Uh.... What country do you live in....? In the US bush has already made it so that the richest of the rich DONT pay taxes.
87Chevy, don't take the wrong way, because I like you. But you need to stop believing that crap liberal politicians feed you just to get your vote. That statement is so wrong, its not funny.
-The Top 1% of taxpayers pay 29% of all taxes.
-The Top 5% of taxpayers pay 50% of all taxes.
The vast majority of the US tax burden falls on the rich. Source:
US Congressional Budget Office
Those of you interested in analysis (oh! oh! pretty charts!) based on these numbers can find it
Think about that: take 100 random people and just
FIVE of them pays
50% of everyone else's tax burden. So the next time you see a "rich" person, instead of keying his Jaguar, maybe you should thank him for all the roads and subsidised healthcare and tanks and stuff they foot most of the bill on.
Just continue to allow the rich to get richer and let the poor people live in squaler.
Stop making this an emotional issue for a minute and think this through logically.
Wealth is not a pizza. It is not like rich people take too many slices and poor people end up with an empty box. It doesn't work that way. Wealth is a fluid, dynamic thing, not a static one. You don't RUN OUT OF WEALTH as long as there are people working.
What happens when people make a lot of money? Do they just take a bags of gold coins, toss them in a giant vault and when know one is looking, they jump in the pile like Scrooge McDuck and yell "whoope!!"?
No. In a non-planned, non-central economy, wealth is almost always used to create
more wealth. Rich people invest their money. The money is lent to other people so they can start a business, buy a house or pay for their child's education. If they make smart investments, the wealth is multiplied. The new business pays off; the house allows for comfortable retirement and kids end up becoming educated members of the work force. Then the cycle continues.
Does everyone win? Not everyone. Just like life, there are winners and losers. You place your bets, you take your chances. No matter what liberals tell you, there are no guarantees in life. I lost well over 5 figures in a start up venture three years ago. Do you hear me whining about it? NO.
And you make it sound like Americans who aren't "rich" live in a miserable existence with no hope for anything better. That's bullpuckey. I've
been there. I know. Even the "poor" people in the United States command vast riches compared to truly poor people in the rest of the world. Look in any ghetto and you'll see well-dressed kids everywhere. Its hard to feel sorry for poverty when it wears $150 gym shoes.
Why do Mexicans risk their very lives to enter the US illegally at the rate of 300,000 a year??? Surely not so they can live in filth and squalor.
Poor is sub-Saharan Africa. Poor is rural India. If you want to get sanctimonious, why don't you send half of your paycheck to those kids you see on the Christian Children's Fund commercials? Then you can come back here and tell us how horrible we are for wanting to keep some of our hard earned cash.
And where the **** are you people getting the idea that monopolies have never existed? I guess all my history books in shcool were complete lies and propoganda......
Yeah, I think history books are filled with half-truths and distortions. They used to teach white kids they were better than Negro kids too, you know.
THIS. Then get back to me.