
  • Thread starter Waheed
Driveclub is a Semi-sim racer according to the game's director.

He said that the game is between Arcade and Simulation in an interview from IGN.
Well, they are telling of what this game is trying to achieve, it's not supposed to be a sim or anything like that. It's supposed to be a fun, socially-connected, mini-challenge based adrenaline ride from start to finish. That's their aim rather than a focus on the more traditional racing experience.

I thought they were going for Simcade? That was the plan before the delay.
Simcade is a stupid term made up by marketers that can be interpreted anyway they wish to show it off.

So define what SImcade means to you?
Simcade is a stupid term made up by marketers that can be interpreted anyway they wish to show it off.

So define what SImcade means to you?
Half Sim Half Arcade, Pretty much like PGR or the F1 series. Game aimed at the casuals first and foremost but playable enough for hardcore gamers.
Half Sim Half Arcade, Pretty much like PGR or the F1 series. Game aimed at the casuals first and foremost but playable enough for hardcore gamers.
Well, that seems like a very elitist approach so I won't bother explaining what Driveclub is. :lol:
Well, that seems like a very elitist approach so I won't bother explaining what Driveclub is. :lol:
I dont think you even know tbh, Before the delay we were told and the people that played it defo all said Simcade or Semi Sim as a poster above says. You say "it's not supposed to be a sim or anything like it" Which goes against what the devs have been saying? Watching the video's it certainly does not look anything like a sim or simcade...very confusing. So it's easy to see why no one has any real answers.
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I dont think you even know tbh, Before the delay we were told and the people that played it defo all said Simcade or Semi Sim as a poster above says. You say "it's not supposed to be a sim or anything like it" Which goes against what the devs have been saying?
Try again, they (supposedly?) said it was simcade which as I said above doesn't even have a concrete meaning(and for many, it certainly isn't what you called it) so nothing has changed, the game is still following the path they wanted it to take, just because it doesn't adhere to your definition of a made up word doesn't mean they aren't following what they believe the game should be.

“It sits in the middle between simulation and arcade. It’s grounded in realism, so the cars have a sense of weight, a tactile feel with the road, but we want to make sure it’s easy to throw them around the corners, it’s all about having fun with the cars.

This is Evolution's take on Driveclub's handling engine, if you disagree with it then that's fine. But you shouldn't be able to say it's no longer semi-sim when you haven't even played it yourself.

Furthermore, you asked what Driveclub was and I answered you, I didn't even mention the physics engine unless you can suddenly use 'simcade' as a scale to determine the features included within a game.

If you had watched the videos above the gameplay ones, you would have seen I was talking about the features of the game and even pointed out.

It's supposed to be a fun, socially-connected, mini-challenge based adrenaline ride from start to finish
This is Evolution's take on Driveclub's handling engine, if you disagree with it then that's fine. But you shouldn't be able to say it's no longer semi-sim when you haven't even played it yourself.

It was you that said it was nothing like a sim not myself.

it's not supposed to be a sim or anything like that.

I hope it does turn out what the devs have been saying but watching the video's does not portray that vision very well it comes across very arcadey.
It was you that said it was nothing like a sim not myself.

I hope it does turn out what the devs have been saying but watching the video's does not portray that vision very well it comes across very arcadey.
I just explained why I said that in my last post?:odd:
Furthermore, you asked what Driveclub was and I answered you, I didn't even mention the physics engine unless you can suddenly use 'simcade' as a scale to determine the features included within a game.

Nothing like a sim as in the features, which is what we were discussing.
Sounds are not good to be honest, that Zonda video especially

Right on the same ball-park here. As a Pagani fan, I feel the sound is atrocious. Oh why... why can't we have good engine sounds in a racing game?

We want to make sure it’s easy to throw them around the corners, it’s all about having fun with the cars.

Oh great, they're spruiking that pick-up-and-play Drifty Craig bull****? And I heard you could only have 6 members maximum in your crew? My expectations of this game are being lowered quite a bit.
Right on the same ball-park here. As a Pagani fan, I feel the sound is atrocious. Oh why... why can't we have good engine sounds in a racing game?

Oh great, they're spruiking that pick-up-and-play Drifty Craig bull****? And I heard you could only have 6 members maximum in your crew? My expectations of this game are being lowered quite a bit.

I tweeted someone from the development team, he told me they are still improving the sounds so here is hoping.
Developers seriously need to stop putting microtransactions in AAA games. This practice is getting out of hand. Leave the pay-to-win stuff to the mobile games market.
At the bottom of the article it says...

"Sony last week reversed a policy that locked much of the PlayStation Plus’ £42.99 DriveClub edition content behind a paywall."

I'm wondering if this article relates to just the PS+ version of the game and if you want other cars or tracks etc you will be able to buy the ones you want and not pay a big payment and unlock everything. This would tie in with those videos released last week.

I'm betting the disk release will be full with possible extra content later as DLC and the term microtrasaction has been loosely used.
Right on the same ball-park here. As a Pagani fan, I feel the sound is atrocious. Oh why... why can't we have good engine sounds in a racing game?

Oh great, they're spruiking that pick-up-and-play Drifty Craig bull****? And I heard you could only have 6 members maximum in your crew? My expectations of this game are being lowered quite a bit.
About the sound the devs are very confident they nailed it.

New interview here from the director.
About the sound the devs are very confident they nailed it.

New interview here from the director.

About what I said, I mean the isolation of the engine noise is great when in cockpit view, but rather the actual engine note itself is what I'm not impressed with.

Also, the game's director seems to have me blocked on Twitter for unexplained reasons. I mean, I was wondering "What did I do to have myself blocked by Driveclub's director?"

"If you want to unlock a car immediately, you can pay to unlock that car straight away but it’s not a consumable microtransaction. We don’t let people buy Fame, for example and spend lots and lots. The idea is if you want to shortcut things you can do"

It just sounds like these microtransactions just give you early access to items, rather than exclusive content. To be honest, I hope that is true as I think game developers shouldn't charge a full price for a game, and knowingly release DLC in the immediate future.

I won't be bothering with these microtransactions anyway, why would I want content handed to me without earning it myself? Unlocking content through achieving certain goals is a massive part of the fun of gaming to me 👍
So much for the uber competitive clubs, like any club based game, microtransactions will dominate the scoreboards. NHL was the exact same, fastest out the gate can rule the leaderboard for as long as they want.