Event Creator

  • Thread starter schlep16
Exactly, this would make too much sense. I wish PD would add a feature like this for GT5...like now.
I remember Sega GT 2002 had a feature like this.... but you couldn't actually participate. You would pick which cars you wanted to race and then watch the race play out, taking pictures etc. It sounds boring, but it was a great deal of fun.

To think about how amazing it would be to actually participate? Oh my. Toronado hit the nail right on the head. This is a feature that would have me spending more time in Arcade mode racing for nothing than in A-Spec racing for credits. I would love the feature even if they limited it to cars in your garage, as I would purchase vehicles that I normally wouldn't get.
Wall of text.

Imagine that you're sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner and suddenly there is a loud crash as your front door smashes off its hinges. It was kicked in by a stranger that just strolls into your house. He walks into the kitchen without making eye contact or saying a word. He climbs up onto your table, drops his pants, and takes a big, healthy dump on your table. He then looks at you as if saying "You're welcome" and leaves.

That's pretty much what it's like when someone deposits an ugly text wall as if it's something worthwhile. They basically crapped on a message board in front of everyone but regarded it as presenting something of value.

If people can't show enough respect to simply whack the Enter key once in a while, I'm not going to respect their ramblings by reading it.
Imagine that you're sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner and suddenly there is a loud crash as your front door smashes off its hinges. It was kicked in by a stranger that just strolls into your house. He walks into the kitchen without making eye contact or saying a word. He climbs up onto your table, drops his pants, and takes a big, healthy dump on your table. He then looks at you as if saying "You're welcome" and leaves.

That's pretty much what it's like when someone deposits an ugly text wall as if it's something worthwhile. They basically crapped on a message board in front of everyone but regarded it as presenting something of value.

If people can't show enough respect to simply whack the Enter key once in a while, I'm not going to respect their ramblings by reading it.

It is for those reasons that I don't believe that PD will ever do something like it.

It is a shame that you might be right on this :( and to think it could be so simple and yet extremely "profitable". I cannot tell you how many times i've been let down when i try to create a LMP race on arcade mode and i get Escudo's and toyota 7's
Imagine that you're sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner and suddenly there is a loud crash as your front door smashes off its hinges. It was kicked in by a stranger that just strolls into your house. He walks into the kitchen without making eye contact or saying a word. He climbs up onto your table, drops his pants, and takes a big, healthy dump on your table. He then looks at you as if saying "You're welcome" and leaves.

That's pretty much what it's like when someone deposits an ugly text wall as if it's something worthwhile. They basically crapped on a message board in front of everyone but regarded it as presenting something of value.

If people can't show enough respect to simply whack the Enter key once in a while, I'm not going to respect their ramblings by reading it.

Happy now? T.T
ToCA was good for creating your own championship. Mixing tracks, picking manufacturers to race against. It is what was meant be "Replay" value in the '90s. It was something that would definitely be a game changer in the GT series.
In the "Biggest Game changing feature PD could add" topic I listed this as my choice


However I took it a a step further.

Let us fine tune the AI cars, especially if there is no credit or XP payout. Let us choose which tires they use, or any upgrades at all to their engine or chassis or body. rFacotr allows the user to upload custom setups to AI cars. Let us do that to. Is that AI Veyron hitting the rev limiter and unable to draft past you at SSR7? Give him a custom setup change to his gears to let him go faster. Is that Formula GT AI driver running too little downforce for Monaco thus making him too slow? Give him more downforce through a custom setup.

If there is a livery editor, let us import custom liveries onto AI cars.

NASCAR 2003, now over 10 years old, allowed for the user to create custom "car rosters" that could be saved and raced against at any time. In NASCAR 2003 after clicking on a drop down arrow you could choose Cup 2005 season, Cup 2008 season, or whatever season mod you had downloaded.

For GT6 this could be expanded much, much further.

For example one roster of user selected AI cars could be called "Formula 1 1998 season" and it will be full of Formula GT cars painted with liveries from the 1998 F1 season. When creating a single race in arcade mode you choose your Formula GT car, then simply select the "Formula 1 1998 season" roster from a drop down selection as your AI competition and off you go.

Even without a livery editor the system will still work great. You could create another roster of AI opponents called "Le Mans 1999". This group of AI cars would include 3 Toyota TS020 GT1 prototypes, 2 BMW V12 LMRs, the 2000 Corvette GT racecar, the 2000 Dodge Viper GTSR race car, etc. So if you want to experience the 1999 Le Mans 24 hours, you can with a few presses of a button.

Or you could get your favorte selection of American Muscle cars and call it "American Muscle", you could get your favorite or most competitive group of Supercars together, a group of highly tuned FF cars, an entire field of Ferraris, etc etc.

The possibilities are endless.
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A possible avenue for expanding on Earth's idea could include making the lists available to friends or a general group of people. If certain lists become popular, PD could use them to inspire their Online Events.
In the "Biggest Game changing feature PD could add" topic I listed this as my choice


However I took it a a step further.

Let us fine tune the AI cars, especially if there is no credit or XP payout. Let us choose which tires they use, or any upgrades at all to their engine or chassis or body. rFacotr allows the user to upload custom setups to AI cars. Let us do that to. Is that AI Veyron hitting the rev limiter and unable to draft past you at SSR7? Give him a custom setup change to his gears to let him go faster. Is that Formula GT AI driver running too little downforce for Monaco thus making him too slow? Give him more downforce through a custom setup.

If there is a livery editor, let us import custom liveries onto AI cars.

NASCAR 2003, now over 10 years old, allowed for the user to create custom "car rosters" that could be saved and raced against at any time. In NASCAR 2003 after clicking on a drop down arrow you could choose Cup 2005 season, Cup 2008 season, or whatever season mod you had downloaded.

For GT6 this could be expanded much, much further.

For example one roster of user selected AI cars could be called "Formula 1 1998 season" and it will be full of Formula GT cars painted with liveries from the 1998 F1 season. When creating a single race in arcade mode you choose your Formula GT car, then simply select the "Formula 1 1998 season" roster from a drop down selection as your AI competition and off you go.

Even without a livery editor the system will still work great. You could create another roster of AI opponents called "Le Mans 1999". This group of AI cars would include 3 Toyota TS020 GT1 prototypes, 2 BMW V12 LMRs, the 2000 Corvette GT racecar, the 2000 Dodge Viper GTSR race car, etc. So if you want to experience the 1999 Le Mans 24 hours, you can with a few presses of a button.

Or you could get your favorte selection of American Muscle cars and call it "American Muscle", you could get your favorite or most competitive group of Supercars together, a group of highly tuned FF cars, an entire field of Ferraris, etc etc.

The possibilities are endless.

I would just add the possibility of once you have created your event (single race or championship) you could send to your friends or share with gt6 community. Each player could download, race and then vote in your event.

Also, if just setting up the car to even the challenge, you could tweak individual AI skills, giving each driver a proper behavior adapted to the car.

To finish, I'm also thinking about having 2 or more human drivers racing against AI online or even on a single Ps4.
This needs to be implemented and happen next game. I'm trying to have a basic race with my mm-R Cup car and its no use. I'm racing an S-Tune GTR for heavens sake. Then I tune it to 110hp and I'm racing tuned street cars and APR S2000 drift car. I make the weight and hp as close to the Spoon Fit and I cant even race another car in my class. I tried practice mode. Tuned to 90hp and still won on sport hard tyres.

I'd much rather double up the mm-R Cup cars and add some of the above ideas to create my own C'hip.
An Event Creator like OP describes it is long overdue.

What I'd also like to see is something that lets you pick a selection of cars from your own garage for online races. That way you could finally enforce regulations for online series. As it is currently, you can't check, if most tuning parts are installed or not. What would need to be figured out though is how to allow people to use their own setups on these cars.

Or, you could just add the list of installed parts to the menu in online mode.
like this? (I do this to every Event Creator thread lol)

Event Creator Choices:

–Choose the Tracks for the series (including order.. duplicates should be allowed)

for each track, choose:
-Time of day/Time Progression including Weather/Weather Changeability/Surface water
-Qualifying / Set Grid Manually / Random Grid
-Standing / Rolling start
-Penalty Level

next screen, choose:
–Your car

–Field size
(2-16 cars)

–A.I. cars (choose individually, by PP or HP or Weight high and low limits, by Drivetrain, or by 'class'- Touring Cars, SuperGT, Kei Cars, Sports Cars, Wagons, Supercars, Classics, LMP, Multiclass, etc...
It would be ten times cooler if we could *create and save a Class- for example being able to choose from our garage AND the entire car list of gt5 to create a grouping of what you, personally, would call "Classic Sports Cars". Save this class and it will be in the list until you decide to modify/delete it.)

–A.I. group or individual Tires (sometimes you just don't want that Ford GT to run away from the pack by 2 miles. Seriously. That ish is boring. I'd rather hang out and battle the pack than chase the rabbit. Let me put some Comfort Soft tires on that Ford and let's see how he likes it.)

–A.I. group or individual Difficulty (1-10 like arcade mode)

–Tire wear, Fuel depletion, Grip on wet/off track, Slow Car Boost, Slipstream on/weak, Visible/Mechanical damage off/light/heavy..

–Finally, you decide points awarded for each finishing position/ or use the pre-programmed formula. Creating and saving different Points Systems would be nice.

–Prizes should be selected by a program that factors the total difficulty after all options are set- hopefully not by PP alone, as we've seen the crap results from that method (generated opponents in arcade, anyone?). Tire selection and # of races + race length should play big roles in deciding prizes. How about helmets, suits, car tuning parts, rare paint chips, and car tickets of all levels?


You know, it's not so much how far a car gets ahead, its more why doesn't any of the other AI keep up! In no way should a GT500 SC430 fall so far behind, you slow down to see what's up and find the AI isn't going full throttle! Then listen as it up shifts and downshifts halfway down a main straight.

I also agree online racing should allow choosing from the hosts garage if participants don't have a suitable car. As well as opting to choose from all cars in game INCLUDING RM & TC and DLC.
from a similar thread in the GT5 forum:


Also, in keeping with their "GT Anywhere," idea, why not let us be able to create our events on PC's, and mobile devices, like they said they will be letting us do with the B-Spec races?

Wow. Never thought of that. Absolutely brilliant.

Also, for any mods watching this: any chance we could merge these up? Maybe get all these great ideas into one beastly thread?

* "Choosing AI cars and Create a Championship"

* "Event Generator"

Which goes back to me saying that no, a race editor doesn't make the game more realistic.
Seriously dude? With a race editor you can create a real life series if PD add all the cars (or most) of a particular series. So yes it adds to the realism.
This is one of the best ideas for the GT series yet! Looking back through all GT games, one thing they all eventually lack is races. Once you complete the game, there are no new challenges. GT5 fixed this to some extent with the Seasonals, but giving us control over the creation of race events and championships can be a two-edged sword. It is too easily exploited if you want to create a race series to get a particular rare car or make lots of money quickly...
I agree a race editor would be cool but that alone would not elevate the status of GT much, also I think they made a mention of an event creator in the reveal so that may be something we get. Ideally it could do both online and offline but online would be the biggie there.

To be the best out there we need better physics, a full leaderboard system, upgraded standards, more online options, better sound and of course a way to add decals to the cars and/or create custom decals to apply to the car.
How about a race editor where the AI's are based on one of your very own best lap replays? So basically you can choose a car/track/tire combination, go out and run some laps, give it your best shot, then the field is created where the cars at the front of the grid have their driving lines and laptimes modelled after your very own driving? Perhaps with some kind of scaling system to slightly increase the lap times of the AI?

I don't think it's as easy as that. I doubt that the current AI has driving lines pre-programmed. That's not how it's done, and not how it should be. The fact that the AI usually follows the exact same line is just caused by the fact that the algorithm for choosing its driving line is the same for each AI-car and represents the ideal solution the way it's programmed. Sticking to a line would also not work with course-maker tracks you have created (because the racing line has to be determined on the fly), so I would say that's the best indication that lines are not predetermined.

What the AI needs is a) better algorithms for behaviour close to other cars, and b) more potential in outright speed. If the AI is 5+ seconds slower in the same car, there's room for improvement. I'm not saying it necessarily has to be as fast as the best humans, but the closer it can go to "human" times the better. (without turning on SRF or rubber-band slipstreaming for the AI)
Most definitely not. How does having a race editor make driving in the game any more realistic?

You ask how? The ability to recreate real life races in the game would definatly make the driving more realistic in my opinion. Realism is not only physics or graphics, realism is also not to have LMP cars in a Nurburgring 24h or to have race cars from the same year and the same class, just to list two.
The ability to recreate real life races in the game would definatly make the driving more realistic in my opinion. Realism is not only physics or graphics, realism is also not to have LMP cars in a Nurburgring 24h or to have race cars from the same year and the same class, just to list two.

I agree.
PD said that we will be able to create our own personalized (online) events in the 15th May Presentation..

Yeah, I hope they'll make this tool available also for offline races against AI. Shouldn't be that difficult.
This was one of my E3 predictions I made the day of the Silverstone event. I've seen a number of them come to be just in the reveal party, so I'm counting on the rest being unveiled over the course of the next three gaming conventions. I consider them pretty much essential for GT6 to be a solid online racing experience.
  • A Club and League building kit, including management tools for inviting (and blocking) members, defining authority figures and assigning them levels of power, creation of lobbies and chat rooms, and hosting of races, perhaps with PSN servers for PSN Plus members.
  • The Event maker, with the capacities discussed in this thread and others. Useful offline as well as online, you use it to create single races, series, championships, even entire racing "seasons," and all the rules and restrictions involved.
  • Race Mod for the vast majority of cars in the game.
  • And finally, a Livery Editor with the capacity to create decals, league racing number plates, as well as entire liveries, and to share these elements as well as user created tracks with others.
To add my log to the fire, I suggest the Event Maker have the capacity to define a racing Season, which would consist of a string of races on selected tracks - a sane number, not 500. ;) Rules would be defined, allowed cars listed, and restrictions applied.

A serious racing season could be 50 races long, or more, so along with everything else, the race hosts and/or league chiefs would have the capacity to define a stopping point, as I doubt too many people have the time for 50 races at a stretch. At the end of each race when victories were recorded, points assigned and personal replays saved, the game would ask to continue (yes/no). If NO is selected, the season's progress is saved until it is resumed at a later date.

While something like this will be a little tricky to code, it wouldn't be any more involved than any baseball or hockey game, which saves an entire season's worth of data for an entire league's worth of teams when you quit for the day. The only difference is that other humans are involved online.
Wouldn't it be great if we could orchestrate/fully customize a race exactly how we wanted to! Imagine being able to choose every single opponent, even their upgrades! We'd be able to recreate legendary Best Motoring batttles or even make our own! Your stock/modded daily car vs a league of supercars or Rally or anything you wish! We'd also be able to choose which position to start from and also the position of the AI (i'd put fast cars at the back and slower cars in front making for some good overtakes) No matter what you chose to do the posibilities would be endless !!!!
Wouldn't it be great if we could orchestrate/fully customize a race exactly how we wanted to! Imagine being able to choose every single opponent, even their upgrades! We'd be able to recreate legendary Best Motoring batttles or even make our own! Your stock/modded daily car vs a league of supercars or Rally or anything you wish! We'd also be able to choose which position to start from and also the position of the AI (i'd put fast cars at the back and slower cars in front making for some good overtakes) No matter what you chose to do the posibilities would be endless !!!!

For some reason your post made me think of a conductor with his little stick waving it around as the cars passed.