Dutch to allow paedophile group

Touring Mars

ツーリング マルス

They also want to break the "negative" stigma surrounding paedophilia

It seeks to lower the age of sexual consent from 16 to 12 and legalise child pornography and sex with animals.

It promotes the legalisation of hard and soft drugs and free train travel for all.

Still, I do like the sound of the 'free train travel for all'... :dunce:
The dutch have enshrined " tolerance" into their very beings the way we have ensrined the first and second ammendment and consumerism into ours.

dont call them pedophiles call them differently age focused...or *&%$ @#@%$#&! *&^&^% !!! in english .
I remember a while back I made a comment about Holland being "jacked up". Well, that may have been an overstatement. But this situation is way beyond jacked up. How could the people even tolerate this mess for a second? Don't tell me there's enough people to support this sick and twisted agenda.
I feel like I could kick a Dutchman in the crotch and not worry about retaliation because they seem to have such a tolerance to everything. He'd probably say, "Donkey smell" and offer me a bami loempia.

Come on, this is taking it too far. Why the hell would the Dutch Government even see such a ridiculous case in the first place? Give me a break.

I wonder if the... you know what? Nevemind... :rolleyes:
wow, relax guys. nowhere in this article is it said that any kind of paedophilia is now allowed in the netherlands.

they just allowed an peadophilia organization to form a political party. thats nothing but practiced democracy. allowing someone to form a party oes not mean one supports them and itnends to vote for them.
but even with free train travel, this party will never become any force on the parliament.
Where i'm from, guys like this don't create political parties, they fill our grave yards and get butt raped in jail. :odd:
It isn't as if this group has been elected into any sort of office or is even formed yet. Before they can even participate in an election they have to come up with a list of candidates and 30 signatures.

While getting the signatures might not be too hard at first glance (because I am sure there are more than 30 pedophiles that would love to have their desires made legal) signing on to that list would be like naming yourself as a pedophile. There are tons of legal asctivities that people don't want known that they participate in and so finding public support is harder than it seems.

I bet they will be lucky to get through the red tape to make it official. Even if they do make it official I am sure that there isn't a majority to vote them in. Even if they did get that far I seriously doubt any other members of parliament will pass any resolution to allow sex with 12 year olds.

There are too many hurdles for them to get further than running a candidate. This will go nowhere, I guarantee it.
some argue that homosexual parties opened the door for paedophile ones.

It's not even close. At least homosexuals are between consenting adults. Not children.
It isn't as if this group has been elected into any sort of office or is even formed yet. Before they can even participate in an election they have to come up with a list of candidates and 30 signatures.

While getting the signatures might not be too hard at first glance (because I am sure there are more than 30 pedophiles that would love to have their desires made legal) signing on to that list would be like naming yourself as a pedophile. There are tons of legal asctivities that people don't want known that they participate in and so finding public support is harder than it seems.

I bet they will be lucky to get through the red tape to make it official. Even if they do make it official I am sure that there isn't a majority to vote them in. Even if they did get that far I seriously doubt any other members of parliament will pass any resolution to allow sex with 12 year olds.

There are too many hurdles for them to get further than running a candidate. This will go nowhere, I guarantee it.
I agree that this group wont get into office. Remember what happened to the gay man running for office in Holland? He was shot and killed. The Dutch aren't as tolerant as we may think, though I don't know the details of that incident.

My only problem is why did the Dutch court even hear this case. It's so ridiculous. But, that they actually ruled in their favor is what's so outrageous.
Generally, in America at least (don't know about other countries), it is legal to organize and speak out in favor of the legalization of certain activities. A political party associated with the legalization of a certain activity MUST be permitted. Otherwise no law would be overturned for fear of speaking out against it.
Can you say, "NAMBLA" :lol: Now that really exist. Man, scary thought. I hope a few of you get it. :)
Solid Lifters
My only problem is why did the Dutch court even hear this case. It's so ridiculous. But, that they actually ruled in their favor is what's so outrageous.
Why, they arn't braking any laws by saying they want to lower the age of consent. The outragous part of this, is that a group of people have set up this party. The fact that the party is allowed to exist is thanks to freedom of speech.
Can you say, "NAMBLA" :lol: Now that really exist. Man, scary thought. I hope a few of you get it. :)

Yup, they really exist. And they're wrong and creepy. They advocate that children be treated like adults, which I'll never get behind. I'll bet a few of them are even libertarians. But they certainly have a right to exist, assemble, and speak out in favor of change. Others also have a right to make fun of them and call them names.
Yup, they really exist. And they're wrong and creepy. They advocate that children be treated like adults, which I'll never get behind. I'll bet a few of them are even libertarians. But they certainly have a right to exist, assemble, and speak out in favor of change. Others also have a right to make fun of them and call them names.

Very wrong and very creepy.

L4S, I get what you're saying. I'm just saying that this ideals are twisted and evil. To me, they're the same as militant islamics.
The ideals are twisted and evil, but you can't say "we have freedom of speech but you can't say that." As long as all they do is say it, and don't do it, they arn't breaking any law, but what these people stand for is very twisted and wrong.
Solid Lifters
I agree that this group wont get into office. Remember what happened to the gay man running for office in Holland? He was shot and killed. The Dutch aren't as tolerant as we may think, though I don't know the details of that incident.
its eminent that you don't know the details because the guy was a right winger who just happened to be gay and he was not shot for his sexuality but for his radical nationalism...and by a muslim immigrant afaik. ;)
its eminent that you don't know the details because the guy was a right winger who just happened to be gay and he was not shot for his sexuality but for his radical nationalism...and by a muslim immigrant afaik. ;)
He was actually shot by a left wing Dutchman.
Can you say, "NAMBLA" :lol: Now that really exist. Man, scary thought. I hope a few of you get it. :)

I was going to mention NAMBLA as well. It is scary an orgainization such of that actually exists, and has been protected here in the US by the ACLU.

...What an F'ed up world we are living in, eh?
I was going to mention NAMBLA as well. It is scary an orgainization such of that actually exists, and has been protected here in the US by the ACLU.

...What an F'ed up world we are living in, eh?

The thing that makes me the most upset is that the ACLU will defend to the death these kind of groups but will persecute someone that gives thanks to God at a high school comencement. Man...
The ACLU is certainly a cancer here in the US, but of course to destroy an group such as that would be a "attack" on our civil rights.


They are also the same folks who defended the people who protest the funerals of US Military Servicemen/women who died in combat.

I hope you folks don't have stupid orgainizations such as that in Europe!
Yay for Holland!

Anyway, seriously...

It says it wants paedophilia to be freely discussed, arguing that a ban just makes children curious.

Yes, I can't count the number of 12 year olds who are so curious what it's like to have sex with a fat 45 year old man that they actively seek it out.

They also want to break the "negative" stigma surrounding paedophilia

As opposed to the happy, smiley side of paedophilia, WHERE YOU **** CHILDREN... For the love of dog...

Oh mind you, they're after that too.

It seeks to ... legalise child pornography

Imagine that... preteen pornstars. What a truely scary image... Bling My Little Pony and diamond and mohair colouring pencils...

You'd get 14 year old girls having breast reductions to prolong their careers... And that's as far as I'm going with that particular train of thought before I get myself banned and the FBI take my computer away.

Just a message for any PNVD party members reading... Boobies = 👍, guys. Get with the programme.
Yup, they really exist. And they're wrong and creepy. They advocate that children be treated like adults, which I'll never get behind. I'll bet a few of them are even libertarians. But they certainly have a right to exist, assemble, and speak out in favor of change. Others also have a right to make fun of them and call them names.

I'd be more worried about being in front of them .
The thing that makes me the most upset is that the ACLU will defend to the death these kind of groups but will persecute someone that gives thanks to God at a high school comencement. Man...

organizations like the ACLU are around to protect EVERYONES rights .

rights are RIGHTS for everyone ...even the unpopular ones.

Its when you start making distictions between who deserves rights based on popularity that you become nazi Germany and elect Hitler..

go ahead Godwin me ...I dare ya !
Oh, but there is nothing better than a nice young soft, smooth...Oh of course I am kidding! The sickos that prey on children should be castrated with a blunt rusty butter knife, and tied up for public humiliation. Sorry, but that is my view, and if it offends anyone, I do apologise.
Oh, but there is nothing better than a nice young soft, smooth...Oh of course I am kidding! The sickos that prey on children should be castrated with a blunt rusty butter knife, and tied up for public humiliation. Sorry, but that is my view, and if it offends anyone, I do apologise.

Wow, you're nicer then me....

You apologized:sly: I on the other hand offer no apology at all for my feelings toward what are probably the most twisted people on the planet.
The goals and policies of the group themselves are abhorrent and indefensible (except for the free train travel, as I said already... ahem...), but by ignoring and/or banning them, there is the danger of driving them further underground - like Billy Connolly's classic retort to a heckler in the crowd at one of his gigs, he encouraged the guy to keep shouting so that security could locate him and throw him out... atleast by putting their heads above the parapets, they (and their supporters) will atleast make themselves known (if they are not already) to the authorities...