DROPFIVE Motorsports | KDFAlliance | [HOONIGAN]

  • Thread starter SPANK
I have no idea. But I agree with you Rise. It just a meh feeling. Soemthing that would have never happened before.
I have no idea. But I agree with you Rise. It just a meh feeling. Soemthing that would have never happened before.

I think it is somewhat needed.. The last new person in the team was me 8-10 months ago so I think it's okay for some new members.
I agree its time for new members, but we should all atleast get a chance to get to know them. I now for myself I was not just asked to join. I had to spend time with the team members and get to know them.
Well before they become full fledged members we should meet em' and approve. Majority vote style. If you don't like them and the rest of us like blank then go pout in a corner. How's that sound?
I'll just have a meet and greet Saturday or Monday night. Like I said, I'm flexible so you guys can choose which is best.
Well I'm staying on GT5 and I'm not available on the weekends. So during the weekdays are best for me, except for tuesdays. If I knew who they were I could give you a definitive answer.
MrSwaggAttack and SilverSupra_LM

Those are who I have my eyes on.

SwaggAttack said he's interested, but I haven't asked Supra yet.
When i come back we got slot of practicing to do. Its time drop5 is on the podium of vdc.
YOU have a lot of practicing to do. The rest of us have been drifting pretty regularly, but I'm distancing myself from the game a bit. I've noticed that I'm starting to get bored easily, but maybe it's just the people I drift with.
I don't know if podium is realistic. Great to shoot for the stars and all but being realistic is better than fantasizing.
Oh well. It's about having fun right? I have fun when I hop on gt5 and to me that's important. We are all above average I'm just being real here.
Had a mini comp tonight with a hole bunch of people. We had people from Redsuns, MLD, ProjectD. It was fun but the C63 was unstoppable.
Congrats on the 700th post killer! My schoolwork has yet again prevented me from being able to get online :/ sorry gents

Rl things come before video games. Maybe ill see you this weekend.
Thanks man :lol: I didn't even notice.

If anyone is up for some drifting later, I'm down. Gonna warm up a bit before the Night Slide.
Spank could you do me a favour? Tune a BMW M5 E34 to the Max in Forza 4, with the stock I6 and single Turbo and tell me how much power it has. I'm seriously considering to buy a used XBox and Forza...
Spank could you do me a favour? Tune a BMW M5 E34 to the Max in Forza 4, with the stock I6 and single Turbo and tell me how much power it has. I'm seriously considering to buy a used XBox and Forza...

Ill see what i can do.