
  • Thread starter Waheed
It wont have 500 cars, delays fool people into thinking that more content and more features went into production.

I see the dynamic engine doing it's thing and the same 3-4 scenarios shown thus far. Here I'm wondering about track length which is like the only redeeming feature that might get me interested on it again. Kudos for getting both Pagani and Ferrari Licenses, however this is just rubbish, looks like production stagnated since February, and given the direction shifts that the game's got that wouldn't be surprising.
My, you do appear to be in a mood.

Considering Watch Dogs wowed everyone at the first trailer and subsequently seems to have cut back on the visual fidelity a bit (still damn good looking though) I don't really see how this is rubbish for actually improving its visuals.
Considering Watch Dogs wowed everyone at the first trailer and subsequently seems to have cut back on the visual fidelity a bit (still damn good looking though) I don't really see how this is rubbish for actually improving its visuals.
Is rubbish because it did nothing since the last teaser, production wise, has been showing nearly the same thing all around, wanna see why?

This is a series of trailer segments were released during GamesCom - 2013, featuring the same scenarios, most of the same cars and same tracks, the only difference with it were some of the environmental effects, which were already teased some time in march by the FB feed.

Same graphic quality, by this point other games would have shown way more content (in a space frame of 8 months most racing games show off what they could offer in total, or the progress they have made during production, FM5 teasers showed this, so do teasers for GT6, The Crew, and so on).

The only significant difference from what has been shown is proper licenses like Ferrari, other than that is pretty much what we have seen thus far, the same tracks and the same content over and over again with no sense of more content actually being developed.
Ooh GTA Spano.

View attachment 149237

Ariel Atom 500.

View attachment 149238

Ferrari F12berlinetta.

View attachment 149239

There's also

Zonda R (the latter models)


And the V12 Vantage (not the S version though, apparently)

Is rubbish because it did nothing since the last teaser, production wise, has been showing nearly the same thing all around, wanna see why?
That still doesn't make it rubbish though, just them playing it close to the chest. Maybe they don't want to release too much info and leave the majority as a surprise for release. I mean Shuhei Yoshida mentioned on the blog that the game is attempting something no other racer has until now, hence the delay. I can see why they might want to keep the anticipation lebels up, especially after such a delay.
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The weather looks to be just clouds, no precipitation. The clouds are done very well however (they cast shadows on the track as they move or provide unique sunsets etc
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The weather looks to be just clouds, no precipitation. The clouds are done very well however (they cast shadows on the track as they move or provide unique sunsets etc
I hope those clouds will have snow falling out of them on those snowly mountain tracks. :embarrassed:
So what are you saying Akira, that they've only got two tracks finished and the game will be tiny?

My point is, the game was announced in Q2-2013, since then they have showcased the same series of Tracks and cars. Since it's announcement there has been an alarming lack of content to show, take for example what was shown in gamescom, then what was shown a few months back and what is been shown now.

Is an space of about 9 months, in which no new content has been shown, same Atacama Desert track, same Alps track, same Scotland track, same Night/Day transition in Atacama, the only difference is the cloud effects that were somehow teased in the FB feed.

Any other racing game in development shows more and more content as time goes by, in an space of 9 months you could expect to see at least 1 or 2 more scenarios added as development goes, what is shown thus far seems to only show some degree of stagnation during the production process.

The game looks undeniably gorgeous, however is the same stuff that we have seen time and time again, and that just suggest that production halted, then a restructure occurred and then production started again. My gripe with is not the amount of content but the delays it's got vs what is actually being produced at this point.

Is approximately 6 months to release date, no idea what kind of stuff they are producing but it seems that they are stagnating with assets, other game have show more to offer in a smaller time frame, and given that it was to be a PS4 release title, one could expect at least more things to show rather than the same thing everyone has already seen over and over again.

I could wait for E3 and see if it gets better, but P-Cars, The Crew and other titles have dwindle my interest for it, no decent racers for the PS4 and a delay for the only interesting title in the PS4 release schedule(that and Killzone Shadowfall) should have better things to offer to make up for all the production backdrops, rather than a release date and the same content to show over again.
May this free version for psplus users set example for GT7 prologue if they go that way.
And i feel this game may deserve own topic instead of hidden under Console Gaming :)
More details from today

Driveclub runs at 30fps
Photomode is being worked on
PS plus with have 5 tracks from one country and 10 cars. Access to all online and offline features

Paul Rustchynsky

We love racing wheels! We’re working closely with Thrustmaster to support their awesome wheels already and when Logitech support wheel peripherals on PlayStation 4 we’d love to support them in DRIVECLUB too.

So we need to storm Logitech :)

Delay was suppose to be about the dynamic menu system. its a key part of the connected world and graphic improvements.
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Yeah, a menu system is not a good enough reason to say why it was delayed. :lol:
To be truthful, I'd rather that they got it right, than release while hoping they had all those angles covered - there are enough recent examples in gaming of similar social functionality not working properly out of the box.
Some news about the PS+ edition.

Well, 55 track + 50 or so cars is not a bad number, that said it will be down to the driving model and the game itself that I'll be encouraged to buy the full version.

My money is on The Crew though, if this is worth some investment then an investment will be done, otherwise there are several games in that time frame that has stolen my interest for it.

Can't object against the free aspect of it (considering that FM5 charge a buck for a car and like 15 tracks, whole package is nearly 100 USD, which is stupid), this is actually far more consumer oriented than a repetitive rip-off that people seem to encourage these days. HOWEVER they better have a decent gameplay mode, if they do they will win my buck, otherwise there is no much point on investing in it.
People should know that if you buy the PS+ full game for the $10 discount you lose access if you stop PS+. Probably should stick to retail.

What happens in a few weeks/months when the retail is, at least in the UK much cheaper. The already tiny discount is wiped out.


My efforts over the last decade stopping people typing loose when they mean lose has failed.
Some news about the PS+ edition.

Well, 55 track + 50 or so cars is not a bad number, that said it will be down to the driving model and the game itself that I'll be encouraged to buy the full version.


Think you got your numbers mixed the PS+ version only has 11 tracks and 10 cars.
Nice to know that Evolution aren't treating consumers like idiots with this ridiculous PS+ premium version. 👍:rolleyes:

Who would buy this version?
Think you got your numbers mixed the PS+ version only has 11 tracks and 10 cars.
I was talking about the full version.

Also, yep .. since it's something like an MMO I can see how can you loose access to it when you upgrade it from the Plus edition. That said is a pretty stupid marketing move, people will just go ahead and buy the retail, however that solely depends on how the game itself turns out to be (either like NFS Pro Street kind of events with a social focus, or some sort of friend MMO).
After all that. Originally they said it would be free for PS+ members. Guess the delay was to figure out how much money they needed to make.
After all that. Originally they said it would be free for PS+ members. Guess the delay was to figure out how much money they needed to make.
They never claimed such a thing.

Since it's very announcement there was a strip down PS+ version and a full version, at no moment they said the game was going to be full for PS+ members.
They never claimed such a thing.

Since it's very announcement there was a strip down PS+ version and a full version, at no moment they said the game was going to be full for PS+ members.
I thought they had said it upon the announcement of the system. I guess I misunderstood that part.