driving privledges taken away before i have a lisence

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About the car going 260 when it was limited to 155. I recently read an article (it was in print so I really can't remember what publication it was from). In a review of an audi they said that they were running around a track in it and realized that the odo was reading almost 170mph, when the car was limited to 155. They strapped on their own equiptment and found that the odo was set fast and that they were really traveling about 150mph. I can't remember the model either, so I guess this really doesn't add anything to the conversation.

Moving out may sound fun and adventurous now, but six months from now you'll be wondering when that hobo started living on the coach and when did a meth lab get set up in your basement (I'm just kidding). From the limited amount of information I know about your brother he sounds like a wild guy, how can you keep a good job or get good grades in school without obstructing his great times. I think you should put more thought into your options before just taking off. Maybe you can convince your mom to let you get a car under the condition that you take a driving course. If you are really desperate there are devices that read the top speed you have attained that can be attached to your ecu. Maybe one of those would increase her confidence in you. Also start having her drive you every where(if she already doesn't), hopefully she will realize how big of a pain your transportation needs are. Worst comes to worst get one of your friends to drive you around, then you can enjoy the driving experience without liability, so everyone wins (especially me because I won't have to dodge your front bumper all the time). :)
What the h3ll is this informative and useful post doing in a thread like this ?.....
mate you better listen to your mum (notice Aussie spelling) your parents can support you and give you great help for years and years to come, getting them offside at your age is not a great idea, Just think about it and relise why she is worried and comprimise, get a car, but take a driving course, or get a car, but not a powerful one etc. Reasoning is your key.
At the risk of sounding like a concerned parent that has a 16 year-old (I do, by the way)

I can tell you're angry. Realize that your mother is only worried about your safety. Cause you seem to think that you're 10 feet tall, and bullet-proof.
Contrary to your popular belief, you are not invincible. Money doesn't grow on trees.
And most importantly, the "establishment" doesn't cotton to suicidal idiots. A small tight knit bunch which seems to be closing its ranks around you.
If you take this path, you are less likely to finish school, as you'll have to work to support yourself. Then you'll be less likely to go to college, so that you can make "real" money vs minimum wage.

You may be having fun now, but realize also, that the big bad world eats idiot idealists like yourself for lunch by the droves. Deal with the "grind" of becoming a responsible member of the society you live in. You currently are not old enough, or independently rich enough to be a the truly great ass that you are portraying for us.

Become educated, get a real career, become wealthy, rent racetracks for your exhibitions of speed. It is, admittedly, the long way to get to where you'd like to be. But rich men who have established themselves, are not looked down upon by the society that they help fund, when they get on the track and get a bit crazy. Boys that think themselves "Ricky racer" on the public roads are looked upon by the society that they terrorize as "punks" that should be jailed, or if death visits them, the general consensus is "good riddance to bad rubbish".
Who do you really want to be?
hes actually a really good driver
You don't have a license. How can you judge whether he's a good driver or not? Because he hasn't killed anybody in an accident yet? Driving at 150+ mph isn't very smart, unless it's a closed-off race track.

just hates authority
Which means he doesn't care if he tripled the speed limit in a school zone. Having a driver's license, or anything that makes you an adult means dealing with authority so the rest of us law-biding citizens don't have to worry about getting plastered by an Audi while mowing our lawn.

and things that prevent him from having fun
Like lawn mowing? I hate it too, but life isn't always fun. It's called being an adult. Your brother obviously isn't grown up yet.

and my brother is my legal gardian so i can leave if i want.
Nice knowing you...I'll think of you when I drive past a highway sign, reminding me that a prisoner clean-up fund was named in honor of the S13 Brothers.
I wouldnt call someone who drives at 160mph on a public road with no insurance a good driver.


Come on man - The brother isn't dead YET - he must be an AMAZING driver !....
just to let everyone know my brother is giving me a room in his house and he said i can move in. my dad is paying for half of my car, by brother is giving me a couple thousand to put into my car as a birthday present. and about the limiter on his car, did you ever think people remove them bacause his freind did it for him. and no matter who you are you will always break laws. and when your young and have a liscence you are not going to drive like an old fart your going to fast. now i do agree that it was stupid of me to video tape this and do it but its a thrill, and right when we got on the highway he passed me the camera and said "video tape this for me" and trust me he knows a guy at work with a r32 skyline that got imported recently who does crazier things like close to the same speed on a long residential road. so if you do not have anything good to say than stfu.
and no matter who you are you will always break laws. and when your young and have a liscence you are not going to drive like an old fart your going to fast.
Are you serious? You're trying to defend it?

and trust me he knows a guy at work with a r32 skyline that got imported recently who does crazier things like close to the same speed on a long residential road.
Phew. That's alright then! Seriously, what difference does that make? You can't excuse people because other people are even stupider.

so if you do not have anything good to say than stfu.
No. If someone does something stupid like drive at 160mph on a public road they deserve scorn.

Why did you post this thread anyway if we should all "stfu"? And to the statement about young people "not going to dive like an old fart your going to fast"; at least irresponsible people will.
did you ever think people remove them bacause his freind did it for him.
This looks like one of those DOL (daily oral language) we had to correct ever day in 4th grade.. :rolleyes:
and trust me he knows a guy at work with a r32 skyline that got imported recently who does crazier things like close to the same speed on a long residential road. so if you do not have anything good to say than stfu.

So, your saying that because your brother has idiot friends with more money then brains who drive recklessly also, makes it ok for everyone to drive recklessly?

EDIT: someone already beat me to the punch :indiff:
and when your young and have a liscence you are not going to drive like an old fart your going to fast.
I'm 17, I'm licensed, and I don't speed, because it is stupid on public roads, and it doesn't get you anywhere faster.

and trust me he knows a guy at work with a r32 skyline that got imported recently who does crazier things like close to the same speed on a long residential road.
Just out of curiosity, did he import his skyline from JNS imports?
just to let everyone know my brother is giving me a room in his house and he said i can move in. my dad is paying for half of my car, by brother is giving me a couple thousand to put into my car as a birthday present. and about the limiter on his car, did you ever think people remove them bacause his freind did it for him. and no matter who you are you will always break laws. and when your young and have a liscence you are not going to drive like an old fart your going to fast. now i do agree that it was stupid of me to video tape this and do it but its a thrill, and right when we got on the highway he passed me the camera and said "video tape this for me" and trust me he knows a guy at work with a r32 skyline that got imported recently who does crazier things like close to the same speed on a long residential road.

Are you for real ?... Because if you are.. Damn...

so if you do not have anything good to say than stfu.
How on earth can you think anyone will agree with you that this is a good idea ?.. You STFU...

And RTFM as well - And the AUP and TOS dammit...
just to let everyone know my brother is giving me a room in his house

Ah! A positive role model at last. Nothing like someone with a complete disregard for public safety after that harridan of a mother who was only concerned about your well-being.

and he said i can move in. my dad is paying for half of my car, by brother is giving me a couple thousand to put into my car as a birthday present.

It seems to me that the Y-chromosome in your family needs serious adjustment.

and about the limiter on his car, did you ever think people remove them bacause his freind did it for him.

I hope it was worth it for those whole SIX mph he's gained there.

and no matter who you are you will always break laws

Indeed. But not everyone rushes to an internet site to say "omg! wtf! Lyk my bru was doin lyk 260km/p/h dow th rod. it was well phat lyk!"

Do you see?

and when your young and have a liscence you are not going to drive like an old fart your going to fast.

My dad is 65. He's an old fart, and self-confessed at that (not to mention the two strokes, diabetes, quadruple bypass and SEVEN stents). I can put money on the fact that his average speed every day is FAR higher than yours or your brother's. Again, he doesn't feel the need to phone me up every night and tell rip-roaring tales about how fast he's been that day.

Nevertheless, it's interesting how you associate a derogatory term with people who obey road traffic laws. You know, the ones designed to protect us from idiots like your idiot brother.


Won't happen.

he knows a guy at work with a r32 skyline that got imported recently who does crazier things

Oh well, that's fine. If your brother isn't the biggest arsehole on the roads, he must be a GREAT driver!

if you do not have anything good to say than stfu.

Make me.

And I'd take your own advice too.

This thread just screams out that you're a stupid, teenage brat - and your brother is a stupid twentysomething brat - who has no regard for the health, safety and peace of mind of those around you.

You think your mother won't be worried every night that you and your idiot brother have gone out to do something for a "thrill" and one or both of you come back flat-packed? Dunce.
My dad is 65. He's an old fart, and self-confessed at that (not to mention the two strokes, diabetes, quadruple bypass and SEVEN stents). I can put money on the fact that his average speed every day is FAR higher than yours or your brother's. Again, he doesn't feel the need to phone me up every night and tell rip-roaring tales about how fast he's been that day.
hehe.. Old fart joke applies :
When I die, I wanna go in peace and in my sleep, like my father... Not screaming like the passengers in his car....
just to let everyone know my brother is giving me a room in his house and he said i can move in.

by brother is giving me a couple thousand to put into my car as a birthday present.

and no matter who you are you will always break laws. and when your young and have a liscence you are not going to drive like an old fart your going to fast.

Ok, so just because you are young means that you can break the law? Riiiiight. My friend is 17. He has a licence. Does he break laws? Does he do triple the speed limit on a public road? No.
and trust me he knows a guy at work with a r32 skyline that got imported recently who does crazier things like close to the same speed on a long residential road.
So just because your brother's friend does something worse, it makes it ok for him to do what he did?
so if you do not have anything good to say than stfu.

Then "stfu."
I just chatted to a nice girl who has worked in a rehabilitation house for the 'confused' teaching them again how to speak. Guess how they lost that ability ...
Dude you cant be serious, do you have ANY brains, well its your life to wreck, you obvousily are very self centred and dont give a s*** about others. How do think your mother/freinds would feel if you got killed, while taking part in these extreme speeds on public roads. Need i remind you about the thread posted here not long ago about 3 killed in GTR when they were doin 150kph or more on public roads, Also you could be the best driver in the world but driving 260kph on roads that are meant to handle 150kph at the most (thats highways) plus with other traffic, how easy would it be for the car to have a blowout or leave the road, hit a pothole, hit another car, have another car pull out in front etc. Id doesnt matter how good a driver you are when you push the limits this far. Quite frankly i dont care what yo u do, you obviously have no brains and your brother doesnt seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed, so go live the rest of you short life with your brother and die doing what you think is right. Then you can put your friends and family through hell when you lying in a box in the ground.
there we go thanks small_fryz someone who doesnt try to appear to be a genius like famine. and i not once said i would do things like my brother is doing. and please do not say things about my family. i have learned from my brothers mistakes, he got 3 speading tickets and is paying $900 a month on insurance and could afford a car he wanted (r33 skyline) but not the insurance because of his tickets. i will be resposible on the roads. but anyone sitting in a car going that fast is going to have fun, but will i do it myself.....NO! i would be to scared to wreck a car i put thousands of dollars and hours on end of work into it. now i will race my car but on a track. and it is rare when my brother does this and only at around 3 in the morning when there is at most 4 cars on the highway in view. now i agree its not smart, and to take his younger brother isnt that good of an idea either. and i always had a room in his house, he gave it to me for a suprise for the weekend(his house is my weekend house) and the reason why he would let me move in with him is because me and my parents have been fighting a lot and my dad and I faught about 2 months ago, we havent really gotten along since that, but recently have been getting closer and i have been able to get along and trust him. and i really do need to leave for a month or 2.
there we go thanks small_fryz someone who doesnt try to appear to be a genius like famine.

I don't have to try, kid.

i have learned from my brothers mistakes

How? You don't have a car yet. You have no experience of day-to-day driving.

anyone sitting in a car going that fast is going to have fun

Are you kidding? My girlfriend is petrified if I go over 80mph. Imagine what would happen to her at twice that speed.

but will i do it myself.....NO! i would be to scared to wreck a car i put thousands of dollars and hours on end of work into it. now i will race my car but on a track. and it is rare when my brother does this and only at around 3 in the morning when there is at most 4 cars on the highway in view. now i agree its not smart, and to take his younger brother isnt that good of an idea either.

So your brother does triple the speed limit "rarely" (ergo more than once) with traffic about? He's not sounding any smarter here.

Oh and as for your "I've learned", "I'm sensible", "I'll do it on a track", here's your profile:

working on brothers a4, automotive class, drifting in gt3 because i cant do it illegally yet untill i get my liscence

It's the mother I feel sorry for.
i would be to scared to wreck a car i put thousands of dollars and hours on end of work into it.
If you wreck a car at 160mph, then the expensive wreckage of your car will be the very least of you or anyone elses worries.

Well, it'll be the worry of someone who'll be scraping you and your car from the road, and picking little bits of you, your car and probably someone else and their car from surrounding trees, walls, etc.

If you wreck a car at 160mph, then the expensive wreckage of your car will be the very least of you or anyone elses worries.

Well, it'll be the worry of someone who'll be scraping you and your car from the road, and picking little bits of you, your car and probably someone else and their car from surrounding trees, walls, etc.


Indeed. This picture was the result of a crash at 120mph in a "uncrashable" Skyline GT-R.


The two halves were 30 metres apart at the scene. The front contained the dead body of the driver and some pate that used to be the front seat passenger. The rear portion still contained the corpse of the teenage back seat passenger, 8 months pregnant.
i wont be this irrisponcible.

Lack of punctuation, and poor spelling is just as irresponsible!!!!

How can you spell "responsible" properly one sentence later, and yet mangle the other word so horribly?
Indeed. This picture was the result of a crash at 120mph in a "uncrashable" Skyline GT-R.


The two halves were 30 metres apart at the scene. The front contained the dead body of the driver and some pate that used to be the front seat passenger. The rear portion still contained the corpse of the teenage back seat passenger, 8 months pregnant.

Elaborating on that specific crash...
So true, thats why I can't wait to get my licence and race a retarded monkey down some road at 260KMH. J/k

Shut up Jeff. U were there when he went drifting. on public roads. just to wear out his old tires b4 he got new ones.
AS I read this thread, I get the notion that Your parents are divorced. Or soon to be. Especially, if she wants to keep you from driving and your dad is buying you a car. Your mom is trying to protect you, and your dad is in "fun dad" mode.
Otherwise he must have a HUGE life insurance policy out on you. However, if your head is as empty as it sounds like it is, you'll likely float right thru the sunroof or sometthing when, (not if) you wreck at stupidly excessive speeds.
Then you'll hopelessly foil the plans of your parents to get rich from the insurance money.
At least sign your donor card on your license or ID so that someone that will use their life wisely may benefit.
Shut up Jeff. U were there when he went drifting. on public roads. just to wear out his old tires b4 he got new ones.

And how is that your business? That was all sarcasm to lightnen up the situation pal............
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