DROPFIVE Motorsports | KDFAlliance | [HOONIGAN]

  • Thread starter SPANK
haha.. Erm where does height come into anything in this forum haha.. I'm 6'1/2 not really sure lol
spank thought i was gonna eat his cookies, so he hid them high thinking i was short. :P

Hell yea grabbed my ladder and put them on top of the fridge! Sucker
Okay we are having a little comp tonight too. I will think of track and cars then ill post it up!
DONT triple post in my thread!

When you insert the link it will highlight the address. type in what you want it to say
How does Daytona suck? That lil chicane on the back stretch then the whole final corner. Btw wuts reverse tandem?? I'm curious
I tried it and cant find it fun. And reverse tandem is put the car in reverse head towards a corner and pitch it sideways while in reverse!
How the mother father do you get chosen words for your links instead of the whole adress?

Press the insert link button first (the greenish circle thingy) put in the link then press ok. The text that you want others to see will already be highlighted so just type in what you want the link to be shown as.Like so
I tried it and cant find it fun. And reverse tandem is put the car in reverse head towards a corner and pitch it sideways while in reverse!

I got the perfect line on Daytona if you want to check it out, its a but tricky tho..
man I love reverse entry into the first corner at nurb GP/D. Ill have a lobby up in an hour or so if i can find somebody with a deccent net connection to host as mine isnt worth the wire it uses..
man I love reverse entry into the first corner at nurb GP/D. Ill have a lobby up in an hour or so if i can find somebody with a deccent net connection to host as mine isnt worth the wire it uses..

When I say reverse drifting.. I generally mean, drifting in reverse