Driving force gt problems

That is really, really strange. I still think the wheel's defective, otherwise both your PS2 and PS3 would have to be defective which is highly unlikely.
Alright guys, i have taken apart the wheel itself . to look at the wiring. while hooked up to GT5 i applied pressure to the wires from the port on the wheel connecting to the circuit board. it appears when that when i press on the wires,the problem becomes less obvious,but its still there. I think its a wiring problem. I guess theres not much i can do for now. perhaps,its time to get a wheel with clucth. i am still confused as to why the problem only appears on the PS3. I can still use this wheel for PC sims i guess.
I consider myself knowledgeable about sim racing and hardware, particularly this wheel since I own one myself. I have helped some people on my stay here and the iRacing forums, but your issue is very strange.

Maybe Logitech will surprise you, who knows. I don't think there's much you can do right now. :(
i guess due to some loose wiring/defective wiring,there is not enough power supplied to support the pedals. My pc has a 500W PSU,probably more than the new CECH 300X series PS3 . Maybe the bigger PSU made up for the energy loss.While the PS3's power supply could not.
i guess due to some loose wiring/defective wiring,there is not enough power supplied to support the pedals. My pc has a 500W PSU,probably more than the new CECH 300X series PS3 . Maybe the bigger PSU made up for the energy loss.While the PS3's power supply could not.

On that note, how about trying with a powered USB hub? If what you say is right it could be worth a shot...