Drivehub + PS4 + GT7 + Logitech G Pro PC Version + T-LCM Not Working


I recently picked up the Logitech G Pro PC edition and I can't seem to get the T-LCM pedals working at the same time as the logitech G pro wheel.

I have been using the drivehub with my TS-XW + T-LCM Pedals for a while without issue, both over usb with the wheel plugged into the "wheel" slot and the pedals plugged into "accessory".

They also worked plugged into the TS-XW via the phone type cable.

With the G Pro wheel, I can't seem to get the pedals and wheel working at the same time. I was wondering if anyone has had this issue.

I have updated the Drivehub to the latest beta firmware.

I have not yet updated the Logitech wheel because I don't have a PC to do so (the laptop I have is a work machine and the Drivehub updater is web based... however the wheel needs to have software installed which I can't do), but if someone really thinks that is the issue I can find someone to help with that.

I have managed to get the wheel and pedals working at the same time once, through multiple attempts and various combinations of plugging and unplugging while mashing the pedals, however there was no FFB.

Any help would be appreciated.

One thing I noticed is that when I plug in the wheel, it says Pro (wheel) 2 times, vs when I plug in my tsxw it says "tsxw" "tlcm".


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