About the car going 260 when it was limited to 155. I recently read an article (it was in print so I really can't remember what publication it was from). In a review of an audi they said that they were running around a track in it and realized that the odo was reading almost 170mph, when the car was limited to 155. They strapped on their own equiptment and found that the odo was set fast and that they were really traveling about 150mph. I can't remember the model either, so I guess this really doesn't add anything to the conversation.
Moving out may sound fun and adventurous now, but six months from now you'll be wondering when that hobo started living on the coach and when did a meth lab get set up in your basement (I'm just kidding). From the limited amount of information I know about your brother he sounds like a wild guy, how can you keep a good job or get good grades in school without obstructing his great times. I think you should put more thought into your options before just taking off. Maybe you can convince your mom to let you get a car under the condition that you take a driving course. If you are really desperate there are devices that read the top speed you have attained that can be attached to your ecu. Maybe one of those would increase her confidence in you. Also start having her drive you every where(if she already doesn't), hopefully she will realize how big of a pain your transportation needs are. Worst comes to worst get one of your friends to drive you around, then you can enjoy the driving experience without liability, so everyone wins (especially me because I won't have to dodge your front bumper all the time).