driving privledges taken away before i have a lisence

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Sorry Jeff But i'd have to agree

Ya, well I never knew we were gonna go drifting anyways, it was just supposed to be a ride home for me, and he tried to scare me by drifting....Didn't get scared but, I didn't want to be a wussy and tell him to stop drifting because it's dangerous and not following the law......Wait maybe I should......I was too busy being a jerk......Being part of breaking the law and all.......So fine, I take blame for whatever...I'll be looking forward to more orderly driving.......BTW we were the only cars on the road when we did it, on a 4 lane road. I know it was irresponsible to do it. Heck I wasn't driving, I was in the back seat, if I were driving, I probably wouldn't have swung the rear end around like that.
alright i would like to say something to everyone on here who feels they have to make fun of me......... **** YOU MOTHER ****ERS, AND YOU CAN EAT MY ASS WITH A SPOON!! i am sick of everyone on this ****ing site and all the losers like famine who spend all their time on the computer looking and talking about cars but not actually going out and working on them. i am sick of this site with all of the losers on here who make fun of spelling. seriously get a life and stop going threw peoples post with a fine tooth comb. ohh and famine im sure my ass looks better than your girlfreind... go get freinds outside of gtp. and jeff you know you had fun when my brother drifted lol
alright i would like to say something to everyone on here who feels they have to make fun of me......... **** YOU MOTHER ****ERS, AND YOU CAN EAT MY ASS WITH A SPOON!! i am sick of everyone on this ****ing site and all the losers like famine who spend all their time on the computer looking and talking about cars but not actually going out and working on them. i am sick of this site with all of the losers on here who make fun of spelling. seriously get a life and stop going threw peoples post with a fine tooth comb.

Oh boy, I guess I can say my goodbyes in advanced. Bye, well if that gets you banned of course.



alright i would like to say something to everyone on here who feels they have to make fun of me......... **** YOU MOTHER ****ERS, AND YOU CAN EAT MY ASS WITH A SPOON!! i am sick of everyone on this ****ing site and all the losers like famine who spend all their time on the computer looking and talking about cars but not actually going out and working on them. i am sick of this site with all of the losers on here who make fun of spelling. seriously get a life and stop going threw peoples post with a fine tooth comb. ohh and famine im sure my ass looks better than your girlfreind... go get freinds outside of gtp

Oh boo ****ing hoo. If you don't like this site, go kill yourself at 260km/h.
Ya, well I never knew we were gonna go drifting anyways, it was just supposed to be a ride home for me, and he tried to scare me by drifting....Didn't get scared but, I didn't want to be a wussy and tell him to stop drifting because it's dangerous and not following the law......Wait maybe I should......I was too busy being a jerk......Being part of breaking the law and all.......So fine, I take blame for whatever...I'll be looking forward to more orderly driving.......BTW we were the only cars on the road when we did it, on a 4 lane road. I know it was irresponsible to do it. Heck I wasn't driving, I was in the back seat, if I were driving, I probably wouldn't have swung the rear end around like that.

yes you would, once my brothers rear got loose you were laughing your ass off and smiling ear to ear. lol
@ s13 and Corn_Spawn
alright i would like to say something to everyone on here who feels they have to make fun of me......... **** YOU MOTHER ****ERS, AND YOU CAN EAT MY ASS WITH A SPOON!! i am sick of everyone on this ****ing site and all the losers like famine who spend all their time on the computer looking and talking about cars but not actually going out and working on them. i am sick of this site with all of the losers on here who make fun of spelling. seriously get a life and stop going threw peoples post with a fine tooth comb. ohh and famine im sure my ass looks better than your girlfreind... go get freinds outside of gtp. and jeff you know you had fun when my brother drifted lol

That was really stupid, now we truly know your intelligence.

Why did you even come post here. We/they were trying to steer you in the right direction.

Edit: The thread that went down in GTP history. ...LMAO.

I don't think Corn will get banned....Someone else might.....
evo you have to much time on your ****ing hand to make that seriously
First off, I found it on a website a while ago. I use images from there from time to time.

And secondly, that sort of thing would take about 5 minutes in photoshop. Probably less.

What if he didn't make that? What if he actually found it on another site?

yah me most likely, i dont get it this site is for all ages but you have to spell 100 percent corrrectly and grammer n **** no one under 15 could comply with this
First off, I found it on a website a while ago. I use images from there from time to time.

And secondly, that sort of thing would take about 5 minutes in photoshop. Probably less.



ohh im sorry, you wasted space on your computer on something retarded, and one second on that is to much time
yah me most likely, i dont get it this site is for all ages but you have to spell 100 percent corrrectly and grammer n **** no one under 15 could comply with this

Taken from the AUP
USE ENGLISH TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. There's nothing wrong with ignorance - it can be fixed. But actively trying to look illiterate, and taking pride in your ignorance is not forgivable. Funny thing - it's always u ppl that spel like ur azn homie driftin stuntaz 4eva that whine the most about how all of us "haterz" don't respect you. Coincidence? I think not.
The Sheriff might have been here, but it doesn't seem like he took care of anyone.

So, I'll have to do it myself. Some of you will get a nice surprise in your PM box.
No, I'm still here PR, but just sifting through 5 pages of crap to figure out everything. ;) (As well as that other thread that sprung up.)
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