. I am pretty sure that you have no more problems understanding how a supercharged V8 makes 8,000 hp. Not 800, it's 8,000. Look at the comma between the 8 and 0.
drag racing is to easy for GT and to borring, i prefer do a race of 10 lap than a race of 9 sec

Why do you even care if there's going to be Drag racing. We all know GT5 will have enough road going racing to satisfy all your needs. For you it shouldn't even matter.

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