DROPFIVE Motorsports | KDFAlliance | [HOONIGAN]

  • Thread starter SPANK
yeah but remember in third world countries like ireland dial up is good XD

... I totally don't agree.. Argh who am I kidding? I agree. Spank, when you on? I'm bored!

little less then 4 hours. I have to get off work then go take some portraits for my photography bizz then. Make my way to you guys asap. If I dont get on by 10:30 est then we will do the comp tomorrow. i totally forgot about this photo appointment.:grumpy:
it says the carribean jimmy. maybe its china!

is that why you have such crappy cars that dont even have doors?
One of the bad things of living on such a small island they have to import everything.
Id like to join, but my girlfriend has declared this as...... Movie Day... and I mean the whole day... lol...
Sorry about the no comp. not enough people. We will have one tomorrow.

Gunz - Thats fair enough, i know exactly what you mean when you tell me that.
Lmao! He took one for the team I like that. What time is this comp tonight then?