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Yes they are.FamineTop stuff. Every word.![]()
Yes they are.FamineTop stuff. Every word.![]()
You know, nobody has told me I needed psychological counseling... I don't think Duke's ever been told that before either... Hey, what about ///M-Spec?... One of you will probably say it to danoff, but he happens to be more outspoken (and have a little more free time at work, I guess) than the rest of us. Leave low-blowing insults out of this.HareTurtleShould an individual whose intellect has deteriorated due to exposure to Ayn Rand be denied psychological counselling [...]
Wasn't that almost the exact sentence that Karl Marx used to describe how Communism would come about?HareTurtleIn the long run, the weak, who are many, will topple the strong, who are few, by violence.
Cheap shot, but I couldn't resist.SageLeave low-blowing insults out of this.
SageAt that, I've just noticed something Everybody who's arguing a Capitalist stance is living in America, and everyone (as far as I can tell) who's arguing a, um, non-Capitalist stance is living in Europe. And the people taking the more neutral stance are a mixture.
Comments? I can't think of any.
ledhedFamine . didnt I see a scaled tax rate in one of your post ? I mean the Beatles moved to the US because the government was taking a large bite out of the ol income eh ?
Anyway if you know that when you work hard you can get rich you have an incentive to work hard. BUT if you know that when you work hard you get to have your money taken from you by force you just wont work hard or even work at all. The Soviet Union and China and all the rest of the Ism places have proven that very well.
when you start justifying taking money from the best earners you start slipping backwards into the ism state. We cant afford that . It takes to long and cost too much blood to remove it.
Most sensible comment in the entire thread!ledhedLets get some beer and sit around while we play dueling philosophy's !
Two instances of "damning by faint praise". Rand's plots were predictable, her "characters" caricatures, and her "philosophy" shallow and self-serving. At least Marx had an original thought once in his life. Russell's fiction was certainly nothing special, but then Rand didn't write Principia Mathematica. I'll get around to the "inherent contradictions" of capitalism sometime.ledhedBtw ayn Rand is a much better author than the old man Marx and Bertrand Russell.
And capitalism works much better than comunisim or the rest of the isms !
Then I can do the " inherent stupidity of comunism " or do you want to ?I'll get around to the "inherent contradictions" of capitalism sometime.
I'll get around to the "inherent contradictions" of capitalism sometime.
He doesn't see it as the state taking his money off him by force. He sees it as the compensation he pays to allow his children to have free education and healthcare
As a defense lawyer might object: "Asked and answered".danoff--Do you think it is morally justifiable to sacrifice the strong in favor of the weak?--
The answer I keep hearing is no. Which means it's not justifiable to tax the rich more than the poor to provide services unless the rich benefit that much more (which they do not). Hare's post ignores this completely.
I refer to the question as "loaded" because "sacrificing the strong" makes it sound as if we're tying them to an altar and ripping out their beating hearts. Is a society free if it's people are not free to limit the strength of the strong. Not for long. Damn! My pizza is smoking! Later.HareTurtleNo, I do not believe in "sacrificing" the strong for the weak. Nicely loaded question, by the way. But I would argue that it is an essential role of government to mitigate the disparity between the strong and the weak.
I'm not sure if you realize this, but ///M-Spec, Duke, Danoff, and I all consider ourselves Objectivists. And I might as well say this Regarding Ayn Rand, I have never read a book (Atlas Shrugged) that *clicked* with me so well as that. Never. I've never had a book that I understood so well right after reading it (well, I had to consult Duke about the sex scenes, but aside from that).HareTurtleLots of young "intellects" have an Ayn Rand phase. The smart ones grow out of it.![]()
a society free if it's people are not free to limit the strength of the strong. Not for long.
Prove it. Cite examples of societies were the violence and ultimately revolution was started by the strongest ones in response of being forced to help the weakest, and where this was precisely the reason of the revolution. Then try to find out revolutions that were caused by the exact opposite.The answer I keep hearing is no. Which means it's not justifiable to tax the rich more than the poor to provide services unless the rich benefit that much more (which they do not). Hare's post ignores this completely. It also ignores the fact that most of the societies he compared the US to were not free, which is why they ended in violence.
The reason governments die at the hands of violence is because people are oppressed.
This is obviously more likely (and humanly justified in my opinion) to cause a violent reaction than a 40% tax on a portion of a high income.The right thing is to let the doctor or rich man to act out of the charity of their hearts freely, or, if they refuse... let the child die.
That was fairly obvious from the tenor of the conversation. Hence the "hypothetical" barb, which I trust has been received in the light-hearted manner in which it was proffered. Just wanted to let you know that I know where you're coming from. My own infatuation with Rand evaporated twenty some years ago, a victim of a little more experience with human nature and the ways of the world. (Oops, that, I'm sure, sounds damned arrogant, and I'll entertain complaints to that effect in 2024.)SageI'm not sure if you realize this, but ///M-Spec, Duke, Danoff, and I all consider ourselves Objectivists.
Now we're getting to the nitty-gritty. What is "free", and what are "rights". What is "just" and what is"moral". While there are certain aspects of the definitions of these terms on which most people are in agreement, there are also vast grey areas where the terms have different meaning to different people. As I suggested in my previous post, I think the success, such as it is, of Western capitalist/Democratic societies, is in providing a dynamic mechanism for the continual development of a governing consensus on the meaning of these terms. But IMHO no sane society will permit the unrestrained accumulation of wealth and power by "strong" individuals. Would you want to live in an America where Bill Gates IV owns everything west of the Rockies and Donald Trump III owns all of the lands east of the Mississippi.danoffThis is funny. Is a society free if it is not free to prevent its citizens from being free? It's a rather humerous question.
Not for long you say, but as long as the rights of the individual are protected why would the strong ever be able to oppress the weak? Moreover, why would they want to?
Prove it. Cite examples of societies were the violence and ultimately revolution was started by the strongest ones in response of being forced to help the weakest, and where this was precisely the reason of the revolution. Then try to find out revolutions that were caused by the exact opposite.
This is obviously more likely (and humanly justified in my opinion) to cause a violent reaction than a 40% tax on a portion of a high income.
Who gets to play god and choose the cut off price to save the child ?
But IMHO no sane society will permit the unrestrained accumulation of wealth and power by "strong" individuals.
Would you want to live in an America where Bill Gates IV owns everything west of the Rockies and Donald Trump III owns all of the lands east of the Mississippi.
Our society has decided, and rightly, I believe, that more strings than that are needed. You might look at the history of monopolies, and the development of anti-trust laws, as a case in point.danoffThe accumulation of wealth in a capitalist society comes with strings attached. The need to satisfy your consumer base to keep the money flowing.
Ask an Iraqi. They've some experience. Power corrupts, and absolute power...well I'm sure you know the rest. Do you think Jeff Skilling and Dennis Koslowski were inherently more "moral" than Saddam Hussein, or were they subject to more restraints. Dispense with those restraints at your peril.danoffNot sure what that would be like. I can't say no offhand.
Well, wasn't that law was created once public shools were in place? You'd still want to keep that law without them? - So having a child an then financial troubles could mean you go to jail, and child could be taken away from you?You could be put in jail if you did not send your child to school.
This would be a morally and economically better solution? Wouldn't it cost more and have worst consequences (at both individual and social levels) than giving healthcare in the first place?That being said, this mother was neglectful enough of her child to not do that and here she is with a sick kid. The right course of action is that she be prosecuted for child neglect and the child be put in state care until a foster parent can be found.
I never said it would justify a murder, killing someone else wouldn't help. But it's obvious that a situation where someone's child will die because a doctor refuses to treat him as he cannot pay enough for it is more likely to cause a violent reaction than a 40% cut on a fraction of a wealthy person's income.I'm going to have to ask you to clarify because it sounds to me like you just said you could understand if the mother who could not afford the health care would be justified in killing a doctor who was unwilling to perform the service for free... and well that's just terrible.
danoffFirst of all, I'd like to point out that the word free here is obviously out of place. Secondly, it's fine to see taxes as not being taken by force. That's because some of them are required for a free society to remain free. However, almost all of them are not required, nor are they productive.
danoffI'd like to highligh the fact that there has been a lot of sidestepping of the basic premise behind this thread.
--Do you think it is morally justifiable to sacrifice the strong in favor of the weak?--
The answer I keep hearing is no. Which means it's not justifiable to tax the rich more than the poor to provide services unless the rich benefit that much more (which they do not). Hare's post ignores this completely. It also ignores the fact that most of the societies he compared the US to were not free, which is why they ended in violence.
danoffFirst of all, you can be put in jail if you do not feed your child. You could be put in jail if you did not send your child to school. And -I believe, or at least you should- be put in jail if you don't get health insurance for your child. Health care plans are not that expensive and should be thought about before one has kids.
danoffYou have a child with a rare disease on your hands, a mother who cannot afford the life-saving procedure, a doctor who can perform the procedure, a rich man who could pay for the procedure, and a gun (meaning you're the government).
Who's head do you put the gun to? The rich man? Rob him of his money so that the child can live? The doctor? Force him to work as slave to your weapon so that the child can live?
danoffPeople do, however, have a right to be free.
///M-SpecI think both sides of this argument need to take a step back and avoid playing up the worst, most negative aspects of the other side. Famine doesn't want to show up at Bill Gate's house with a torch and pitchfork and danoff doesn't want to crush a homeless family under his Rolls Royce. You can't have a reasonable discussion by dressing up your opponent as an evil straw man.
You're getting my vote for Funniest Member, come the 3rd GTP Awards. That was class.
You can't have a reasonable discussion by dressing up your opponent as an evil straw man.
the better-off should contribute proportionately to what they recieve.
danoffA doctor who takes an oath does so voluntarily and offers his help to those in need voluntarily - and that is the best possible way for everyone.
///M-SpecThank you. I'm glad we can have a laugh or two despite how serious this topic is.
Wow, are the 3rd awards nearing already?