Europe - The Official Thread

Yo, France... what the hell dude?
Sigh... more far-right takeovers, just what this miserable world needs. And if the wiki page is any indication, it appears to have extended from (anti-immigrant) racism to antisemitism. Which given how the far-right loves to claim to support Israel and cry about "antisemitic muslims" is rather ironic. But then again, it's not like they've ever not been antisemitic, they just happen to hate muslims brown people more.

The only thing I hope is gonna happen is if the far-right get to rule the country, the voters learn their lesson from voting for a party which promises to be "tough" on immigration, but likely won't do anything (as I've said before, Italy and UK is prime proof that there's no guarantee) and instead will just jump to another target to abuse as a scapegoat for the country's "failure". Not that I think its particularly likely for them to learn their lesson, but still.
The only thing I hope is gonna happen is if the far-right get to rule the country, the voters learn their lesson from voting for a party which promises to be "tough" on immigration, but likely won't do anything (as I've said before, Italy and UK is prime proof that there's no guarantee)
Well, one of the things they might do is only cooperate with the British to the bare minimum in order to prevent migrants heading across the channel to Britain. If France stops its own efforts to stop small boats crossing the channel, it's immediately going to reflect badly on the UK's incoming government.
Well, one of the things they might do is only cooperate with the British to the bare minimum in order to prevent migrants heading across the channel to Britain. If France stops its own efforts to stop small boats crossing the channel, it's immediately going to reflect badly on the UK's incoming government. sabotage? Provided that Labour wins, it wouldn't surprise me if a far-right led France would pull such a move, but it also wouldn't surprise me if they just let the status-quo as is. After all, immigration's an easy issue to exploit for votes at home, and I think most of us here know how nationalistic/isolationist far-right parties are or atleast pretend to be even though they all would love a place in daddy Putin's gold toilet harem. sabotage? Provided that Labour wins, it wouldn't surprise me if a far-right led France would pull such a move, but it also wouldn't surprise me if they just let the status-quo as is.
Just seems like an easy win to me... "If le migrants want to go to Grande Bretagne... why don't we let them!"... it's an easy 'win'... it reduces the burden on France, and shifts the bad optics onto foreign 'liberal lefties'.

I do agree with a policy of aggressively targeting people smuggling rings, so hopefully they'll do that, but if I was Le Pen, I think I'd make migrants on the French Northern coast the problem of Brits on their South Coast.

edit: This is frustrating because our outgoing government has been waffling on about Labour opening the door for migrants, and that's exactly how the media will spin it, whilst simultaneously championing Le Pen.
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