Drivers From a Certain Country...

  • Thread starter war_ops_84
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Double posting to get some attention. I'm serious.
I ****ing don't understand how this thread was not locked yet. Someone from a country that through their courts and legal means make official (sanctioned by their government) to kill people all around the world, is accusing my country of being aggressive with no ****ing data to back it up. Nobody has the ****ing balls to say the name of the country, still they say they have no prejudice in their speech. "Ghetto Olympics"? The one where Lochte trashed a gas station, confronted guards then filed falsely for robbery? Good thing Americans are nice, Eh?! Have you watched Flint Town? Have you seen what your country is going through? I am, seriously considering leaving GTP. If that's OK by GTP standards, maybe I'll just meet the more friendly ones in GT Sport and let this place for you guys talk trash about other countries.

I'm going freaking insane here!
Double posting to get some attention. I'm serious.
I ****ing don't understand how this thread was not locked yet. Someone from a country that through their courts and legal means make official (sanctioned by their government) to kill people all around the world, is accusing my country of being aggressive with no ****ing data to back it up. Nobody has the ****ing balls to say the name of the country, still they say they have no prejudice in their speech. "Ghetto Olympics"? The one where Lochte trashed a gas station, confronted guards then filed falsely for robbery? Good thing Americans are nice, Eh?! Have you watched Flint Town? Have you seen what your country is going through? I am, seriously considering leaving GTP. If that's OK by GTP standards, maybe I'll just meet the more friendly ones in GT Sport and let this place for you guys talk trash about other countries.

I'm going freaking insane here!
Get some rest, man. Leave GTP for a week or so, PSN friend request the select few you like here, and keep it all at GTS. (3 Warning points + potential ban inbound) This ********'s getting too much of a ********. Have someone tell you when all this ****ery's over.
Here’s my big Bhuuuuu for this thread!!

I love and embrace all races!!
I go along with every race, any race of any group from and in any country, no matter small or big or how many people from that race, no matter the looks, shape, style, power of that race!

I just HATE Ovals but that’s not a race, so boring... Ovals are for Motorsport like Curling is to Winter Olympics, POINTLESS! Noob racing with no skills needed! Go figure why only one “certain country” in the world embrace it as national Motorsport!!

Call me Racist but it’s a fact!
" in other aspects" Your logic doesn't hold up hence you make exceptions.

When did I make an exception? Do you know the difference between an aspect and an exception?

If they can identify mutations among groups, you can identify race.

You can’t, because the human genome is a combination of mutations. Where do you draw the line between which mutations are essential for racial classifications and which aren’t? Again, they tried to do it, but found that it was not possible since the variation was so great that each individual would essentially need to constitute a unique race.

The anthropologist can tell what race you are based on bone structure, if they couldn't, then they would be making wild assumptions on all fossils and human remains they find.

They can’t and they don’t. As far as anthropologists are concerned there is only one contemporary human race and that is Homo Sapiens Sapiens. There are different phenotypes, but that’s down to the individual’s unique genome and heritage and not something that can be said to constitute a set of different races.

The problem for people like you who believe that there are genetically identifiable races is that you think of the human family as a tree where each branch have a limited set of ancestors and share a common ancestry, when in fact it is a network with the ancestry running along as well as across branches. Ultimately, that is what makes it impossible to make a genetic definition of race, because that kind of groups doesn’t exist in the population.

They tried, God knows they tried. But they failed.

a lot of contest are exclusive to certain regions of the world.

For practical, organisational and legal reasons. That’s not the same thing as saying “you cannot join because [insert nationality] are [insert stereotype]”. Are you able to see the difference?

A company by the name of "Ancestry" have identified 350 ethnic regions based on the mapping of our genome.

They also say that the result is unique to you and that even full siblings can have a different ancestry. Which means that your genome can’t be used to build a racial classification on.

They can tell you what parts (notice the plural s there) of the world they estimate your ancestry to come from, but that’s all.

The innate problem of racial classification is that people first came to the conclusion that the worldwide population must be divided into different races, and only then they started to search for the scientific evidence. They came up empty, and today the idea of races is completely dead among scholars. What remains is race as a social construct, based on arbitrary and inconsistent criterias.
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You can’t, because the human genome is a combination of mutations. Where do you draw the line between which mutations are essential for racial classifications and which aren’t? Again, they tried to do it, but found that it was not possible since the variation was so great that each individual would essentially need to constitute a unique race.

They can’t and they don’t. As far as anthropologists are concerned there is only one contemporary human race and that is Homo Sapiens Sapiens. There are different phenotypes, but that’s down to the individual’s unique genome and heritage and not something that can be said to constitute a set of different races.

The problem for people like you who believe that there are genetically identifiable races is that you think of the human family as a tree where each branch have a limited set of ancestors and share a common ancestry, when in fact it is a network with the ancestry running along as well as across branches. Ultimately, that is what makes it impossible to make a genetic definition of race, because that kind of groups doesn’t exist in the population.

They tried, God knows they tried. But they failed.

You didn't read my post?

I'm no geneticist (though I have talked to a few because of my ideopathic pituitary insufficiency), but I would imagine that once you have a detailed dataset large enough, you could make all sorts of classifications.

It would be interesting to see what mutations are and aren't in various ethnic groups - but just like speciation, the ones that are different from a given set do not belong in that set (though the test for speciation is different, producing fertile offspring iirc). That set might still have variation, but if various sets also contain that variation then another set is not created, just a differing trait (eg blue eyes/ black hair) within a single or many sets.

Got a reference for "they tried to do it"? I think has them beat?

Of course branches are intertwined in a network - the ancestry DNA test gives you a percentage count of different ethnic groups your DNA contains.

let's just ignore the fact modern medicine has identified unique genome sets and has even identified extinct phenotypes .

Why do you want to ignore that? And how is it relevant to the discussion on race?

Race is not a social construct when there are VISIBLE differences globally . These visible differences come from genes . You can not deny this .

Why wouldn’t that make race a social construct?

The key question is: can you divide people into discreet racial groups based on genetics? The answer is no.

The fact that you can see differences in skin tone, hair texture etc when you look at two individuals does not mean that it’s possible to divide the entire population into discreet racial groups. You’re either going to end up with arbitrary and inconsistent criterias, or you’ll end up with so many “races” that it’s a meaningless classification. Ultimately it will always be based on opinion, and not on biology.

Furthermore, no racist taps you on the shoulder asking you to make a DNA test before determining whether or not he shall hate you. It’s a social construct, end of story.

lol! Only the bit with words you had to read. Too much to ask? Sorry, thought you cared!

You’re the one who claimed I missed something. If I did, why are you so afraid of pointing out what I missed?
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Some country's like F1 and others like Nascar , is that racist ?

, it's true. TV viewing figures can back this up. Do you see how statistics work? Evidence is collected and documented. To find out the dirtiest drivers in GT we would need to collect the evidence. Without it biases skew the results, as we can see by the number of countries accused of being the dirtiest. It's likely someone is right, as would happen if we all just took a guess, but not everyone can be.
You: no response.

Also discrimination is not inherently bad . I keep away from C or lower rank drivers .

Once again. The evidence is there for you to make an informed decision. At the very least the grading letter implies how well one can handle a car on the limit.
You: no response.
1. “You cannot join my racing league because your DR/SR rating is not good enough.”

2. “You cannot join my racing league because you’re from [insert country here].”
Not my post.

I'm responding to WHAT YOU POSTED
Oh, really?

Learn to argue.
You are creating a straw man.
In a thread about the behaviour of drivers from a certain country, I think it's safe to assume that was what was being inferred as the reason for discriminating against drivers from said country. Hence no straw man.
if I choose to reject unhealthy food for consumption, I am discriminating against unhealthy food
Once again. You are making an informed decision based on evidence. The problem with accusing one countries' drivers of being dirtier is that the evidence is not there. Even though one country will come out at the top of the list we don't know which one, and the difference between countries is likely to be so small it would useless to draw any conclusions from it.
Here’s my big Bhuuuuu for this thread!!
I just HATE Ovals but that’s not a race, so boring... Ovals are for Motorsport like Curling is to Winter Olympics, POINTLESS! Noob racing with no skills needed! Go figure why only one “certain country” in the world embrace it as national Motorsport!!

Call me Racist but it’s a fact!

If what you say is fact then I guess that it would also be fact that F1 drivers are the 2nd best drivers in the world because all of the F1 drivers that have tried US oval racing all got their asses kicked to kingdom come when they came to the US to try their hand at "no skill required" oval racing.
Why hasnt this thread been locked?

In the age of Trumpism/Xenophobia/Nationalism and who, what, where are people aligned to politically in the world ideological beliefs, this was never going to remain on track for discussion. Its certainly not why I came to this section of the forum on GT Sport. Anthropology on GTPlanet... my word..
Been playing racing games online for over 10 years, I've seen dirty & overly aggressive drivers from pretty much everywhere but two countries in particular are clear stand outs after thousands of public races across multiple games and platforms.
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As i can see, drivers from *insert random country here* are totally idiots, but there are many drivers from *insert same country here* that are pretty good.


I wouldn't say it's entirely pointless. It's interesting that anecdotal observations like this are the cornerstone of how you construct prejudice which can lead to racism and dehumanization. Hell, in some cases we've watched that devolution in this very thread.
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I wouldn't say it's entirely pointless. It's interesting that anecdotal observations like they are the cornerstone of how you construct prejudice which can lead to racism and dehumanization. Hell, in some cases we've watched that devolution in this very thread.
So there is a point to all of this, and it's just so that the point is at best meaningless, and at worst just straight up bad. That's what you're trying to say?

You're not wrong.
Why hasnt this thread been locked?

In the age of Trumpism/Xenophobia/Nationalism and who, what, where are people aligned to politically in the world ideological beliefs, this was never going to remain on track for discussion. Its certainly not why I came to this section of the forum on GT Sport. Anthropology on GTPlanet... my word..

The age of "Trumpism" is extremely pleasant compared to that miserable age of Obamaism/Liberalism/Bedwetterism. Chimpanzees suffer xenophobia, the males of 1 community will try to kill a males from neighboring communities. If you believe in evolution then I guess you could say xenophobia is part of human kinds DNA. (A DNA test is not a drug n alcohol test):):)
Holy ****, why hasn't this thread been closed yet? I thought these kinds of posts were forbidden?

And now the thread is getting into politics, to top it all off!

There are bad drivers and bad gamers everywhere, deal with it or refuse to play with them, period.

People from my country don't need to be stereotyped even more than what we are.
Im Back! And I don’t feel great about it, but let’s see how long it takes for this thread to be locked. I mean... I saw a thread asking if Spa was coming to GTS getting locked...

The age of "Trumpism" is extremely pleasant compared to that miserable age of Obamaism/Liberalism/Bedwetterism. Chimpanzees suffer xenophobia, the males of 1 community will try to kill a males from neighboring communities. If you believe in evolution then I guess you could say xenophobia is part of human kinds DNA. (A DNA test is not a drug n alcohol test):):)

Yeah... if you’re gonna go through that route, if you think the DNA is the final word, and you’re OK with anything dictated by it, maybe we should ignore some modern miracles like glasses and contact lenses, and a lot of medicines for problems that our perfect DNA helps us getting, like cancer, mental health issues and heart conditions. This must be one of the worst arguments ever made.

If what you say is fact then I guess that it would also be fact that F1 drivers are the 2nd best drivers in the world because all of the F1 drivers that have tried US oval racing all got their asses kicked to kingdom come when they came to the US to try their hand at "no skill required" oval racing.

So you do feel offended... by “shaming” NASCAR and Indy. Oh man... you’re the weak one! and you’re wrong. Go check your sources.
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The age of "Trumpism" is extremely pleasant compared to that miserable age of Obamaism/Liberalism/Bedwetterism. Chimpanzees suffer xenophobia, the males of 1 community will try to kill a males from neighboring communities. If you believe in evolution then I guess you could say xenophobia is part of human kinds DNA. (A DNA test is not a drug n alcohol test):):)

>Rationalizing amoral arguments just because irrational animals also do it.

I know I shouldn't bite this, but whatever:

Do you know chimps like to play and eat their own ****, right? Have you ate yours today?

Do you also know that our DNA is not perfect, right? In fact, many of our illments comes from it.

Also it's not immutable, it can change with the very same use of evolution.

As a matter of fact, using the DNA fallacy to justify xenophobia only makes look, well...Xenophobic.
I don´t care about the gnome(s)... (????? :confused::confused::crazy::crazy::crazy::odd::odd::odd:) all I know is.. that most of Spanish racers I find on GTS are worthless driving bums!!! And that´s about all i have to say on this subject! :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck:
Im Back! And I don’t feel great about it, but let’s see how long it takes for this thread to be locked. I mean... I saw a thread asking if Spa was coming to GTS getting locked...
Yeah... if you’re gonna go through that route, if you think the DNA is the final word, and you’re OK with anything dictated by it, maybe we should ignore some modern miracles like glasses and contact lenses, and a lot of medicines for problems that our perfect DNA helps us getting, like cancer, mental health issues and heart conditions. This must be one of the worst arguments ever made.
So you do feel offended... by “shaming” NASCAR and Indy. Oh man... you’re the weak one! and you’re wrong. Go check your sources.

Back up a little bit there, I am not condoning racism or anything else you guys are getting all fired up about, I merely shared the link between chimps and xenophobia as an interesting little tidbit about this discussion. I mean you do realize the reason that there are so many long term wild great ape studies going on is to get an idea on how man may have lived many, many years ago, you know before it was recorded on VHS and on paper. Even if people choose not to believe in evolution we still are the same group of people that early, primitive man was. Thats it, that the only point I was making with my comment, well that and the "Trumpism" and Obamaism bedwtterism link.
As far as the Oval and F1 deal I stand by that 100%, show me the F1 driver that did anything but try to compete against our oval track guys. What Mr Strife posted was his opinion that he claimed as fact, what I replied about F1 and oval is fact, not opinion. If you prove me wrong I will congratulate you.
Back up a little bit there, I am not condoning racism or anything else you guys are getting all fired up about, I merely shared the link between chimps and xenophobia as an interesting little tidbit about this discussion. I mean you do realize the reason that there are so many long term wild great ape studies going on is to get an idea on how man may have lived many, many years ago, you know before it was recorded on VHS and on paper. Even if people choose not to believe in evolution we still are the same group of people that early, primitive man was. Thats it, that the only point I was making with my comment, well that and the "Trumpism" and Obamaism bedwtterism link.
As far as the Oval and F1 deal I stand by that 100%, show me the F1 driver that did anything but try to compete against our oval track guys. What Mr Strife posted was his opinion that he claimed as fact, what I replied about F1 and oval is fact, not opinion. If you prove me wrong I will congratulate you.

If it helps villeneuve won indy 500, maybe before. But he did it in CART
As far as the Oval and F1 deal I stand by that 100%, show me the F1 driver that did anything but try to compete against our oval track guys
It's a non-starter this, they're too different. I'm not at all surprised that former F1 drivers struggle to beat current Nascar drivers at their own sport; it's like comparing jujitsu to Kung-Fu.

And I don't agree with SofiaSpeed that Nascar is a no-skill motorsport; that's clearly an ignorant statement and I'm surprised you bothered to engage with it.

If what you say is fact then I guess that it would also be fact that F1 drivers are the 2nd best drivers in the world
because they're good enough to try someone else's sport and largely be competitive?
How many former Nascar drivers have given F1 a shot? We'd need to see how they got on before drawing the sort of conclusions you're throwing around :)
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