Eminem: As bad as 50 cent

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Following on from here https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=72716&page=5&pp=20

I open this thred to carry on the discussion. People seem to like to bash rap music unjustidly I feel that they dont have enough knowledge on the subject to comment on the whole scene and its pretty much a attack on the whole African american culture.

I also belive that alot of this negative feeling towards rap music by those who listen to grunge rock etc is partly a form of reprocussion if that is the right word to use as people who listen to rap as such tend to be the sellf styled "cool kids" who do and act in a way that people who dont listen to rap dont like them too much and therefore they have bad stuff to say about rap music.

Also 50 cents name will always be mentioned when discussing rap and I belive that the man is a genuis. He is more of a buisness man than a artist.
...my PM in response to Young's claims that 50cent is a genius.

A marketing genius. With a bit of help from eminem and Dr.Dre they have managed to single handly ruin one record company and account for over 50% of a genres sales. He is more of a buisness man than an artist and so hes a genuis.

What the hell kind of logic is that? “He is more of a business man than an artist”, ergo, therefore, it must follow that, he is a genius??? Talk about an unsupported claim. But you go on…

The odds from when he was born where stacked againt the man to reach the age of 21 let alone one of the most powerful men in music today.

Two claims here. One is that he had a greater than 50% chance of death before the age of 21. The other is that he is one of the most powerful men in music.

The first claim is preposterous. I can’t imagine anywhere in the US where more babies die than survive to 21 years of age. The infant mortality rate would have to be staggering. I wonder what periods in the entire history of mankind include areas where one has a greater chance of death than to survive to 21 years old. Perhaps in caveman time or during extreme periods of war or pestilence. Still, this is a simply outrageous claim.

The second part is not quite, but almost equally as outrageous. 50 Cent? Or is it Dr. Dre? One of the most powerful men in music today? Now, I can’t refute that as it stands, because the inclusion of the phrase “one of” allows the list to be extended to include you and me. You’re technically “one of” the most powerful men in music today. As am I. As is the guy next to me. But let’s take something concrete. Is he one of the top 10 most powerful men in music? Is he in the top 5? How do you know? How can you make this claim? Show me your reasoning behind this.

i dont call people geniuses often but I give props where props are due.

That was kinda the point about my post. That you don’t have to call someone a genius to give them props.

Everywher you go people know 50 cent and that must say something as I dont think there are any other young current artist that can boast that.

Well, I don’t know his real name… so I assume you mean that people recognize the band name. How many bands do you think the average person has heard of? Does it really matter if people know the name? I know the name “New Kids on the Block”. I know the name “Marky Mark”, I even know that his real name is Mark Wallberg (sp?). So what? Does that make him a genius? Comeon, surely you can do better than that.

The man made £60 million in one year without selling one record. That speaks for itself.

Thousands of people have done that, who cares?

Just admit it. You were a bit liberal with your claim that he was a genius.

- Dan
Almost exactly the same thing could be said about Michael Jackson twenty years ago. The fact is, without Quincy Jones, Michael would NOT be where he is today. Same goes for 50 cent. Not taking anything away from him, but without Dr Dre, you probably wouldn't even know his stage name. Same thing for Eminem.

Anyway, these kind of artists come around from time to time in every major form of popular music. So, I'm not at all surprised to see 50 cent blow up. But pound for pound, with inflation factored in, I bet MJ's thriller owns 50 cent.

Just so you know, I'm not a fan of Michael jackson's actions, just his music.
Ooooooh, shazbat.

From here...

The man made £60 million in one year without selling one record. That speaks for itself.

Michael Schumacher made £87 million this year without winning a race (well... he won the USGP, but only Tiago Monteiro thought it was a race).

Fiddy Pence is a genius? Time to crank out a new Nobel Prize category then - the Nobel Prize for Silly Hand Gestures and Talking Quickly (to Background Drum Beats) About Life in the Ghetto When You Earn £60 Million a Year.

Stephen Hawking is a genius. Watson and Crick (and Franklin) are/were geniuses. Fiddy Pence is a big bloke who speaks rubbish and apparently has osteoarthritis in his middle two fingers.
my PM in response to Young's claims that 50cent is a genius.
Cause he is :dopey:

What the hell kind of logic is that? “He is more of a business man than an artist”, ergo, therefore, it must follow that, he is a genius??? Talk about an unsupported claim. But you go on…

He was nothing untill he released a song his bosses didnt want him to that gave his name publicity but also got him shot and a revoked record contract. It was cause of this song eminem & dr.dre signed him.

Two claims here. One is that he had a greater than 50% chance of death before the age of 21. The other is that he is one of the most powerful men in music.

The first claim is preposterous. I can’t imagine anywhere in the US where more babies die than survive to 21 years of age. The infant mortality rate would have to be staggering. I wonder what periods in the entire history of mankind include areas where one has a greater chance of death than to survive to 21 years old. Perhaps in caveman time or during extreme periods of war or pestilence. Still, this is a simply outrageous claim.

Most black men growing up in america are expected to be either in jail or dead by the time they reach 21. I cant remember the exat figure but it was high.

The second part is not quite, but almost equally as outrageous. 50 Cent? Or is it Dr. Dre? One of the most powerful men in music today? Now, I can’t refute that as it stands, because the inclusion of the phrase “one of” allows the list to be extended to include you and me. You’re technically “one of” the most powerful men in music today. As am I. As is the guy next to me. But let’s take something concrete. Is he one of the top 10 most powerful men in music? Is he in the top 5? How do you know? How can you make this claim? Show me your reasoning behind this.

Back in 2003 before 50 cent Dr.Dre and eminem were the second most powerful artists. Their earning has sinze quadrupled since 50 cent has come along selling more records than dr.dres and eminems last albums. Click here

Well, I don’t know his real name… so I assume you mean that people recognize the band name. How many bands do you think the average person has heard of? Does it really matter if people know the name? I know the name “New Kids on the Block”. I know the name “Marky Mark”, I even know that his real name is Mark Wallberg (sp?). So what? Does that make him a genius? Comeon, surely you can do better than that.

Well if people who live in countries that are in the middle of civil wars or civic disputes and countries in which the people struggle to feed themselves let alone afford a TV know of the mans name that most mean something.

Thousands of people have done that, who cares?
But only about waht.... 3 black men?

Just admit it. You were a bit liberal with your claim that he was a genius.

The mans a genius. He basically runs the whole rap music scene. Not even by that he sells 80% of all rap music but that he controls most of the other artists who have record sales that just about come close to his. He also managed to financially ruin a record label and other people who were trying to ruin him.
Ooooooh, shazbat.

From here...

Yes but he still raced....
When 50 did sell records he made 140 million. He even makes money of the games album supposedly.

The mans sold nearly 30 million records since get rich or die trying. Not bad.

Tupac was another genius. MJ isnt though because he made most his money from selling records. 50 cent is just 100% pure marketing genius.

50 Cent is not a genius just because he made so much money without releasing an album, you can call him talented (If just mumbling to some beat is considered music) but not a genius, it takes talent and knowing the righ people to do that sort of stuff.

Many businessman can say they have got so and so much of money without hardly moving but are the considered geniuses? No, they just know the field they are playing in.

50 Cent would be absolutley nothing without the guidence of Dr. Dre and to some extent Eminem.

Oh and when you said 3 black men?

Eminem is white.
He was nothing untill he released a song his bosses didnt want him to that gave his name publicity but also got him shot and a revoked record contract. It was cause of this song eminem & dr.dre signed him.

This does not show that he is a genius.

Most black men growing up in america are expected to be either in jail or dead by the time they reach 21. I cant remember the exat figure but it was high.

This doesn't refute what I wrote and it doesn't show that he is a genius.

Back in 2003 before 50 cent Dr.Dre and eminem were the second most powerful artists. Their earning has sinze quadrupled since 50 cent has come along selling more records than dr.dres and eminems last albums. Click here

Still not showing his genius. 50 Cent is not listed on that link.

Well if people who live in countries that are in the middle of civil wars or civic disputes and countries in which the people struggle to feed themselves let alone afford a TV know of the mans name that most mean something.

What? What does it mean? Please tell me. They know who president Bush is, does that make him a genius? You're not establishing your claim.

But only about waht.... 3 black men?

Who cares whether they're black or white? We're talking about intelligence here not skin color.

The mans a genius.

I'm asking you to support this.

He basically runs the whole rap music scene. Not even by that he sells 80% of all rap music but that he controls most of the other artists who have record sales that just about come close to his. He also managed to financially ruin a record label and other people who were trying to ruin him.

Beside the point.
50 cent is a bit like the US of A.

Divide and conquer.

Would you say that as a country the USA is genius cause what america has done is basically what 50 cent has.

Anyone with a good singing voice, or lyrical content or having the ability to rap really fast in beat can sell records. But not anyone can come over to become one of the most powerful people in music over the course of 2 years single handedly. Otherwise everyone would be doing it. A man who released a track denouncing and shaming the whole music industry and then was consequencently shut out from the scene now basically runs it. To do that is pure genius. Its something you would expect from the movies.
A man who released a track denouncing and shaming the whole music industry and then was consequencently shut out from the scene now basically runs it. .

The unsupportable claims have no end...
The unsupportable claims have no end...

Wheres the site that lists record sales by genre? Once I find that I can prove the bit of him running the scene and the song in which he disses every major artist is called "how to rob".
Please Young_Warrior stop.

Its your opinion that he is a genius, it is not a fact. Just quit now.
The thought that Curtis Jackson somehow shut down "Murda Inc" is just...Retarded. Sean Carter, Earl Simmons, and David Styles all have tracks against Jeffrey Atkins and Irving Lorenzo, and all three of them are significantly more influential than Curtis Jackson will ever hope to be.

Yes, I used their real names just to be an asshat. I apologize.
Please Young_Warrior stop.

Its your opinion that he is a genius, it is not a fact. Just quit now.

It is called a Opinions thread.

And there is no way to factually say someone is a genius. Its not like the Lord sends an angel from the sky to tell everyone who is and isnt a genius. Its like the debate we were having about supercars. Firstly how to you define a supercar and who made up the rules to say what isnt and is not a supercar.

Einstein is a genius but it is not a fact as such.
[font=Baskerville, Georgia, serif][size=+2]gen•ius[/size]
[size=+1]a person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect[/size][/font]

I’m not seeing that.
It is called a Opinions thread.

And there is no way to factually say someone is a genius. Its not like the Lord sends an angel from the sky to tell everyone who is and isnt a genius. Its like the debate we were having about supercars. Firstly how to you define a supercar and who made up the rules to say what isnt and is not a supercar.

Einstein is a genius but it is not a fact as such.

Like I said, I'm claiming you can't support your own opinion.

Edit: My favorite part about all of this is where you said the odds were stacked against him to survive until 21 years old. That was priceless.
And there is no way to factually say someone is a genius.

What are you doing right now?! Your trying to? You just contradicted yourself.

Einstein is a genius but it is not a fact as such.

Yes to some extent thats true BUT he is widely considered one of the smartest people to ever grace this world.
Ghost C
The thought that Curtis Jackson somehow shut down "Murda Inc" is just...Retarded. Sean Carter, Earl Simmons, and David Styles all have tracks against Jeffrey Atkins and Irving Lorenzo, and all three of them are significantly more influential than Curtis Jackson will ever hope to be.

Yes, I used their real names just to be an asshat. I apologize.
This is true to an extent but this is where I have an advantage living in the UK. Murder Inc was hugely popular here in the UK to the fact that 99 out of 100 people didnt know about any "beef" between murder inc and Jay Z, DMX or the east side ryders.

It wasnt until Curtis Jackson came along and shot to fame with get rich or die trying that all of a sudden it was uncool to listen to anything murder inc other than ashanti.

Lets look at fat joe's dismal record sales. People were saying that his latest album was gonna be big and sell lots of copies. then 50 cent dropped with piggy bank and it was uncool to like fat joe. And it shows with his record sales.
What are you doing right now?! Your trying to? You just contradicted yourself.

Its an opinons thread. Geniuses are born on opinons which may or may not turn into a mass belived opinon.

Yes to some extent thats true BUT he is widely considered one of the smartest people to ever grace this world.

That is a opinon and I contest that. Show me proof.

See I can be difficult about it too but yes einstein was a genius.
This is true but this is where I have an advantage living in the UK. Murder Inc was hugely popular here in the UK to the fact that 99 out of 100 people didnt know about any "beef" between murder inc and Jay Z, DMX or the east side ryders.

It wasnt until Curtis Jackson came along and shot to fame with get rich or die trying that all of a sudden it was uncool to listen to anything murder inc other than ashanti.

Lets look at fat joe's dismal record sales. People were saying that his latest album was gonna be big and sell lots of copies. then 50 cent dropped with piggy bank and it was uncool to liek fat joe. And it shows with his record sales.

That is a opinon and I contest that. Show me proof.

Thats exactley what were are doing to you, wheres the proof to back up your opinion?
Exactly and now you have contradicted all your other posts. There is no actual way to say someone is a genius 100%.

But then why do you challenge our challenge?
That is a opinon and I contest that. Show me proof.

See I can be difficult about it too but yes einstein was a genius.


Done, next question please.

BTW, YW, this is just about the funniest non-offensive thread I've ever seen.

About MJ not being a genius because he made his money from record sales. I assume you haven't heard of a thing called the music video that he pretty much defined as THE way to promote new music? It's VERY arguable that Michael Jackson is a lyrical genius. But then again so was Betohven(sp), but in their own right. Not just a general genius like you're trying to make 50 cent to be and can't back it up.

Also, I'm black and I'm 29, guess I beat the odds! :dopey:
What's your argument here Young. That 50 Cent is a genius because he's sold a lot of records?? Milli Vanilli sold a lot of records. NKOTB sold a lot of records. They made lots of money outside of selling records too.

I don't see genius for that. You need to convince me that the man is a pioneer in the music industry. Not just going where nobody else has, but that it was challenging to do so and that it was good to do so. You need to show me some kind of rediculous level of creativity beyond other musicians. You need to show me some level of function on his part that is well above and beyond what others are out there doing.

Selling records is not unique or spectacular. Making money selling other people's records or from advertising, concerts, or clothing sales is even less spectacular. Give me something that puts this guy a cut above even the upper echelon of humanity.
[font=Baskerville, Georgia, serif][size=+2]gen•ius[/size]
[size=+1]a person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect[/size][/font]

gen·ius (plural gen·ius·es)


1. somebody with outstanding talent: somebody with exceptional ability, especially somebody whose intellectual or creative achievements gain worldwide recognition

2. outstanding talent: exceptional intellectual or creative ability

3. somebody with specific skill: a person with great specialized skill
a genius with computers

4. (plural ge·ni·i) quality: a special quality that characterizes a place, period, or people

5. influence: somebody who or something that exerts a strong influence
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