- 33,155
- Hammerhead Garage
I don't think that he should be jailed, but nor do I think he should simply be let off. As I have said before, freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence. Böhmermann cannot simply say what he likes and then run and hide when he doesn't like what happens next. If he believed in his words when he said them, he should be held to them. If he cannot bear the consequences of his actions, then he should have shown more forethought when he said them. His sketch implied that Erdogan watched child pornography and engaged in beastiality. These are serious, heinous insinuations, and putting them in the context of a comedy sketch doesn't soften their impact. So again, I ask, what did he think would happen? Is it unreasonable for someone else to conclude that the reaction that he got may have been different to the one that he anticipated? And if so, is it too much to ask that he take this into consideration?Do you really believe that a comedian with poor taste should be jailed?
My issue is not so much that he said it, but rather that he is apparently unwilling to accept the consequences of his actions, and that people see any attempt to impose a consequence is a violation of his right to free speech. But nobody forced Böhmermann to say it. There's no mitigating circumstance that absolves him of responsibility. If you tell a sexist joke in the workplace and offend a colleague and that colleague takes it to your boss, you don't say "I was exercising my right to free speech" and expect to walk away from it. You take responsibility for your actions, and you face up to the consequences.
Imagine a world where everyone could say whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, about whomever they wanted, and never had to face any kind of consequences for their actions, even when their actions are defamatory or malicious. We'd be living in a state of anarchy, or something so close to it that we would be unable to tell the difference.