Earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
THAT was actually quite surprising. I didn't feel it because I was in a basement running power tools, but everyone was talking about it by the time I came up stairs. Never heard of an earthquake in Michigan in all the years I have been here. Nothing broken.

I live about nine miles from the epicenter and is scared the **** out of me. :lol:
It's from the song lol all this earthquake talk made me think of the song and I've been on you tube this whole time watching earthquake videos :boggled:
Sucks to be in nepal, but everything else is just coincidence.

Maybe I'm just an insensitive person but I've never seen the point in saying things like "my heart goes out to". It's a terrible event, but I don't really feel very strongly about it.
The ISM is pointing south and the magnetosphere is reverberating from solar wind shockwaves; Earth is now particularly vulnerable to fresh flares and CMEs from the Sun. Should a strong, Earth-pointing solar flare erupt and a CME arrive in the next days, a higher chance of geophysical events is predicted, including ground currents and shaking.

Daily Sun: 13 May 15


Sunspot AR2339 has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy forM-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HM
....So, the Sun is still actively trying to kill us. Good to know. 👍👍 ....:boggled:

Great comment!

Maybe the Sun tries to kill us within its left hand, and tries to keep us alive with the right? :crazy:

But that would imply some motivation, some personal intelligence and will on the part of the Sun. Believe it or not, there is at least one religion which holds the stars as living beings, and worships them. :odd:

Another weird idea is that aliens regulate the actions of the Sun.:eek:

But an even better idea might be that the reality we perceive around us may be the product of a highly-advanced computer program, much like the plot of the Matrix movies – and surprisingly NASA have said they agree! ;)
But an even better idea might be that the reality we perceive around us may be the product of a highly-advanced computer program, much like the plot of the Matrix movies – and surprisingly NASA have said they agree! ;)

The mice run the place. Or is it the dolphins? Haven't read HHGTTG for a long time now.
I live right by Cascadia subduction zone, so all the big quakes in the news lately's making me bit nervous. I generally have bit of disaster preparedness stuff stocked up, but I haven't been on top of it lately. In the Portland(Oregon) area, I don't think we are very well prepared, so who knows if the FEMA-recommended 72 hour worth of food & water would be enough. :nervous:
27 so far today at over +2.5. I'm not sure that Earth is like a woman with intensifying birth pains... so far today she hasn't hit me, spoiled a pair of my socks, informed me that I'm a bastard who will never touch her again or crushed my hand in a grip so tight that my bones liquefacted.

I predict that tomorrow will see somewhere between 30 and 50 +2.5 quakes, incidentally. Cus science.

Another big one hit Nepal. 7.3 with the epicenter near Mt. Everest.

According to new theory, we are in a cyclic high seismic activity period for +8.5 quakes.
Great earthquakes of magnitude 8.5 or higher occur infrequently but are found to cluster in time, says Chadha, based on the analysis of 115 years of global data. Such "clustering" is not found for magnitudes lesser than 8.0 which show an annual average of about 15 to 16 every year, globally.

Data analysed from 1900 onwards based on the catalogue available with United States Geological Survey (USGS) indicate there have been three possible periods of clustering of magnitude 8.5 or greater, lasting 15 years, which can also be referred to as "periods of seismic activation" of great earthquakes, he told IBTimes UK.

The first was in the period beginning with 1905 till 1920 when there were six earthquakes exceeding magnitude 8.5 and several closer to 8.5.

Next followed the period between 1950 to 1965, when seven earthquakes exceeding magnitude 8.5 occurred which included three of magnitude 9.0 or greater. During this period, the greatest known earthquake of M9.5 occurred in Chile in 1960.

"The third clustering in time of great earthquakes seems to have begun with Sumatra earthquake of magnitude 9.3 in 2004 and till 2015, already six earthquakes exceeding magnitude 8.5 have occurred globally, after Sumatra, including one of magnitude 9.0 in Japan in 2011," points Chadha.

Going by this pattern indicating a "period of seismic activation" lasting for a 15-year cycle thrice in the last 115 years, we could now be in the third cluster, he says.

"This can continue till 2019 and earthquakes with magnitude 8.5 or greater can occur along any of the collision or subduction zones of the world."
There was a magnitude 5.4 north of Las Vegas today. Some highway ramps in Vegas have been closed due to possible damage from the quake.
There's a lot wrong with the idea that's supposed to happen in about 18 minutes.
18 minutes? We can't even predict earthquakes by 1.8 seconds, much less their magnitude and location. We're some considerable distance away from being able to predict earthquakes sufficiently well that they enter into rumour hours before they occur...
18 minutes? We can't even predict earthquakes by 1.8 seconds, much less their magnitude and location. We're some considerable distance away from being able to predict earthquakes sufficiently well that they enter into rumour hours before they occur...
Keep in mind I didn't create said rumor. A Dutch man did and apparently he "predicted" the Nepal earthquake
Keep in mind I didn't create said rumor.
Keep in mind that at no point did I say you did. I only said why the rumour was wrong and why the concept of a rumoured earthquake is ridiculous...
A Dutch man did and apparently he "predicted" the Nepal earthquake.
No, he didn't. The number of successfully predicted earthquakes across humam history is zero.
Keep in mind that at no point did I say you did. I only said why the rumour was wrong and why the concept of a rumoured earthquake is ridiculous...
No, he didn't. The number of successfully predicted earthquakes across humam history is zero.
Okay...fair enough. I do consider myself a science fanatic but earthquakes are the one thing I don't have a heavy amount of knowledge of.
The most powerful earthquake ever recorded was the 1960 Valdivia quake in Chile, at a 9.5. Although 9.8 doesn't seem much larger, because of the way the scale works, that's nearly 3 times the energy. Theoretically possible, but very unlikely.

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