Eminem: As bad as 50 cent

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Well, yeah. But where did they get playing the guitar from in the first place? Look at Elvis. The man had talent, but he wasn't very revolutionary as far as music goes.

So there were some people that enjoyed the guitar in blues but wanted to be original. So another style of music was born, but it's roots were in a previous form. It doesn't make the artist less original, just that they benifited from others before them.

So you're saying that rock came up just because they used the same instrument as blues? That makes no sense. It's the way the instrument is played that makes rock rock, and blues blues.
And thats very true, you can go further back to where the blues come from, but thats of no relevance here since it's the origins of Hip hip and Rock being discussed.

Ah, but where did Hip hop and rock originate? heh heh.

Ok, back on topic...if we have to.. :ill:

So you're saying that rock came up just because they used the same instrument as blues? That makes no sense. It's the way the instrument is played that makes rock rock, and blues blues.

I'm not talking Metallica vs BB King. But how about the rock that was coming out at the beginning. It was just different enough from what the parents were listening to to be considered "cool". Much like Hip hop is now.

Obviously, all forms of popular American music have their uniqueness. But they also have a common denomonator. That's all I'm saying.
Rock and Roll evolved DIRECTLY from the blues. Also incorporating elements of white American folk music (early country).

For instance: Blues+Honky Tonk Ragtime stuff=Little Richard.

End of this tangent.
Ah, but where did Hip hop and rock originate? heh heh.

Ok, back on topic...if we have to.. :ill:
Yeah, ultimately the same origins as rock, I mis-read Y_W's post earlier thats all.

So 50 cents not a genius and Eminem's more original than him but still crap, is that the general idea so far then.
The thing you need to know about 50 cent is that he's a buisness man. He doesnt do deals with people he doesnt think will make him money. Just like how he starts beef but then still does deals with people he' beefing with. He was threatning to shutdown d-block cause ofhis beef with Jadakiss. But this is very complicated and i don't have time to go into detail . O btw sup swift long time no see. Watch his Dvd's
This is how I think rock 'evolved' (uh oh, this is becoming a Creation Vs. Evolution thread!) First, as Swift says, there was Spiritual/Negro spiritual then it developed into Blues. Bands like Cream, Zeppelin, Hendrix (though not a band), The Beatles, were all influenced by Blues. Led Zeppelin are widely considered to be the forefathers of Heavy Metal (though they don't sound like it now, they were pretty heavy at the time). Over the years it has become the Rock we know today (with many, many, sub-genres).
Soooo... oh yeah: 50 Cent sucks.

Adding fuel to the fire :mischievous:.
Go, Go, Go, 50 in the house - bounce, y'all already know what I'm about.
The flow sounds sicker over Dre' drums n*gga,
I ain't stupid - I see Doc and my dope come quicker.
Shorty' hips is hypnotic, she moves is so erotic, but watch - I'm like bounce that assss girl.
I get it crunk in here, I make it jump in here, front in here, we'll thump in here.
I'm so gutter, so ghetto, so hood.
So gully, so grimey, what's good?
Outside, the Benz on dubs -
I'm in the club wit the snubs - don't start nothin', it won't be nothin'.
Since Y-W has once again proven to be inept at backing up an argument, and several members have come to a majority decision that 50 cent is not a genius, and it's now off topic, CAN WE KILL THIS THREAD PLEASE!?!?!?
Since Y-W has once again proven to be inept at backing up an argument, and several members have come to a majority decision that 50 cent is not a genius, and it's now off topic, CAN WE KILL THIS THREAD PLEASE!?!?!?

I f you dont like it dont post. 💡

I wonder where some people get their comments from.

As swift has said in modern times all our music comes from blues.
All a ***** really need is a lil bit
Not a lot baby girl just a lil bit
We can head to the crib in a lil bit
I can show ya how I live in a lil bit
I wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bit
Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil bit
Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil bit
Get to lickin' and ****** a lil bit

Do I get a cookie for posting 50 Cent's meaningless lyrics?
The thing you need to know about 50 cent is that he's a buisness man. He doesnt do deals with people he doesnt think will make him money. Just like how he starts beef but then still does deals with people he' beefing with. He was threatning to shutdown d-block cause ofhis beef with Jadakiss. But this is very complicated and i don't have time to go into detail . O btw sup swift long time no see. Watch his Dvd's

Thank you which was my point from the beggining and having nothing to do with his musical talent at all. Infact 50 cent has also bringing in lil john and his artist over to his label slowly and surely the king of crunk which will only undoubtley make more money for him.The mans clever in this day and age you cant make songs that appeal to the masses wilst at the same time have street cred which are the foundations of most rappers success. Unlike many other 50 cent seems to be doing his buisness so that he keeps respect in the hood by the artits hes signing and dealing with and by his mixtapes.
And we dealt with that, right at the beginning,
No they didn't, we said rap sucks, so does Eminem, he sucks a bit less than 50 cent, but he still sucks. Have you not read the last 10 pages of this thread?
One single person I've noticed did say 50 cent is crap but Eminem is good, if you can find more and quote them feel free.
Im not painting anyone as anything but instead I was merely asking.I never once called anyone racist or anyhting close of the sort.
Post #1, page #1:
People seem to like to bash rap music unjustidly I feel that they dont have enough knowledge on the subject to comment on the whole scene and its pretty much a attack on the whole African american culture.
If that's not saying I'm racist, I'm not sure what is.

Most people are talking about how they dislike 50 cent, stop interpreting it as if they are disrespecting the genre as a whole. I like a lot of hiphop artists, but I hope 50 gets ditched from tv soon. I don't even consider him hiphop actually. He's "urban pop"... not as bad as ja rule, but you catch my drift.
As far as im concerned the best music was from 1960's - early 90's. Good beats, emotional and lyrics that were about something decent and you could understand them. Riffs that you can remember after only hearing the song once and great beats.

Not a lot of new stuff is like that FOR ME.

this thread is over

I just dont like listening to how many b!tches he has, or how rich he is.

last night i heard a countdown from 1977, and also the other night was 1984. Great music!!.

Rap and a lot of new stuff just doesnt do it for me.

BTW i agree a lot with james and danoff 👍
I honestly can't think of a reason that this thread needs to go on. So....

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