Thanks. I do admit the composition isn't anything special but the reason the car is centred towards the middle was because we wanted it to be the main subject of the image.
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize art had any restrictions on what you can and can't do with it, and that having ''Photoshop skills'' is a bad thing. By the way this was a collaboration test between two artists to see what we could create. This is just one of the results to come.
Anyway, no worries dude. You are always free to voice your opinion as I am mine.
Ok, first off, I don't blame you for being angry with me, as reading back on my comment, it seems more a personal attack, which (in all honesty) it wasn't. It was a poorly structured mess, that as MeanElf has said, lacked any meaningful explanation of what I was trying to say. - While I stand by a large proportion of what I have said, I will at least explain my point this time.
Firstly with the composition, I understand what you are trying to do there, but due to the more centred approach, with the car being so far away I feel my eyes straying and focusing more on the scenery than the car it'self, which isn't a bad thing, as the scenery is nice. But for what you were trying to achieve, the car is a bit too far away. Others may disagree with that point, as it all depends how different people see it.
Ok, now onto my other comment. I wasn't trying to imply that art has restrictions, or that Photoshop skills are a bad thing. I admire the skills people like you have on Photoshop. My comment was more to do with that cut off point when a Driveclup photo is no longer a Driveclub photo, and more of a "Photoshop photo" in a sense. I'd never seen any of your stock Driveclub photos before, and had always thought that the editing was only a few bits here and a few bits there. Seeing them side by side, I began seeing two completely different photos, and for me it was no longer a Driveclub photo, as such. As an edit, ignoring the composition, I really do love it. But as a photo from Driveclub.. well, I hope you can see what I'm trying to say. (I'm really struggling to put it into exact words.)
I know you'll still be angry even with what I have said above, and I fully accept that. As you said, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and everyone is entitled to their say on said opinions. I'm not saying this as a personal attack, and I hope you don't take it that way. I will continue to admire your artworks on here and Flickr.