Well. All this stuff I keep in my head on this game, and all these pages of information I've written down, and I just now figured out that the little cross recticle thingy on the upper left hand side of your radar helps you locate your destination. Wow, that's so much easier then doing loops looking for the yellow target to jump to the next system. I would of saved a lot of time if I would have known that flying the type 9.
I'm making good progress on engineering mods. Grind doesn't even begin to describe some of them, but I don't find it boring, it beats trading all day for sure.
I'm working on shield boosters now, I'm about to get them to level 3. Your guaranteed anywhere from a 72% to 130% shield boost on level 3. That's crazy, so if I just get an average decent outcome, that's 100%. So if I do that on my 4 boosters, that's like having 8. Level 5 is anywhere from 187% to 279% boost, that's crazy. I could put 8 shield boosters on my cutter, and it would be like having over 20 normal shield boosters on a great outcome. That and I could put the 8A shield gen on, and mod that too for some insane amount of shielding, I may have to try that sometime.
The heavy duty shield boosters are one of the few mods where you almost always guaranteed a better outcome each level. Sometimes on certain mods, if you get a great outcome on a level 3, it's hard to beat it unless you get almost a perfect outcome on a 4 or 5. That's kind of a bummer, because some of those materials are a pain to get for level 4 and 5.
I also wish there was a better way to level the engineers, some engineers you have to get to level 3, to even gain access to another engineer(then you have to meet requirements and do a fetch mission which can take a long time). If you craft 3 mods of the level they are on, it will level them up. So if an engineer is level one, you need To craft 3 of there level one mods. If they are level 2, you can still craft level 1 mods, it just doesn't progress them towards the next level as much.
The problem with this is, most engineers you can only level them up by crafting mods. There's a few you can do other things to level them, but craftings the main way. Each engineer for the most part, only deals in 2-3 weapons or parts. Like there this one, you have to get her to level 3 to acces another engineer. Well she only deals in missle racks, mine launchers and torpedo pylons above level 1. She has level 1 upgrades to HRPs and armor, but that won't progress you much going from level 2-3. You can keep doing a mod over and over, and just not accept it. But if you don't have a missle launcher or those other weapons she deals with, your stuck grinding level 1 HRPs or hulls over and over.
I guess I'll probably end up putting some missle launchers on my cobra or something, just to level her. Once you mod a part of weapon, if you sell it it goes away. I already got decent mods on my pythons weapons, so I don't want to lose them.
It is cool though, all this modding. And once you get an engineer to a level, you don't have to start at level 1 on a brand new part. So once you have your engineers all leveled to where you can get the best mods you want, you can take any ship there and as long as you have the materials needed, can out a level 5 upgrade on right away. Unlocking the engineers and leveling them up is the major grind part. I kind of also seeing it killing the need or desire to fly several different ships. Even if you can take a ship and the engineers are alll unlocked and leveled, it's still a hassle getting the materials, and your not guaranteed a great outcome.