
  • Thread starter Waheed
That is exactly why i loved it, absolutely spot on. It felt modern but at the same time slick and without unnecessary bling bling.

Currently i play Horizon 4 and while it looks, sounds and drives like a great arcade racer, it's so overblown with all sorts of stuff you can do, all sorts of rewards and bling bling, it's nauseating, really. It gives me ADHD plus a seizure just from taking all in.

I know right. When you look at NFS or The Crew's menus for example you have no idea where to start. It's a mess. There's like 5 different XP bars and currencies to keep track of (and half of them are microtransaction based). Then when you get to driving, the HUD is way too distracting in itself and you get reward popups every 5 seconds. It's infuriating.

Another reason why DC is special is the in house menu soundtracks. Not a lot of game do that anymore. It reminds me again of PS1 era NFS. When I'm done with DC and forgets about it, I can hear "Be Here Now" 10 years down the track and all the nostalgia will come flooding in. You just don't get that level of attachment with licensed soundtracks in most games.
I started a new game on DC Bikes (the standalone version) this week on my ''new'' account after a (or two) year long hiatus from it and I was instantly reminded why I barely could put down the controller before. I like(d) Driveclub, but DC Bikes is my jam. It's just as good after these years as I remember it. However I forgot what an absolute time sink the challenges and leaderboards are - in a fun and addictive way.

Such a shame we will most likely never see a sequel.
EDIT: Btw, anyone here want to help me out with DC Bikes trophy? The one that involves saving a replay in an Online race? Because the open lobbies in DC Bikes seem to be dead, no racers at all. Would really appreciate it :gtpflag:
Still up for it or need the trophy? That's the only one I'm going to struggle with for the Platinum as it also needs 6 players to be in the lobby/race. My slight OCD really dislike MP trophies such as these.
If anyone is going to grind online trophies, feel free to add me as well (GTP_LeGeNd-1). Just remember to mention DC in the friend request. My playing hours are extremely variable and short (work does that unfortunately) but if you have a group going and see me online just send the invite 👍 I haven't looked at the Bikes trophies yet but the Cars online trophies looks to be grindable by yourself if you have a second account.

I'm grinding for the Level 6 in all Accolades trophy now. It's a long slog with the number of races you need, but I'm pairing it with unlocking the LaFerrari and getting to level 66 for the RS01. I'm doing a Driveclub "Supertour" by doing at least one event each (Race, Sprint, Drift, TT) on each of the tracks. Also setting the opponents to Legend so I keep my skills up :D It's a lot of fun. I wish they added some official Tour events including the new city tracks, but I guess the ship has sailed for Evo Studios by that time. I still love the city tracks but you can tell they are a lot smaller scope wise.

EDIT: Just had a look at the Bikes trophy list, levelling up every bike to level 15 is gonna be an even longer slog :ouch: I think my highest level car is only ~10.

I just reached level 60 and unlocked my first elite challenge too. That will keep me busy as well. I looked at the leaderboards and it seems there are 60 elite challenges (1 for every level after 60 up to max 120). Does anyone know if there is a list of challenges anywhere? I don't think I'll have the time to grind to level 120, but I'd still like to attempt and "beat" those challenges in single player.

It's absolutely insane how much XP the top guys and clubs have though :eek: They must have the game online 24/7 since release :lol:
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EDIT: Just had a look at the Bikes trophy list, levelling up every bike to level 15 is gonna be an even longer slog :ouch: I think my highest level car is only ~10.
Whenever I get to the point were I feel it's a matter of grinding, I usually do some Time Trial or 25 lap races on a track with long straight(s) and do some wheelies. Might not be the most fun in the long run but you can rack up some serious points. Skill events are also great for grinding. I find levelling up cars way more 'tedious'.

I decided to pop in the disc for DC the other day for the sake of variety and due to my itch to drive the Caterham R500. Having played a ton of DC Bikes previously, almost half of the trophies popped up after I finished my first race. Luckily I still have my old level 51 account so the online trophies won't be an issue - only one more left.
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The fastest way to level the bikes is to do the short show off events. I spent a couple of hours on it back when I went for the Platinum, although I believe that was during a 100% bonus exp event. It's a chore alright...
@LeGeNd-1 A week ago or so, I came across an even quicker way to level up the bikes if it's still interesting. The Putre skill event, which should grant you anything between 25K-30K per minute.

I also finished the DC Tour yesterday. The Venom Hotlap took me 2 laps to beat with almost half a second, with the first lap being sort of a warm-up lap. I remember this being a lot harder. I think Venom Hotlap 2 will (again) give me much more of a headache.

Edit : Finally got my Platinum trophy. The VH2 was bascially a walk in the park as it took me 2 laps to beat as well. Only thing that really remains now is playing through the extra content and getting all the stars.
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Still up for it or need the trophy? That's the only one I'm going to struggle with for the Platinum as it also needs 6 players to be in the lobby/race. My slight OCD really dislike MP trophies such as these.

I'd happily join, but my PS+ sub has ended week ago, and can't seem to scrap money to extend it (having some plans IRL, so saving up cash) :indiff:
@LeGeNd-1 A week ago or so, I came across an even quicker way to level up the bikes if it's still interesting. The Putre skill event, which should grant you anything between 25K-30K per minute.

I also finished the DC Tour yesterday. The Venom Hotlap took me 2 laps to beat with almost half a second, with the first lap being sort of a warm-up lap. I remember this being a lot harder. I think Venom Hotlap 2 will (again) give me much more of a headache.

Edit : Finally got my Platinum trophy. The VH2 was bascially a walk in the park as it took me 2 laps to beat as well. Only thing that really remains now is playing through the extra content and getting all the stars.

Thanks for the tip 👍 That'll come in handy when I grind for sure.

The VH1 took me something like 1 hour at first. I needed to watch the WR youtube video to get a pointer for racing lines and braking points. Coming primarily from a sim background, I tend to be very conservative with track limits and grip around turns, which leaves plenty of seconds on the table. Once I got used to the physics and track limits abuse I beat it within a couple laps. By the time I got to VH2 I've already done almost all the Tour events including DLC, so I'm well and truly gelled with the physics. I think I beat it in 5 laps or so. The night and rain didn't bother me as much as I thought since I've already memorised the track from VH1 :lol:

Apart from those 2 the only difficult Tour event is the AMG GT3 Man vs Machine one. The difficulty comes from having to beat the fast ghost AND keep 2 clean sectors. I couldn't even beat it first try with the help of a youtube vid, so I left it until I've done all other events. Got it within 3 or so attempts in the end. I can hardly believe how much more comfortable I am now with DC's physics, quirks and all.
The VH1 took me something like 1 hour at first. I needed to watch the WR youtube video to get a pointer for racing lines and braking points. Coming primarily from a sim background, I tend to be very conservative with track limits and grip around turns, which leaves plenty of seconds on the table. Once I got used to the physics and track limits abuse I beat it within a couple laps. By the time I got to VH2 I've already done almost all the Tour events including DLC, so I'm well and truly gelled with the physics. I think I beat it in 5 laps or so. The night and rain didn't bother me as much as I thought since I've already memorised the track from VH1 :lol:
Considering how little effort I acually put in those time trials I believe the physics clicked with me even better this time around than when I did my first playthrough on my old account. I liked it from the get go the first time around but now I really love it.

Apart from those 2 the only difficult Tour event is the AMG GT3 Man vs Machine one. The difficulty comes from having to beat the fast ghost AND keep 2 clean sectors. I couldn't even beat it first try with the help of a youtube vid, so I left it until I've done all other events. Got it within 3 or so attempts in the end. I can hardly believe how much more comfortable I am now with DC's physics, quirks and all.
Going to keep that event in mind :D

Edit : I’m finishing up the AMG Tour as we speak. This one took me - once again - two tries as well but barely passed it with less than 0.400 seconds left on the clock. Managed to ”ace” the last sector. I was behind the ghost the entire time otherwise.

I see that Evo did have a love for frustrating combinations of powerful cars and terrible weather conditions.

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It's absolutely insane how much XP the top guys and clubs have though :eek: They must have the game online 24/7 since release :lol:

It's just a VERY LONG grind which was known pretty much since the release: Tamil Nadu 01, time attack mode, pick the most drifty car and just slide around. With enough determination you can get +/-20k per lap. And after One:1 was released, every grinder switched to that car since it can maintain slides on higher speeds

As for me, i've done some grinding to get to LvL 50 back in the day, but i got quite bored by it. Since then i gathered points mostly by completing Manufacturer accolades (they grant you a lot of points). Currently on LvL 101 and still going (got all Elite Levels up to 40, 20 more to go)
I'd happily join, but my PS+ sub has ended week ago, and can't seem to scrap money to extend it (having some plans IRL, so saving up cash) :indiff:
Understandable. Mine ended too some time ago. Gotta renew it sooner or later anyway so send me a PM when you're ready.

It's just a VERY LONG grind which was known pretty much since the release: Tamil Nadu 01, time attack mode, pick the most drifty car and just slide around. With enough determination you can get +/-20k per lap. And after One:1 was released, every grinder switched to that car since it can maintain slides on higher speeds

As for me, i've done some grinding to get to LvL 50 back in the day, but i got quite bored by it. Since then i gathered points mostly by completing Manufacturer accolades (they grant you a lot of points). Currently on LvL 101 and still going (got all Elite Levels up to 40, 20 more to go)

I respect that it's a lot of work, but man, that's a lot of boredom just to get a fleeting recognition (which would probably be gone once DC's servers shut down for good). I feel like I die a little inside everytime I grind for cash in GT Sport already, I don't want to ruin my Driveclub experience with another looooong grind :lol: I'm just aiming to finish everything offline and get Platinum for cars/bikes, then maybe experience all cars/bikes and tracks at least once each. Whatever level I finish on, that enough for me.

Equippe Senna is a bad-ass name for the top team though :cool: 👍
The sad thing about the eventual shut-down of the servers is that we will lose access to the club exclusive cars. No more BMW M3 GT, BAC Mono and Pagani Zonda R... :(

I don't understand why game developers don't think ahead and realise that at some point, servers will be shut down, and with it, access to content requiring those servers.
The sad thing about the eventual shut-down of the servers is that we will lose access to the club exclusive cars. No more BMW M3 GT, BAC Mono and Pagani Zonda R... :(

I don't understand why game developers don't think ahead and realise that at some point, servers will be shut down, and with it, access to content requiring those servers.

Damn, really? :( I would thought that as long as you stay in a club, even if you're not connected to the internet you will still have access to those cars (haven't tried this personally though).

They still pushed out DC VR and the city tracks even after Evo Studios shutdown. I hope to the racing gods that whoever is still in charge of DC servers at Sony that they will push out one final patch to make these cars available online when the time comes.
Damn, really? :( I would thought that as long as you stay in a club, even if you're not connected to the internet you will still have access to those cars (haven't tried this personally though).

They still pushed out DC VR and the city tracks even after Evo Studios shutdown. I hope to the racing gods that whoever is still in charge of DC servers at Sony that they will push out one final patch to make these cars available online when the time comes.

I doubt it will happen, but one can always hope. Seeing as the club exclusive cars require an active club with at least two members, I cannot imagine that they will remain available after a server shut down.
What in the ever living ....?! 1Bn points for level 120? I'm slam dunking my plan to reach max level straight in the trash then.

Microtransactions are scarier than any Halloween costume.

Is he just referring to the fame booster packs? I don't know why someone would need a 13 minute video just to explain that.

Honestly, apart from bragging leaderboards rights, XP doesn't really mean much in this game once you've unlocked all the cars (which is very doable without microtransactions and just by playing all the available events). Unlike a lot of other games where MTs are literally shoved in your face I think DC is very subtle in that regards.
@OJT6627 @MXH if you guys still need to online bike trophy, I'm trying to organise a meet sometime this week. I have another friend on PS4 who is happy to help, and I'm also trying to recruit some people from PS3trophies. My PSN is GTP_LeGeNd-1.

EDIT: MXH, what is your PSN? I searched and 40 people with similar names came up. If you're in I've got 5 people including you.

Apparently I read that you can also get the trophy by going to a public bike lobby. If there's no one to match you'll get kicked to a car lobby. Complete the trophy objective and the trophy will pop even though you're driving cars. Haven't tried this myself but that would make things much simpler if true.
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EDIT: MXH, what is your PSN? I searched and 40 people with similar names came up. If you're in I've got 5 people including you.

Apparently I read that you can also get the trophy by going to a public bike lobby. If there's no one to match you'll get kicked to a car lobby. Complete the trophy objective and the trophy will pop even though you're driving cars. Haven't tried this myself but that would make things much simpler if true.
My PSN is zoliRX :)

I’m in Germany until thursday evening but I’m free on the weekend and of course back at home. I’m still in if we can arrange a meet some time after.

I haven’t tried it myself either but I remember reading about it on PS trophies(?). Maybe worth a shot? How’s the activity for online races in DC?
My PSN is zoliRX :)

I’m in Germany until thursday evening but I’m free on the weekend and of course back at home. I’m still in if we can arrange a meet some time after.

I haven’t tried it myself either but I remember reading about it on PS trophies(?). Maybe worth a shot? How’s the activity for online races in DC?

Cheers, I'll add you to the group as well. I think we'll aim for this weekend to make it easier for everyone. It's always a struggle with timezones :lol:

I tried the alternative method yesterday and got kicked from lobby 10 times in a row because everything was empty. I think weekends might have more chance but even then getting 6 players is slim. Still worth a try in case our meeting fails. Gah I hate online trophies so much...

EDIT: Got the trophy with some help from randoms. It seems the servers are most busy around night time European time. Hang around the public lobbies and pick up randoms, then when you get enough do it in a private lobby. You don't need the full bikes DLC to do it in private (they can DL the 1 free bike on PSN store), but you do need it to join public race. Good luck to all those trying to get this trophy, it's a huge PITA at this stage of the game's life.

Now I'm focusing on levelling up all bikes and getting to level 120.
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I don't know how much this means but could it indeed be Rushy's new project goes into the direction of the amazing Driveclub?

2019-01-17 10_38_57-Start.png
So, here's my love letter to Driveclub.

Fantastic "love letter" there 👍 and thank your for the mention in your video :cheers: What I find sad is that Sony didn't give those guys the time to finestream the career for the hardcoremmodel and giving those that wanted an extra challenge. When you switch on the hardcoremodel many events are currently unbeatable with that mode. I also think it is a feature that is less known, maybe even by regular players. Scaff is right though, switch that mode on and you'll get a whole new experience. I wouldn't try the Dambusters event with it though :lol:

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