Escape from Tarkov & Arena

  • Thread starter inCloud
So far Wipe has been alright. Scaving in has given me some good items and my PVP is alright. I won a few fights but barely; in my last fight the guy had an mp-1533 and an SVDs while I had an MP5 with Quake Maker rounds in it.
Next patch soon:
  • Revolver GL
  • flair gun for air drops
  • rework of NVG(better quality, ir flashlights and lasers)
  • rework of animations
  • Lighthouse island addon for lighthouse map
  • FSR 1.0
  • g36 series
  • .338 bolt action
  • other new shootas
  • lightkeeper isnt straight out with patch
Interesting pre wipe event happening:
  • all traders unlocked for everyone
  • all trades dirt cheap
  • everyone spawning with trait - unlimited stamina for 8 minutes and death after 8 minutes. Timer could be reset if you consume stim that can be found on SCAVs and from airdrops.

Wipe will be in few days.
Patch 0.13:
  • Streets of Tarkov v1 - part of the city of Tarkov, located at the intersection of Primorsky Avenue and Klimov Street. This part of the location contains an abandoned factory, Pinewood Hotel, news agency building, Concordia residential complex, car dealership, Terracot Business Center, cinema, Sparzha supermarket, and other objects of urban infrastructure.
  • Weapons, body armor, and plate carriers can now receive a standard or rare improvement when repaired via repair kits
  • Now the value of the removed max durability of an item when repairing via repair kits depends on the corresponding skill. For weapons it is Weapon Maintenance, for armor it is Light Armor and Heavy Armor. For other items with durability points it is Intelligence.
  • Reworked the Charisma skill. This skill's progression affects the price of insurance, paid extracts, replacement of operational tasks, price of the Scav Box, and Therapist's healing services.
  • Added GP-25 "Kostyor" 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher, M203 40mm UGL, SR-2M "Veresk" 9x21, Steyr AUG A1 and A3, Glock 19X, RSH-12 12.7x55 assault revolver.
  • Added new equipment.
  • Added new settings to the cooperative game mode
  • Added two new upgrade levels for the shooting range. The new levels allow you to set up a variety of shooting targets, including moving targets, and use the training program to improve your shooting accuracy.
  • Added 5 new stimulants
  • Added new voices for Bosses:
    • Killa
    • Tagilla
    • Knight
    • Birdeye
    • Big Pipe
  • Rebalanced weapon mastering progression;
  • Rebalanced trading and prices, added new barter items;
  • Rebalanced conditions and rewards in the old quests, as well as added new ones;
  • Some quests in chains can now become available after a period of time after the completion of the previous one;
  • Various improvements and changes in the Hideout;
  • The spawn points of some quest items have been changed, the item will be in one of the random places located near each other;
  • Some recipes for crafting in the Hideout will become available as a reward for completing specific quests;
  • A new type of extraction is available on Streets of Tarkov, to activate it you will need to fire a green flare cartridge in the area before the exit, otherwise you will be shot by snipers when approaching the exit;
  • Added the ability to add a craft to your favorites, as well as a search by name in the craft list;
  • Added weapon malfunctions for bots;
  • Improved the behavior of Rogue Bosses.
  • FSR 2.1
  • Reworked the sound mechanics
    • Steam Audio has been completely removed from the project and replaced with Oculus Audio. The sound positioning system changes will be noticeable regardless of the binaural sound setting, but we recommend enabling binaural audio for the best experience.
    • In the current implementation, the sound positioning system handles a much larger number of conditions to form the final sound in relation to the player's position.
    • The final adjustment of the positioning is available on Factory, Customs, Woods, Streets of Tarkov. Other locations will have the quality of sound positioning gradually improved in the upcoming updates.
  • Bunch of bugfixes

Wipe here, path will be live after uploading. BTW, there is 25% off for new game purchase and upgrades. Also, Twitch drops will be live today.
I am in Arena.
So, its same core as EFT + spectator/killcam - economy. Round consist of 3 phases:
  • TDM for few minutes
  • King of a hill for few minutes
  • Ai swarm Arena and KOS(happens in 1 out of 20 matches m.b)

Integration into EFT, PvE and FFA modes aren't here yet.
14.0 update is out:
  • new low level(start) location Epicenter for 1-20lvl players with new quests. Basically, smaller Streets of Tarkov.
  • update of Shoreline map - extension of map, new borders, new points of interest, graphics update
  • 9A-91, BCK-94, SIG Spear(.277 FURY), RPD
  • bew boss for Streets
  • persistent achievements
  • new hideout module - trophy wall. You can place items here and get different skill bonuses for that.
  • new hitbox system with waaaaay more zones
  • new plates system for armour. 37 different interchangeable plates for body armour.
  • vaulting
  • magazine loading presets
  • new recoil system
  • Lightkeeper services - sect members doesn't attack, Zrychiy or Rouges cover you.
  • BTR82A services - taxi, loot extraction, cover fire
  • quests and traders rebalance
  • Arena still using 0.13.5 systems, will be updated and wiped later
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PvE mode without wipes. 250$. Whaaat

  • Guaranteed instant access to closed beta
  • Digital copy pre-load
  • Access to PvE co-op mode with persistent progression. Progression will not be reset with wipes.
  • Enhanced stash size (10x72)
  • Unique in-game ID
  • Expanded PMC pockets
  • Increased Fence standing
  • More slots on the Flea Market
  • Unique in-game melee weapon
  • Increased mail retention time
  • Additional background screen option
  • Free access to all subsequent DLCs (Season pass)
  • Access to the Early Test Server (ETS)
  • Additional equipment and resources in stash
  • Increased starting level of character skills:
    • Attention — Level 3;
    • Hideout Management — Level 3;
    • Weapon Maintenance — Level 3;
    • Bolt-action Rifles — Level 3;
    • Pistols — Level 3.
  • Access to Co-op Practice Mode
  • Unique in-game armband
  • Unique radio-electronic item "Mark of The Unheard":
    • The item is equipped in the special slot;
    • The item gives a 50% discount when using cash services in raids;
    • Insured equipment returns 30% faster;
    • With 6+ Fence reputation, Scavs won’t shoot first at ranges over 60 meters away.

  • Ability to build a unique zone in the Hideout;
  • Unique item "Distress signal device":
    • When the item is activated, it produces a bright flash as well as a loud sound signal;
    • Once activated, all players on your friends list will receive a notification that they can join your raid to help you.
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So I guess this is why BSG doesn't like the single player mod! I did get a laugh out of all the hypocritical EOD owners on reddit crying about this being pay to win, meanwhile their EOD edition is exactly that too but many of them play this down. To be fair though, it did say that they would have access to all future dlc so I can understand them being pissed about that part.

Either way, I won't be buying it. I'm happy to keep struggling for stash space with my standard version. I just hope they keep pve and pvp entirely separate in the future.
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I did get a laugh out of all the hypocritical EOD owners on reddit crying about this being pay to win, meanwhile their EOD edition is exactly that too but many of them play this down.
Both aren't p2w. But I don't like those boosters. For me reason to buy EoD was Season pass + Arena.
it did say that they would have access to all future dlc so I can understand them being pissed about that part.
This isn't DLC, its basically another game. DLCs will be integrated into regular Tarkov PvPvE mode.

IMO, PvE thing would be available for 20-35$ in the future, current price tag is a joke. As an EoD player, would buy upgrade for 20$ easily.