DROPFIVE Motorsports | KDFAlliance | [HOONIGAN]

  • Thread starter SPANK
But didn't we make it clear that we aren't going to add him?

Pretty sure we did. I'm also noticing that we're coming pretty close to 12k posts. Also, I got my license today! Woohoo.

I've refined my orange supra pretty nicely. Can't decide if I should keep the matte orange or paint it team colors?
I am suckin lol its kinda funny! Although I am stopping every now and then to do some work to VDC. Im soo tired. These 13 hour days and little sleep kill me!
I am suckin lol its kinda funny! Although I am stopping every now and then to do some work to VDC. Im soo tired. These 13 hour days and little sleep kill me!

Look forward to drifting this evening! Everyone get on!
Will you guys just add Fatman. I played with him the other day and he's changed. Yes he might have done a lot in the past but he's going to be serving you guys soon (He's joining the army if I'm not mistaken) so the least you can do is show some respect now. Everyone makes mistakes and trust me all of us have so let Fatman get another chance. He took your crap for the longest time while he was on Drop5 and asked for very little in return. Now all he's asking for is a simple friend request and you guys turn him down? Come on you guys, seriously?
I wanna say National Guard and I have him added. Actually I never deleted him.
Well tbh if he joined the army, he's gonna have a hard life and his bad habits will have to go, so maybe he's starting now!
Yeah but I think we are straying off topic now so. That way lads! Back to drifting and not colors.