I would like one of your RUFs. Doesn't matter which one. As long as its red and white. I have the Range Stormer Concept car thingy for trade. PSN: malandm
Wow, evidently PD made it so you have to wait a full 24hours in between sending cars. Just tried to send out my next Boss and it wouldn't let me. We need to start a petition for PD to get rid of this ridiculous limit.
Edit: Just started a petition in the main forums. Go here if you want to sign it.
You need to get some helpers that don't trade a lot to deliver the car faster. Send the car to the helper then they can dupe it to other people on the list.
Real easy if its the same color and if they have the appropriate paint chip even that's not a problem.
Diego, I sent some stuff this morning let me know if you need anything else. Looking forward to the 996.
Hey there,
I don't mind what you send, as long as it's a chip I'm looking for.
I tried Sparkling Silver Metallic today and it looked pretty good. Maybe you can have a look through your collection and find some you think might be suitable.
Hey guys,
My GT5 save has corrupted and I have lost 2 months worth of work including 10 million credits, my GT3RS, all of my Z-Tune and Phantom R prototypes and some other stuff. I may have to push back the release of the Z-Tune and Phantom R unfortunately.
Oh that's horrible. No recent back up?
If I can send you anything to help you out let me know.
korza493My last backup was from January. What sucks most is that I had managed to get some cars I had been looking for such as a CTR2 (from diego), a ZZII and my GT3RS. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could do some remote racing for me, because I lost all the money my B-Spec drivers were holding for me (about 4 mil).
My last backup was from January. What sucks most is that I had managed to get some cars I had been looking for such as a CTR2 (from diego), a ZZII and my GT3RS. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could do some remote racing for me, because I lost all the money my B-Spec drivers were holding for me (about 4 mil).
My last backup was from January. What sucks most is that I had managed to get some cars I had been looking for such as a CTR2 (from diego), a ZZII and my GT3RS. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could do some remote racing for me, because I lost all the money my B-Spec drivers were holding for me (about 4 mil).
Next lucky guy on the list to receive the GT3RS is mr. flybynighter... will be receiving the first black/orange replica on the list!I'll post pictures of one in this combo.
Hi Diego ,
I would like to ask , is the Boss 302 , standard mustang ?
My last backup was from January. What sucks most is that I had managed to get some cars I had been looking for such as a CTR2 (from diego), a ZZII and my GT3RS. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could do some remote racing for me, because I lost all the money my B-Spec drivers were holding for me (about 4 mil).
I must have one of your Red/Black Boss 302's
How much will it 'cost' me?
Here's what I have in my 'wallet':
Tickets: Lv.1, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 1000, '66, '67, '69, NASCAR, Modern Muscle Car, Classic Muscle Car
and all Matte's and another 3,000+ paints.
Hmm... that's a rich wallet! I've been getting a lot of paints so ticket would be nice. Idk what is available in what tickets though =\