End Times Prophecy...

  • Thread starter Jpec07
there had been lots of reports already about the end times stuff since the early 90's (perhaps even earlier) but upto now we're still alive. I guess we should just be prepared for anything because it may may just come when we least expect it.
i read pages 1-4 then skipped to the this page, and well its sooo off topic, funny how things lead into other ideas that end up being hardley related.
by the way, i could care less when the endtimes is, im doin all i can to have fun and whatnot i have no regrets, well theres one but whatever.
Originally posted by Mopar Muscle
el gato es grande! como se llamo? encantalde. hasta luego!

GAH! No random posts in religious threads. Are you stupid or something?! Get with the program and stop spamming in crappy spanish...
Originally posted by milefile
The end is in nine years, in 2012. The Torah code says so. I saw it on the Discovery Channel so it must be true.

You must have missed the disclaimer about how the thoughts and opinions of the show are not the direct thoughts and opinions of the discovery channel; any indication that they were would be totally coincidental ;)
Yuck man. That picture is... well... sickening. I'm offended.

Let me guess, you found this site while looking for something totally unrelated to GT, read this thread, were shocked an appalled at the godless heathens who posted here, and just had to evangelize.

Yeah. Torture your god to death. Nice religion.


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Originally posted by Jpec07
I'm not gonna argue this anymore, if you want to try and disprove God, you devote your life to it. Look for all the evidence you can get your little hands on and tell me what happens. I just ama finding it hard to believe that a comment on how modern problems with the earth and solar system are beginning to coincide with end times prophecies in the Bible. Now it's exploded! (how does this always happen to me?)
Coincidence. If someone holds a competition to see who can throw a tennis ball the fastest, and two people throw at the exact same speed as each other, it's a coincidence. If modern day problems match up with the opinions of people from thousands of years ago, it's still a coincidence, no?

But then again, I'm 14 and suck at debates/theories.
Originally posted by milefile
Yuck man. That picture is... well... sickening. I'm offended.

Let me guess, you found this site while looking for something totally unrelated to GT, read this thread, were shocked an appalled at the godless heathens who posted here, and just had to evangelize.

Yeah. Torture your god to death. Nice religion.

LOL, tell us your opinion as long as it's the same as mine? Surely you’re not suggesting? ;)

By the way, it was not Jesus' followers that killed him, but then again, someone had to kill Jesus. It was prophesized long before the messiah was born that He would be a ransomed sacrifice and would die for all our sins so that we might have ever lasting life.

Hi there.

Here's an explantion of my post #217.

I was during a search for End Times Prophecy and this forum was found in the search, I signed up quick and made a post (Post #217). I should have looked more closely to the forum that it pertains to cars, thus I had my posted edited. Though looking at this End Times Prophecy forum more closely, God is mentioned quite a bit here.

The picture of Jesus bleeding from the cross is called the Illumination. This was the vision that Jesus gave to the messenger. Its intent is, that one day the whole world will see this vision at the same time and that each of us will see our soul the way God sees it. We will be given a chance to repent and to live a life more pleasing to God. Though some will not and their soul will be lost forever. I pray that all souls will repent and can be in the Kingdom of God. (myself included)
