I read through the terms and rules and have some questions. Trying to help you chose whatever suits you best:
I dont understand why you need BoP when its just one make. Wouldnt it be more logical this was turned off so we could use the full potential of the car as intended ?
Why is it limited to 8 ? Or is it just an example number ? I saw you are handing out points to the first 8 drivers as well. Maybe it would be more motivating that all drivers gain points so that you also have real fights for points at the end of the field. If you drive with 13 people position 9-13 are basically driving for nothing. If you would give more points spread out starting from 1 point for the last driver it could be more interesting for those driving in the back.
Is this the standard font that has been used by PD in the livery editor ?
I saw your were handing out the penalty seconds. They seemed pretty heavy for a 20 and 30 min race. Could it be an option that you as a steward decide the amount of seconds based on the factual incident ? Thus having more influence in the penalty. Sometimes not so heavy is needed and sometimes heavier.
I dont think this is valid anymore ? Its causing some confusion so maybe you can edit all the wrong dates.
You mention two compounds are allowed. See point 4.17 where you say the minimum Tire Rating will be set to the same as the Maximum.