- 897
live4speedIn post 18 you called a 4 cylinder drag car that could go as fast as a 9 second V8 one was a rice burner, then in post 22 you said agreed that rice referred to a car with an inline 4 engine and non performance enhhancing mod's, so that's either admitting your post 18 comment is inaccurate ie wrong, or it's a continuity **** up in your viewpoint of what a rice burner is, since a 9 second drag racers mods are hardly, non performance enhancing.
I don't mind you liking V8 engines more than anytinhg else, but say you like them more than anything else, they have pro's, they have con's, they can be better for a certain situation or they can be worse etc.
yeah, your point being?
i consider all 4's rice really, whether they run 9 second passes or not
i know they can go fast
but theres nothing more amusing to me than seeing a hyundai excel with a 4 inch cannon
thanx for allowing me to like v8's by the way