Hello, first, thanks everyone for your answers !
I'm not hoping to get a wheel for making better times (you're right, with no FFB wheel experience, first time i tested the T300 in my shop, my driving was absolute disaster, shame other people was looking
). Of course I like being competitive and struggle to keep/ gain a position in sport mode, but the results doesn't matter that much.
My biggest motivation is immersion / feeling (I also have a PSVR and despite the poor VR possibilities in GTS, I quite like it and imagine it would be better fun with a wheel).
I live in a tiny flat with my GF, so space / clean flat is really the biggest concern
here is a pic of my current installation (my father is testing the VR
) :
I guess I would have to remove the wheel and store it after each playing session. I even considered the T300 (because I could detach the rim, making it more compact to store in one of the TV stand drawers).
I still don't know about the wheel fixation, I could fix the wheel on my TV stand, right in front of the TV : it's probably sitting way too much close of the screen (not a big deal with PSVR of course but not good for playing TV
), and the position for the pedals would be wrong, like this (I stealed this image from another topic
) :
If i get any kind of stand, it will make a lot more stuff to store :/ Maybe I could reuse my piano stand installation (I'll put some pics tomorow)
Well, I'm still asking myself lots of questions, maybe in my situation there is too much constraints with a wheel, another point is I would still have to play sometimes with the DS4 (no way I use the FFB wheel at night at 1pm hahaha, it would be more a "lot-of-free-time-sunday" thing). Maybe switching between regulary wheel and DS4 is not a very good idea too, you might loose your marks with each controllers :/