Escudo & GTOne 1000 + MPH

  • Thread starter dayboy2k1
Here is how to set the car up to reach speeds in excess of 860mph.

1. Have a car with OVER 1000 HP. Like the Escudo, GT-one race car, or R390 GT1 Race car.
2. Equip the highest stage turbine kit or NA tune possible.
3. Decrease spring rate to the smallest possible value for both front and rear.
4. Decrease ride height to the smallest possible value for both front and rear.
5. Set the gear ratio's auto setting to the highest level possible.
5. Set the gear ratio's final gear to about 3.000
6. Decrease the front downforce to the smallest possible value.
7. Increase the rear downforce to the largest possible value.
8. Set ASM to level 0.
9. Set TCS to level 0.
Let me know if any of you guys can beat that! Post pics if you do... :D
lol, don't worry tokE...

You'll work your way up to a thousand mph in no time...

It's hard at first, but once ya get it dowm, it's a sinch...
Exactly the same set-up, except I have the gear ratio's final gear set to around 2.65XX instead of 3.000...
Just stay at it, and stay off the walls when going around the corners. And when you go around the test track on a MAX SPEED RUN, make sure you go around it in reverse direction, that way you can go around as many times as you want, without it making you finish...
I guess so man. Doesn't look like too many people here can even brake the 800mph barrier...

Maybe one of these days someone else will be able to beat me, :)
ok i set up my car escudo like that and it pops a wheely and hits the wall at like 550mph and there is nothing i can do about it becuase i have no turning at all the car just flips in the air then hits the wall and slows down to 200?
You just have to keep workin' at it. I think twice I was able to go through a turn at 400+, but most of the time the car slows down to 237ish. Just keep the gas pegged, and when you come out of the turn straighten it up as fast as possible, if it comes out of the turn at any angle other than straight you're just gonna haul ass for a sec, and then smack into the wall. You should be able to get 'er up to at least 6, to 8 hundred most of the time after a lil' practice. I have only been able to hit 1000+ twice, and have kept trying several times, but just can't seem to hit it again.

Set the gear ratio's final gear to about 2.5XX or 2.6XX, and do a couple runs, and see whatcha get. Make sure that you go around the track reverse, that way you can go around as many times as you want.

Good Luck, & Have Fun!
Hey that was fun. Using the Suzuki, I was able to hit 1731.6kph not mph. but works out to be 1082.25mph. Came out of the corner at 370kph and takes off right away at 5th gear. except my final gear ratio is 2.000 the lowest. I also set the front/rear power distribution to 10%.
i havent tried it yet but if it dont work about the 50ith time im gonna be pi**ed
( oh and thanks for showen this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
oh and if it does ill be gettin the highest!!

(Edited by jacob at 12:22 pm on July 24, 2001)
What's kinda cool is when you set your car up like I suggested way above, is that it spins the tires all the way up to about 226 MPH.

And Jacob, you won't be able to beat me, hahahaha, j/k.

Man, I'm gonna be pi__ed if someone beats 1151.5MPH!

I don't need to worry though..., I'm invincible, yeaaaap...

Oh well, if anyone does beat me, I'm a kid, and I have all the time in the world to go back and beat YOU!

Good Luck!
hey man i can get my car over 277 mph can u pleazz tell me ur exact settings !!@!!! i really need ur help
im using Escudo pikes peak version 1810 hp and i cant turn on the track i always hit the wall and i cant make it over 277 in my 6th gear

(Edited by Formula 1 racer at 1:48 pm on July 24, 2001)

(Edited by Formula 1 racer at 1:51 pm on July 24, 2001)
Formula 1 Racer. I need to know which car you are using...

THIS is exactly what I am doing...

1. Have a car with OVER 1000 HP. Like the Escudo, GT-one race car, or R390 GT1 Race car.
2. Equip the highest stage turbine kit or NA tune possible.
3. Decrease spring rate to the smallest possible value for both front and rear.
4. Decrease ride height to the smallest possible value for both front and rear.
5. Set the gear ratio's auto setting to the highest level possible.
5. Set the gear ratio's final gear to about 2.6XX
6. Decrease the front downforce to the smallest possible value.
7. Increase the rear downforce to the largest possible value.
8. Set ASM to level 0.
9. Set TCS to level 0.

I tried the prev setts and it didnt work, can someoen post more detailed ones? THANK U, i got the escudo.
1.Equip the highest possible turbo or NA tune stage possible.

2.Decrease spring rate to smallest possible value on both front and rear.

3.Decrease ride height to smallest possible value on both front and rear.

4.Set gear ratio's auto setting to highest possible level.

5.Set gear ratio's final gear to about 3.000

6.Decrease front Downforce to the lowest and increase rear Downforce to the highest possible value.

7.Set ASM and TCS to level 0

Now go out on the test course and when u reach about 230mph your car will begin to catch some air
Flying front end on Escudo and GT40
There is a way to make an Escudo and GT40 front end lift up. Use the following settings and race your car at the test track. At about 230 mph the front end should lift up. Equip the highest NA or Turbo tune-up Put spring rate to minimum for front and back Put ride height to minimum for front and back Put gear's auto setting to widest, and final to 3.000 Put front down force to minimum and back to maximum Set ASM and TCS to level 0.

Found this on another GT site, hope they work fer ya:rolleyes:
u must go manual? It dont work for me :( For WIDEST Auto gear ratio do I put it as far possible to LEFT or RIGHT?

Mines in japanese lol, im so confused!
You are really going 1000mph. It takes time toaccelerate that fast, but it moves you FAST. you see the scenery FLYING past you.

I dont know what F! car you have thats going 300 mph, but I cant get one past 225