- 29,812
- He/Him
- ScaffUK
the InterceptorI agree that the wheel shaking at high speeds is realistic, but I guess it shouldn't do it as constantly as ist does. Above a certain speed, the wheel begins to move left and right, and if that effect is supposed to be realistic, it rather should move about by chance, and not as constantly as it does, don't you think? And if it's not a bug, why would it stop shaking when you turn off the rumble effect of the DS2?
... which brings me back to the original question: does turning of the rumble effect work? It'd be nice if you confine to the answer of this question, as this is what the thread intentionally was about. Sure you can discuss your opinions on this effect, asking if it's a bug or a feature and if it feels realistically or not. But this thread was meant to clarify if changing the option works for you, so I ask you to try that and give us some feedback!
Thanks! 👍
the Interceptor
I'm not sure if this post was meant for me, and I don't want to start a flame war with regard to this, but my reply was in direct response to my original post being quoted and the realism of an effect like this being in place.
As far as the effect itself and how to get rid of it is concerned, I can only trust that the wide range of suggestions already made work for the people who want it to work. You see some people may not want to get rid of it and it would seem to be a bit redundent to start a new thread on why this effect occurs and why it is realistic, when the scope of this thread need little expansion to discuss the subject.
In answer to your question of why its not a bug, you use the term 'rumble' to describe the effect, but Force Feedback would sum it up better, how else is an effect that causes a car to pull in one way or another going to be recreated in GT4? Force Feedback is the only way to do it, which also explains why turning off the FF gets rid of it and why the DS2 does not suffer the same problem.
As regards its implementation in GT4, this is from my last post.
ScaffBut (and this is a big but), do not say that PD have got this wrong. The effect may not be 100% accurate, but within the limits and confines of the game and platform its a damn good piece of work.
In my opinion this is not a bug.
Now people have asked how to get rid of the problem completly and they have been answered, my posts are aimed at those who incorrectly belease this to be an unrealistic bug and those who appreciate the feature but wish to know why it occurs and how it is effected by tuning. Remember that a race spec car will have it susspension setup altered for every track, this tread addresses one of the reasons why this needs to be done.
Personally I believe that all of my posts have fallen within the scope of this thread and how it has evolved, and if I see something that I know or believe to be incorrect in a thread I will reply to that (as my first posts does).
In closing as long as my posts are with the AUP of GT Planet and within the scope of the thread I will post what I believe will be of interest. If a mod disagrees with me then I am sure they will tell me, also if another member does not agree with the accuracy of my post they are also free to reply and we can discuss the situation.
However, and I make no apology for this, I will not be told what the subject of my post should be by anyone, unless my post is in breach of the sites AUP, then feel free to use the Report button and let the mods take care of it.