It says it is a done deal?
It says it is a done deal?
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How is pointing out how factually wrong claiming that Codemasters influenced the game "Defending" them? Its incorrect, simple as that.
The comments and negativity around it is both hilarious and infuriating.
People suddenly think F1 games are gonna run on frostbite and Codemastwrs are just gonna be dissolved into EA. Delusional. Get your heads out of the clouds. Codemasters are large and experienced, hence being valued where they are. I would be surprised, nay, amazed, if anything REALLY changed in terms of the current running of Codemasters. Their F1 games are hot property and massive sellers, Dirt is an established long running and high selling franchise, the WRC license is impending. They have some of the most experienced and respected racing game developers in the world. EA don't really care too much about getting involved in development of Codemasters IPs. They just want to reap in the benefits of the money making franchises Codemasters currently smash out.
The curious thing is where it leaves SMS, namely the senior members who had the massive falling out with EA post Shift 2 and the licensing fallout around the madness engine which is now technically back under EA ownership.![]()
The curious thing is where it leaves SMS, namely the senior members who had the massive falling out with EA post Shift 2 and the licensing fallout around the madness engine which is now technically back under EA ownership.![]()
EA is infamously known for buying up studios, running them into the ground and shutting them down once they find no more use. Most notably Black Box and Visceral.
Everyone has every right to be weary about the future of Codies, even if they engaged in shady business practices themselves.
EA is infamously known for buying up studios, running them into the ground and shutting them down once they find no more use. Most notably Black Box and Visceral.
Everyone has every right to be weary about the future of Codies, even if they engaged in shady business practices themselves.
For those of us who've actually given PC3 a go it's actually a great racing sim. I see no reason the Project Cars franchise wouldn't continue to be one of the top racing sims around......As for Project CARS, given the colossal failure PC3 is,,,
codemasters are the only ones that consisting make good games and stick to their roots
For me their roots are Dizzy on the C64!
How times change.
Surely you mean on the Spectrum...![]()
Lol, I had two Speccy 128k +2's that didn't work in a row, so I went down the C64 route... since then, C64forLife Yo.
For those of us who've actually given PC3 a go it's actually a great racing sim.
*Review scores*
Yeah there's that bit of lingering history no doubt but business is business and they could find a way to get past that and move along.Nonetheless, it's an interesting point that, if this sale goes through, SMS will be under EA's control after what appears to be quite an unpleasant parting of ways previously.
It's all about perspective; if anyone plays PC3 expecting it to be a spiritual successor to Need for Speed Shift, there are far more positives than negatives from my experience.
There are actually no facts. Date of acquisition isn't prove anything. So that's made me think this is defending.
Fact is, you can't run and hide from EA.
kudos to PD for remaining true to themselves
And who exactly is?
So basically, it's going to be more of the same from Codemasters after whatever buyout takes place at best, and at worst the company going bust. I mean, I've heard that EA has a reputation of taking down a lot of the properties they buy within a couple of years, so I see the same thing happening here.
I never said right away, but their track record shows them doing things like this.They're gonna acquire/spend a $1billion on a racing game powerhouse and close it down.