Uh, I don't think we should laugh because that actually sounds really plausible. Never thought about it. World War 3 anybody? Europe and Asia all over again? This is Germany's chance to finally secure the Eastern front!One day East and West will invade Russia to fight over the last scraps of gas, coal and oil.
And then they will all freeze to death and Russia expands its borders again.
I would say this is not new, in Australia we have Chinese investers who are very much linked to the Government buying Up Australian Farms here for national purposes.It is my distinct impression that people from Russia and Kazakhstan and working, buying and selling property in Seattle, my town. I think you will find communities of Russians settled here and there in Europe. Am I right?
Probably what's going to happen is that the Greek debt will be renegotiated, avoiding outright default. But then Italy, Spain and the others will want the same treatment. Of course, taxpaying Europeans will have to take up the slack.Tsipras has formed a coalition with the right-wing party ANEL, whose name gives us a clue as to where they think the 'troika' can shove their bailout conditions.
Probably what's going to happen is that the Greek debt will be renegotiated, avoiding outright default. But then Italy, Spain and the others will want the same treatment. Of course, taxpaying Europeans will have to take up the slack.
free tickets to Demis Roussos concerts maybe?
'Negotiate' is an interesting choice of word that is being debated a fair bit in relation to this topic... some people are pointing out, perhaps correctly, that Greece are not really in a position to be negotiating anything. The question is more like whether or not Greece decides to venture further up the creek with or without a paddle. Syriza appear to be banking on (if you pardon the pun) the idea that the 'troika' (basically the EU) will write down their debt i.e. write off at least half of their debt, among other things. I'm not sure what they intend to offer in return, or what they are planning to put up as their side of the bargain - free tickets to Demis Roussos concerts maybe?
Demise Roussos?... - free tickets to Demis Roussos concerts maybe?
Apparently not.Too soon man. Too soon.
I'm not sure what they intend to offer in return, or what they are planning to put up as their side of the bargain
If they stay in the Eurozone. Chances are if they want to play it tough they may be forced to leave. Debts will still be due though.Not dragging the whole Eurozone down with them, i imagine.
You mean by staying in or by leaving?Not dragging the whole Eurozone down with them, i imagine.
If they stay in the Eurozone. Chances are if they want to play it tough they may be forced to leave. Debts will still be due though.
You mean by staying in or by leaving?