Summer Vacations time... or working hard to bring new content and footage to us fans...
I believe that the Monkey has been hard at racing for thepast coyple of weeks, i think he drove the 24h of Nurb/Spa...
The teaser is lame... but for sure they are not dead, if anything, it will come back stronger...
To answer the question posted above, the Drive network was created by legitimate car fans with some editorial skills (CONNECTIONS) in order to bring car news and info to the World Wide Web, without relying on any major paper or outlet that would otherwise limit their creativity and original ideas... they wanted to go rogue when most magazine are struggling to compete with the online fast and immediate information /communication...
These guys have a vision that is evolving as we speak... so much so that now NBC, ironically a major outlet wanted nothing to do with these guys inthe first place, and that Spinelli wanted to avoid, are trying to associate themselves, because of the potential of this new form of passion sharing... i predict and its probably tru already that GTPlanet is one of the major source of info for Drive, and vice versa...
Thats the new world we live in, everything is practically interconnected...